
  • Word Preparation
    • script: 剧本,脚本,讲稿
    • climax:顶点;高潮
    • action film: 动作片
    • turn sth. around: 扭转局势
    • action-packed: 动作场面多的
    • keep someone on the edge of one's seat: 使人热血沸腾;兴奋难耐
  • Grammar
    • one of the + (superlative degree of adj./adv.)

Word Preparation

script: 剧本,脚本,讲稿

the written form of a film, play, broadcast or speech

She was the worst actress in the play because she just read off the script.

You have only two days to memorize the script.


the most important or exciting point in a story or situation, which usually happens near the end

I hate having to go to the bathroom during the climax of movies.

The climax of the movie Shutter Island is so surprising.

action film: 动作片

a movie that usually has fight scenes and chase scenes

Do you want to watch an action film or a horror film?

Most of my friends are really into action films, but I prefer romances.

turn sth. around: 扭转局势

to cause a situation to change in another direction

Rocky was losing the fight in the beginning, but he turned the fight around in the end.

I wasn’t doing so well in my classes at the beginning of the year, but I was able to turn my grades around towards the end of the year.

action-packed: 动作场面多的

full of exciting events or scenes

Iron man is an action-packed movie that is so humorous.

The director wanted to put more action-packed scenes into the movie.

keep someone on the edge of one’s seat: 使人热血沸腾;兴奋难耐

an expression used to describe something that is very exciting

I recommend you watch Inception — it will keep you on the edge of your seat!

That movie was so scary and action-packed that it kept me on the edge of my seat.


one of the + (superlative degree of adj./adv.)

one of the + (最高级) 表示 “最…的人/物之一”,后面常跟着best, most, worst, biggest等词。例如,
You are one of the best professors that I have ever met.

  • This is one of the simplest cases to explain why the earth is round but not flat.
  • Music was one of the greatest loves of his life.
  • UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞银) was one of the hardest hit banks during the global financial crisis.
  • One of the best answer is, as some children said, to have no homework at all!

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