OneNote is a great tool for saving and organizing your notes and information, but it can be drab looking at plain white notes all day.  Here’s how you can customize your notebooks’ backgrounds in OneNote 2010.

OneNote是保存和整理笔记和信息的好工具,但是整日看着空白的纯白色笔记可能很单调。 这是在OneNote 2010中自定义笔记本背景的方法。

By default, all of your new notes in OneNote will have a plain white background.  This can get boring after a while, so if you’d like to add some variety, click the View tab, then click the Page Color button and select from one of the available colors.  These all look like standard Sticky Note or legal pad colors, so look very nice for a notebook background.

默认情况下,您在OneNote中的所有新笔记将具有纯白色背景。 一段时间后,这可能会很无聊,因此,如果您想添加一些变化,请单击“ 视图”选项卡,然后单击“ 页面颜色”按钮,然后从一种可用颜色中进行选择。 这些看起来都像标准便签或便签本颜色,因此对于笔记本背景来说看起来非常好。

You can also add ruled lines or grids to your notebook to make it look like standard lined paper or graph paper.


Here’s our fully customized notebook, which looks just like a standard yellow legal pad, except it’s on your screen and expands to hold as many notes as you add.  OneNote will keep your text lined up with the lines on the notebook as well, which looks very nice.

这是我们完全定制的笔记本,它看起来像标准的黄色记事本,只是它在屏幕上,并且可以扩展以容纳您添加的任意数量的笔记。 OneNote还将使您的文本与笔记本上的行对齐,这看起来非常不错。

Unfortunately, the OneNote webapp doesn’t support background colors and lines, so if you edit your notebooks online they’ll just be white as before.  However, if you sync it to another computer running OneNote, then your background and lines will come back just like you set them in OneNote originally.

不幸的是, OneNote Web应用程序不支持背景颜色和线条,因此,如果您在线编辑笔记本,它们将像以前一样呈白色。 但是,如果将其同步到另一台运行OneNote的计算机,则背景和线条将恢复,就像您最初在OneNote中设置它们一样。

添加背景图片 (Add a Background Image)

Want to customize your notebooks more?  OneNote lets you set an image as the background as well.  To do this, first insert an image into your notebook.  Be sure to insert a large image, preferably the size you might use for a desktop wallpaper, as it will need to fill the entire note to look best.

是否想进一步自定义笔记本? OneNote还允许您将图像设置为背景。 为此,首先将图像插入笔记本。 请确保插入较大的图像,最好是您可以用于桌面墙纸的尺寸,因为它需要填满整个笔记以使其看起来最佳。

By default, the picture will be inserted in a new textbox segment.  Select the image and drag it out to the main white area of the notebook to set it as the background.

默认情况下,图片将插入到新的文本框段中。 选择图像并将其拖到笔记本的主要白色区域以将其设置为背景。

Stretch the image to cover your notebook, then right-click on the image and select Set Picture as Background.

拉伸图像以覆盖笔记本,然后右键单击图像并选择“ 将图片设置为背景”

Now you can use your notebooks as normal, except now you’ll have a nice background behind your notes.  If your image was not very large, the notebook may switch back to white as you scroll down, so you could set a background color that complements the background as well so it always looks consistent.

现在您可以像平常一样使用笔记本了,除非您的笔记后面有漂亮的背景。 如果图像不是很大,则在向下滚动时笔记本计算机可能会切换回白色,因此您可以设置与背景互补的背景色,使其始终看起来一致。

Surprisingly, even though the OneNote webapp doesn’t work with background colors and lines, it displays background images fine.  So your new elegant notes will look the same on your desktop or in the cloud!

令人惊讶的是,即使OneNote Web应用程序不适用于背景颜色和线条,它也可以很好地显示背景图像。 因此,您的新优雅笔记在您的桌面或云中将看起来一样!

OneNote is a great tool for taking notes, and now your notes can look stylish as well.  If you’d like to do even more with OneNote, check out some of our other recent articles about how you can put this tool to help you keep up with all your information.

OneNote是记笔记的好工具,现在您的笔记也可以看起来很时尚。 如果您想使用OneNote进行更多操作,请查阅我们最近发表的其他文章中有关如何使用此工具来帮助您掌握所有信息的文章。

Beginner Geek: Getting Started With OneNote 2010

初学者极客: OneNote 2010入门

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将Evernote文件导入MS OneNote 2010

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将您的OneNote 2010文档保存为其他文件格式

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使用OneNote 2007和2010对OCR进行任何操作

Calculate Simple Math Quickly in OneNote



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