linksys 打印软件

I just blogged about how I simplified my home network with a MoCA/Ethernet bridge. As a part of my home network rebuild, I swapped out my Netgear N600 for a shiny new Linksys WRT1900AC Wireless Router.

我刚刚写了一篇关于如何使用MoCA /以太网桥简化家庭网络的博客。 作为家庭网络重建的一部分,我将Netgear N600换成了闪亮的新Linksys WRT1900AC无线路由器

I've been a Linksys WRT54G fan for almost a decade. I ran HyperWRT for a while and then ended up with DD-WRT. Having a reliable, hackable router was a joy back in the day.

我一直是Linksys WRT54G风扇的近十年了。 我运行HyperWRT一段时间,然后以DD-WRT告终。 拥有可靠的,可入侵的路由器是当下的欢乐。

硬体 (The Hardware)

The new Linksys WRT1900AC has a design that is clearly meant to evoke the WRT54G, but it's a whole new beast. My first WRT54G was a Broadcom BCM4702 running @ 125Mhz, although later models went to 240Mhz. It had 16 megs of RAM and 4 megs of Flash. I was thrilled that theh WRT54G had "fast ethernet."

新型Linksys WRT1900AC的设计显然可以唤起WRT54G,但它是全新的野兽。 我的第一个WRT54G是Broadcom BCM4702,运行速度为125Mhz,但后来的型号为240Mhz。 它有16兆的RAM和4兆的闪存。 WRT54G具有“快速以太网”功能令我感到非常兴奋。

Compare that to the WRT1900AC with its dual-core 1.2Ghz ARM processor with 256 megs of DDR3. It's a PC, frankly, and I appreciate the power and flexibility.

相比之下,WRT1900AC带有双核1.2Ghz ARM处理器和256mcg DDR3。 坦率地说,这是一台PC,我感谢它的强大功能和灵活性。

This router is clearly a little spendy, and I was initially wondering it US$249 is worth the money. However, after using it for a week I can say yes. Let's say that it only lasts a year, that's less than $1 a day. If it lasts 5 years like previous routers, it's pennies. Considering that I work from home and need consistent and reliable connectivity, I'm willing to pay a premium for a premium device.

这个路由器显然有点花钱,我最初想知道249美元值得吗。 但是,使用一周后,我可以说。 假设它只持续一年,每天不到$ 1。 如果它能像以前的路由器一样持续5年,那便是几分钱。 考虑到我在家工作,需要始终如一的可靠连接,我愿意为高端设备支付高价。

First, this is a 802.11a/b/g/n router and supports all devices, including the newer 80.11ac spec. It cover the full spectrum, pun intended, and has both 2.4GHz and 5.0Ghz support. It's got 4 large adjustable antennas, and the whole device is the size of a medium pizza. They even warn you not to put stuff on top of it so you don't block the heat sink.

首先,这是802.11a / b / g / n路由器,支持所有设备,包括较新的80.11ac规范。 它涵盖了所有频谱,是双关语意的,并具有2.4GHz和5.0Ghz支持。 它有4个大型可调天线,整个装置只有中等大小的披萨大小。 他们甚至警告您不要在上面放东西,以免您挡住散热器。

I was also pleasantly surprised that the WRT1900AC has a USB 3.0 port and an eSATA port where you can plug in external storage, then access it as a file share. I was just talking to a neighbor who was considering a $600 NAS (Network Attached Storage) device, and I see now that the WRT1900AC could be that basic NAS for him. It supports FAT, NTFS, and HFS+ filesystems.

WRT1900AC具有USB 3.0端口和eSATA端口,您可以在其中插入外部存储,然后以文件共享的形式访问它,这也让我感到惊喜。 我只是和正在考虑购买600美元NAS(网络附加存储)设备的邻居交谈,现在我看到WRT1900AC可能是他的基本NAS。 它支持FAT,NTFS和HFS +文件系统。

It's also super fast. Here's a large file copy for example. It's fast and rock solid at 100+ megabytes a second. I'm getting between 40-60 megabytes a second over wireless. I've also been able to get 20-40 megs a second off an attached hard drive. It's a competent simple NAS.

它也超级快。 例如,这是一个大文件副本。 它的速度快而坚如磐石,每秒可超过100兆字节。 我正在通过无线传输每秒40-60兆字节。 我还能够从连接的硬盘驱动器上获得每秒20-40兆的收入。 这是一款功能强大的简单NAS。

It's been consistently faster than my previous router in basically everything that I do. I haven't done formal tests, but it's looking like 20-30% just on the wireless side.

在我所做的所有事情中,它的速度始终比以前的路由器快。 我尚未进行正式测试,但在无线方面仅占20-30%。

软体 (The Software)

The WRT1900AC also will support OpenWRT later this year, and Linksys is encouraging folks like the DD-WRT, Open WRT, and Tomato projects to target this device. It's nice when a company creates hardware and doesn't freak out when the community wants to hack on it.

WRT1900AC也将在今年晚些时候支持OpenWRT,Linksys鼓励诸如DD-WRT,Open WRT和Tomato项目之类的人瞄准该设备。 当公司创建硬件,而社区希望对其进行破解时却不为所动,这真是太好了。

The installation was a breeze and I was impressed that they included a non-standard default password for out of the box security.


Their initial release of the built-in software is a little lacking, IMHO, in a few areas, most notably QoS (Quality of Service) and is a little bit of a step back from my previous routers. I'd like more absolute control over my traffic, but that's me. To compensate, I marked my Xbox and my Work PC as needing preferred packets, so rather than prioritizing specific traffic, the router will prioritize these machines by MAC address.

他们最初在一些方面缺少内置软件的发布,恕我直言,最值得注意的是QoS(服务质量),并且比我以前的路由器稍差一点。 我想对流量进行更绝对的控制,但这就是我。 为了进行补偿,我将Xbox和Work PC标记为需要首选数据包,因此,路由器将按MAC地址对这些计算机进行优先级排序,而不是对特定流量进行优先级排序。

While it does lack in some places, it makes up in others. The interface is fast, and easy to use.

尽管在某些地方确实缺乏,但在其他地方却弥补了。 界面快速,易于使用。

You can access lots of logs, diagnostics, and stats for everything. However, I have spent most of my time in the Network Map.

您可以访问许多日志,诊断信息和统计信息。 但是,我大部分时间都花在了网络地图上。

Not to harp on this feature, but I really like this real-time filterable network map. From here I can see who's on which wireless channels, reserve DHCP leases, filter devices by type. It's a gimmick, but it's a gimmick that works and works well.

不要急于使用此功能,但我真的很喜欢此实时可过滤网络地图。 从这里我可以看到谁在哪个无线通道上,保留DHCP租约,按类型过滤设备。 这是一个头,但这是一个行之有效的头。

I also registered my router with the site. This allows me to remotely manage the router from anywhere (without a account or opening the firewall) as well as from my iPhone. This also potentially means I could debug those network issues that only pop up when I'm travelling and my wife is trying to get on the internet. ;)

我还在LinksysSmartWifi.com网站上注册了路由器。 这使我可以从任何地方(没有dyndns.org帐户或打开防火墙)以及从iPhone远程管理路由器。 这也潜在地意味着我可以调试仅在我出差且妻子试图上网时弹出的网络问题。 ;)

All in all, I'm very satisfied with this new router.


  • I've got greater wireless coverage than ever before. 我的无线覆盖范围比以往任何时候都大。
  • I've got good management tools, inside, outside, and while mobile. 内部,外部和移动时,我都有很好的管理工具。
  • The speed is as good as anything I've ever used. 速度与我使用过的速度一样好。
  • It has 90% of the features I need, and I'm confident I'll get more advanced features with updates or via open source projects. 它具有我需要的90%的功能,并且我相信我会通过更新或通过开源项目获得更高级的功能。

For now, the Linksys WRT1900AC Wireless Router is sold only at Best Buy or on direct. It's worth the money if you want the fastest router out there.

目前,仅在百思买或Directsys.com上出售Linksys WRT1900AC无线路由器。 如果您想要最快的路由器,那是值得的。

* Disclaimer: I use affiliate links to buy gadgets and tacos. Click them and you support me, my lunch, and my blog.

*免责声明:我使用会员链接购买小工具和炸玉米饼。 单击它们,您将支持我,我的午餐和我的博客。


linksys 打印软件

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