
BlogEX 由 Neo101 6 个月 以前 发布于 插件




A Blog EXtension for Maxthon.

Add posts to your blog quickly with this Maxthon Sidebar plugin!
You can now post to your blog without having to go to your blog.
Just open the sidebar, press "New article" or "blog this" (if you like to blog about the page you're currently viewing),
enter a message in the WYSIWYG editor and publish it to the web!

You can add multiple blog accounts to the plugin, view your latest posts, edit/update your latest posts,
open and save "drafts", add categories to posts and add new posts of course.

The most important changes in the BlogEX 1.1.0 release are:
- support for Blogger
- improved "articles list" layout
- made it easier to add an account
- improved performance
- fixed a lot of bugs


This plugin uses the MetaWeblog API and the Blogger API.

Tested with:
- Wordpress
- Blogger
- LiveJournal
- Windows Live Spaces
- Typepad
- Movable Type

But other blog services might work as well if they support the MetaWeblog or Blogger API.

文件大小: 76.6 KB, 适用于
标签: blog blogger editor livejournal movableType sidebar spaces typepad wordpress
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安装 (版本 1.2.0)已被安装 783 次


Version 1.2.0 12 April 2007

- Fixed issue with Blogger and updating posts containing images
- Fixed issue with category selection
- Fixed updating post right after publishing

Version 1.2.0 RC-1 7 March 2007

- Added "Settings" panel, making settings easier to customize
- New Multi-language support
- Added Dutch translation
- Added auto save feature
- improved "Blog about this page" feature. Text selection works better, and you can select a much longer text now
- Added plugin name, version and link to support topic on the Maxthon Forum
- User settings are stored in User Account folder in Maxthon 2.0
- Collapse/Expand state in "article list" is saved
- Added option to make all BlogEX links from the sidebar open in one tab
- you can now save a draft without selection a blog first
- small interface improvements
- Fixed prompt to save changes when no changes have been made
- draft list show last-update time
- draft list is sorted by last-update
- Other small changes



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