def matmul(a,b,transpose_a=False,transpose_b=False,adjoint_a=False,adjoint_b=False,a_is_sparse=False,b_is_sparse=False,name=None):"""Multiplies matrix `a` by matrix `b`, producing `a` * `b`.将矩阵a与矩阵b相乘,得出a * b。The inputs must, following any transpositions, be tensors of rank >= 2where the inner 2 dimensions specify valid matrix multiplication arguments,and any further outer dimensions match.在进行任何换位后,输入必须为(秩?)> = 2的张量,其中内部2维指定有效的矩阵乘法自变量,并且任何其他外部维匹配。Both matrices must be of the same type. The supported types are:`float16`, `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `complex128`.两种矩阵必须属于同一类型。 支持的类型有:`float16`,`float32`,`float64`,`int32`,`complex64`,`complex128`。Either matrix can be transposed or adjointed (conjugated and transposed) onthe fly by setting one of the corresponding flag to `True`. These are `False`by default.通过将相应标志之一设置为“ True”,可以即时对矩阵进行转置或连接(共轭和转置)。 这些默认为False。If one or both of the matrices contain a lot of zeros, a more efficientmultiplication algorithm can be used by setting the corresponding`a_is_sparse` or `b_is_sparse` flag to `True`. These are `False` by default.This optimization is only available for plain matrices (rank-2 tensors) withdatatypes `bfloat16` or `float32`.如果一个或两个矩阵都包含大量零,则可以通过将相应的“ a_is_sparse”或“ b_is_sparse”标志,设置为“ True”来使用更有效的乘法算法。 这些默认为False。此优化仅适用于数据类型为bfloat16或float32的普通矩阵(秩2张量)。For example:```python# 2-D tensor `a`# [[1, 2, 3],#  [4, 5, 6]]a = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], shape=[2, 3])# 2-D tensor `b`# [[ 7,  8],#  [ 9, 10],#  [11, 12]]b = tf.constant([7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], shape=[3, 2])# `a` * `b`# [[ 58,  64],#  [139, 154]]c = tf.matmul(a, b)# 3-D tensor `a`# [[[ 1,  2,  3],#   [ 4,  5,  6]],#  [[ 7,  8,  9],#   [10, 11, 12]]]a = tf.constant(np.arange(1, 13, dtype=np.int32),shape=[2, 2, 3])# 3-D tensor `b`# [[[13, 14],#   [15, 16],#   [17, 18]],#  [[19, 20],#   [21, 22],#   [23, 24]]]b = tf.constant(np.arange(13, 25, dtype=np.int32),shape=[2, 3, 2])# `a` * `b`# [[[ 94, 100],#   [229, 244]],#  [[508, 532],#   [697, 730]]]c = tf.matmul(a, b)# Since python >= 3.5 the @ operator is supported (see PEP 465).# In TensorFlow, it simply calls the `tf.matmul()` function, so the# following lines are equivalent:由于python> = 3.5,因此支持@运算符(请参阅PEP 465)。在TensorFlow中,它仅调用`tf.matmul()`函数,因此以下几行是等效的:d = a @ b @ [[10.], [11.]]d = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(a, b), [[10.], [11.]])Args:a: `Tensor` of type `float16`, `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`,`complex128` and rank > 1.类型为`float16`,`float32`,`float64`,`int32,`complex64`,`complex128`和秩> 1的`Tensor`。b: `Tensor` with same type and rank as `a`.具有与a相同类型和秩的Tensor。transpose_a: If `True`, `a` is transposed before multiplication.如果为True,则在相乘之前对a进行转置。transpose_b: If `True`, `b` is transposed before multiplication.如果为True,则在相乘之前将b换位。adjoint_a: If `True`, `a` is conjugated and transposed beforemultiplication.如果为True,则在相乘之前对a进行共轭和转置。adjoint_b: If `True`, `b` is conjugated and transposed beforemultiplication.如果为True,则在相乘之前对b进行共轭和转置。a_is_sparse: If `True`, `a` is treated as a sparse matrix.如果为True,则将a视为稀疏矩阵。b_is_sparse: If `True`, `b` is treated as a sparse matrix.如果为True,则将b视为稀疏矩阵。name: Name for the operation (optional).操作名称(可选)。Returns:A `Tensor` of the same type as `a` and `b` where each inner-most matrix isthe product of the corresponding matrices in `a` and `b`, e.g. if alltranspose or adjoint attributes are `False`:与`a`和`b`具有相同类型的`张量`,其中每个最里面的矩阵是`a`和`b`中对应矩阵的乘积,例如 如果所有转置或伴随属性均为False:`output`[..., i, j] = sum_k (`a`[..., i, k] * `b`[..., k, j]),for all indices i, j.Note: This is matrix product, not element-wise product.这是矩阵乘积,而不是元素乘积。Raises:ValueError: If transpose_a and adjoint_a, or transpose_b and adjoint_bare both set to True."""with ops.name_scope(name, "MatMul", [a, b]) as name:if transpose_a and adjoint_a:raise ValueError("Only one of transpose_a and adjoint_a can be True.")if transpose_b and adjoint_b:raise ValueError("Only one of transpose_b and adjoint_b can be True.")if context.executing_eagerly():if not isinstance(a, (ops.EagerTensor, _resource_variable_type)):a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")if not isinstance(b, (ops.EagerTensor, _resource_variable_type)):b = ops.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")else:a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")b = ops.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")# TODO(apassos) remove _shape_tuple here when it is not needed.a_shape = a._shape_tuple()  # pylint: disable=protected-accessb_shape = b._shape_tuple()  # pylint: disable=protected-accessif (not a_is_sparse andnot b_is_sparse) and ((a_shape is None or len(a_shape) > 2) and(b_shape is None or len(b_shape) > 2)):# BatchMatmul does not support transpose, so we conjugate the matrix and# use adjoint instead. Conj() is a noop for real matrices.if transpose_a:a = conj(a)adjoint_a = Trueif transpose_b:b = conj(b)adjoint_b = Truereturn gen_math_ops.batch_mat_mul(a, b, adj_x=adjoint_a, adj_y=adjoint_b, name=name)# Neither matmul nor sparse_matmul support adjoint, so we conjugate# the matrix and use transpose instead. Conj() is a noop for real# matrices.if adjoint_a:a = conj(a)transpose_a = Trueif adjoint_b:b = conj(b)transpose_b = Trueuse_sparse_matmul = Falseif a_is_sparse or b_is_sparse:sparse_matmul_types = [dtypes.bfloat16, dtypes.float32]use_sparse_matmul = (a.dtype in sparse_matmul_types and b.dtype in sparse_matmul_types)if ((a.dtype == dtypes.bfloat16 or b.dtype == dtypes.bfloat16) anda.dtype != b.dtype):# matmul currently doesn't handle mixed-precision inputs.use_sparse_matmul = Trueif use_sparse_matmul:ret = sparse_matmul(a,b,transpose_a=transpose_a,transpose_b=transpose_b,a_is_sparse=a_is_sparse,b_is_sparse=b_is_sparse,name=name)# sparse_matmul always returns float32, even with# bfloat16 inputs. This prevents us from configuring bfloat16 training.# casting to bfloat16 also matches non-sparse matmul behavior better.if a.dtype == dtypes.bfloat16 and b.dtype == dtypes.bfloat16:ret = cast(ret, dtypes.bfloat16)return retelse:return gen_math_ops.mat_mul(a, b, transpose_a=transpose_a, transpose_b=transpose_b, name=name)


相乘后,除后两维之外的维度不变,后两维变成(i,k),如(…,i,j)*(…,j,k)= (…,i,k)

参考文章:[tensorflow] 多维矩阵的乘法

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