
 Teaching Assistant (1996-1998)

Fall, 1996 Natural Language Processing given by Prof. E. Brill 
 Spring, 1997 Computer Architecture given by Prof. G.M. Masson 
 Fall, 1997 Computer System Fundimental given by Prof. G.M. Masson
 Summer, 1998 Computer System Fundimental and Computer Networking given by Prof. G.M. Masson

 Research Group and Projects

Lab for Natural Language Processing, and
 Center for Language and Speech Processing

 Dissertation project (STIMULATE): Maximum Entropy Language Modeling with Non-local Dependencies, supported by NSF.
I successfully incorporated topic dependencies and syntactic dependencies with N-grams in one unified framework. I proposed fast training methods for ME models. I am implementing an maximum entropy toolkit for general purposes with speed-up.
Research Advisor: Prof. Sanjeev Khudanpur 
Academic Advisors: Prof. David Yarowsky

 Qualification projects: Part-of-Speech Tagging directed by Prof. Brill and Topic Sensitive Language Modeling directed by Prof. Sanjeev Khudanpur andProf. Fred Jelinek

 Project at AT&T was on Dialogue System directed by Dr. Roberto Pieraccini and Dr. Esther Levin .

 Projects in China was on Continuous Speech Recognition and Telephone Speech Recognition.

 Interest Areas 

Speech Recognition, particularly language modeling.
 Natural Language Processing, particularly for information retrieval.


B.S., Computer Science, Tsinghua University (1989)
 M.S., Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University (1993)
 M.S.E, Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University (1998)
 Ph.D., Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University. Please click here for the classes I have taken at Hopkins.
 Passed the dissertation defense on August 20, 2002. Here is my dissertation.


The list includes my Ph.D. dissertation, 4 Journal papers and more than 10 conference papers . click here. 
Slides for lectures are also available.


1989-1991, China Educational Electronic Corp.
 1993-1996, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
 1997, AT&T Labs-Research 
 1997-now, Research Assistant at CLSP, Johns Hopkins 
 Other working experiences, click here.


The ELSNET Prize for the Best Student Paper of Eurospeech99, 1999.
The report on Hopkins Gazette is here

 Affiliation and Academic Activities

Member, IEEE Society of Signal Processing

Member, International Speech Communication Association



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