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Newer Linksys routers have a File Server feature that allows you to plug in a USB drive and access its files from anywhere–ensuring you’ll never be too far away from your library of favorite movies, music, and pictures, no matter where you are in the world.


Once successfully set up, you’ll be able to remotely access any of your media files through Linksys’ “Smart Wi-Fi” feature, without the need for a separate desktop-based server. It may not be as feature-filled as a full home server, but it can do quite a bit–all for just the cost of a USB drive.

一旦成功设置,您就可以通过Linksys的“智能Wi-Fi”功能远程访问任何媒体文件,而无需单独的基于桌面的服务器。 它可能不像完整的家庭服务器那样具有丰富的功能,但是它可以做很多工作-只需USB驱动器的成本即可。

第一步:格式化硬盘 (Step One: Format Your Hard Drive)

To begin, you’ll need an external hard drive or USB flash drive, as well as some movies, music, or photos.


Linksys routers are only compatible with drives formatted in either FAT32 or NTFS, so you’ll need to make sure your drive uses one of those file systems. (You’ll want to use NTFS if you have any files over 4GB you want on the drive).

Linksys路由器仅与以FAT32或NTFS格式格式化的驱动器兼容,因此您需要确保驱动器使用这些文件系统之一。 (如果驱动器上有超过4GB的文件,则需要使用NTFS)。

First, plug the drive into your computer, and locate it in Windows’ File Explorer. Next, right-click the drive icon, and click “Properties” from the drop-down menu.

首先,将驱动器插入计算机,然后在Windows的“文件资源管理器”中找到它。 接下来,右键单击驱动器图标,然后从下拉菜单中单击“属性”。

You want to look for the type of file system the drive is using to partition its volumes, which can be found in the space highlighted below.


If your drive is using the correct file system for your needs, go ahead and skip to the next section. If you need to re-format it, you can do so by right-clicking on the drive again, and choosing the “Format” option. NOTE: This will erase everything on the drive.

如果驱动器使用的是正确的文件系统,请继续并跳至下一部分。 如果需要重新格式化,可以再次在驱动器上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“格式化”选项。 注意:这将擦除驱动器上的所有内容。

Next, choose either “FAT32” or “NTFS” from the following drop-down menu.

接下来,从下面的下拉菜单中选择“ FAT32”或“ NTFS”。

第二步:将电影,音乐和照片添加到驱动器 (Step Two: Add Movies, Music, and Photos to Your Drive)

Once your drive is formatted, it’s time to add your movies, music, and photos that you want shared over the server. To move the media from your PC to the flash drive, drag the files to the drive using File Explorer, shown below as “SampleVideo.mp4”.

格式化驱动器后,就可以添加要在服务器上共享的电影,音乐和照片了。 要将媒体从PC移至闪存驱动器,请使用文件资源管理器将文件拖至驱动器,如下图所示:“ SampleVideo.mp4”。

Be sure ahead of time that any media you want to watch is supported on the device you plan to view it on before you copy anything over. This means that if you want to watch a .mov file, it won’t work on an Android device, since Android doesn’t support .mov files. Similarly a .flv movie won’t play on an iPhone, and so on. To learn how to convert your media files to the appropriate format, you can check out our guide here.

计划复制之前,请确保在计划观看的设备上支持要观看的任何媒体。 这意味着,如果您想观看.mov文件,那么它将无法在Android设备上运行,因为Android不支持.mov文件。 同样,.flv电影无法在iPhone上播放,依此类推。 要了解如何将媒体文件转换为适当的格式,可以在此处查看我们的指南。

第三步:将驱动器插入Linksys路由器 (Step Three: Plug Your Drive Into Your Linksys Router)

Once the drive is loaded with your media, plug it into the back of your Linksys router. Then, sign into your Smart Wi-Fi dashboard by visiting “” in your preferred web browser, and logging in with the details you set up when you originally bought your router. If you don’t have an account, click the “Don’t have an account?” link, located directly below the sign in box.

将驱动器装入介质后,将其插入Linksys路由器的背面。 然后,通过在首选的Web浏览器中访问“ ”并登录到您最初购买路由器时设置的详细信息,登录到Smart Wi-Fi仪表板。 如果您没有帐户,请单击“没有帐户?” 链接,位于登录框正下方。

If your USB drive has been properly recognized, you should see a window like what we’ve hightlighted below.


This is a small widget that tells you how much space is on the drive, and whether the media and FTP servers are switched on or off. Click the button to “Manage External Storage”, and you’ll be taken to the following overview screen.

这是一个小部件,它告诉您驱动器上有多少空间以及媒体和FTP服务器是打开还是关闭。 点击“管理外部存储”按钮,您将进入以下概述屏幕。

This is where you’ll be able to see the status of all the different ways to access the drive, including the Media Server.


如何使用文件夹共享访问网络上的文件 (How to Access Your Files on the Network with Folder Sharing)

The simplest way to access your files is with simple folder sharing, over your home network. After plugging in your drive, your router will automatically share its files over the network. You can open Windows Explorer on your computer, see all your files, and play them as if they were sitting right there, on your computer–as long as you’re connected to your home network.

访问文件的最简单方法是通过家庭网络进行简单的文件夹共享。 插入驱动器后,路由器将自动通过网络共享其文件。 只要您已连接到家庭网络,就可以在计算机上打开Windows资源管理器,查看所有文件,然后就像在它们旁边一样播放它们。

From the External Storage page in the Smart Wi-Fi dashboard, you can find your router’s IP address on the right side under “PC Access”, as shown below.

在Smart Wi-Fi仪表板的“外部存储”页面中,您可以在“ PC访问”下的右侧找到路由器的IP地址,如下所示。

In this example, you can see the router has already set itself as “\\”. Open Windows Explorer, punch that into the address bar…

在此示例中,您可以看到路由器已经将自身设置为“ \\”。 打开Windows资源管理器,将其打入地址栏…

…and press Enter. You’ll see your shared folders show up. You can open them just like normal folders, and view the files inside of them on your computer.

…,然后按Enter键。 您会看到共享文件夹出现。 您可以像打开普通文件夹一样打开它们,并在计算机上查看其中的文件。

By default, these will be visible and accessible to anyone who’s linked to the local network, with no username or password required.


如何用密码保护共享文件夹 (How to Password-Protect Your Shared Folders)

Chances are you don’t want anyone on the network to be able to access your movies willy-nilly–and you definitely don’t want everyone to have free access if you make them accessible over the internet (which we’ll do later in this guide). This is where the Linksys “Secure Folder Access” system comes in, which gives you the ability to control who can and can’t view your media on a folder-by-folder basis.

您可能不希望网络上的任何人都可以随意访问您的电影,并且您绝对不希望所有人都可以通过互联网访问免费电影(我们将在稍后介绍)本指南)。 这是Linksys的“安全文件夹访问”系统的来源,它使您能够控制逐个文件夹查看和不查看媒体的权限。

To create a username and password for your media content, start by clicking the “Folder Access” tab in External Storage on the Smart Wi-Fi dashboard, where you’ll see the following window.

要为您的媒体内容创建用户名和密码,请先在Smart Wi-Fi仪表板上的外部存储中单击“文件夹访问”选项卡,您将在其中看到以下窗口。

Here you can add, remove, and manage users who have access to your media server, as well as customizing which folders they’ll be able to see. Start by typing a new username into the box (seen above as “New User2”), give them a password, and designate whether they can read & write files, or just read them. To control what media they see, click the “Select share” link. From the prompt, select the folders you want that user to be able to access.

在这里,您可以添加,删除和管理有权访问您的媒体服务器的用户,以及自定义他们将能够看到的文件夹。 首先,在框中输入新的用户名(在上面称为“ New User2”),为他们提供密码,并指定他们是可以读写文件还是只读取文件。 要控制他们看到的媒体,请单击“选择共享”链接。 在提示符下,选择您希望该用户能够访问的文件夹。

Now, when anyone tries to access a specific folder, they’ll be asked to enter their credentials before getting through.


如何将电影流式传输到Xbox One或PlayStation 4等DLNA设备 (How to Stream Your Movies to DLNA Devices like an Xbox One or PlayStation 4)

The best way to take your media off the small screen and into a full theater setting is with a DLNA-compatible device. DLNA stands for “Digital Living Network Alliance”, and includes any device that’s already set up to recognize networked media servers without any additional software or firmware updates necessary. Some examples include popular gaming consoles like the Xbox One and Playstation 4, as well as streaming boxes/sticks like the Roku.

将媒体从小屏幕移到完整影院设置的最佳方法是使用DLNA兼容设备。 DLNA代表“数字生活网络联盟”,它包括任何已设置为识别联网媒体服务器的设备,而无需任何其他软件或固件更新。 一些例子包括流行的游戏机,例如Xbox One和Playstation 4,以及流媒体盒/棍棒(如Roku)。

To make the drive visible to DLNA devices, start by clicking on the “Media Server” tab along the top of the External Storage window. From there, you can turn the media server on by switching over the toggle, highlighted below.

要使驱动器对DLNA设备可见,请单击“外部存储”窗口顶部的“媒体服务器”选项卡。 从那里,您可以通过切换下面突出显示的开关来打开媒体服务器。

Next, you’ll need to tell Linksys what folders to put up for sharing. To do this, click on the “Add New Folder” button, after which you’ll be greeted by the following prompt.

接下来,您需要告诉Linksys要放置哪些文件夹以进行共享。 为此,请单击“添加新文件夹”按钮,随后会出现以下提示,欢迎您。

When we moved our media to our flash drive, for example, we placed it in a folder called “All My Media”, which Smart Wi-Fi has detected above. Select the folder that contains your media, and press the “Ok” button, which will apply your new shares.

例如,当我们将媒体移动到闪存驱动器时,我们将其放置在一个名为“所有我的媒体”的文件夹中,上面已由Smart Wi-Fi检测到。 选择包含您的媒体的文件夹,然后按“确定”按钮,这将应用您的新共享。

You’ll see the name of the share at the bottom of the External Storage page. Make a mental note of it, as this is what you’ll look for on your DLNA devices.

您将在“外部存储”页面的底部看到共享的名称。 记下它,因为这是您在DLNA设备上寻找的东西。

If your streaming device is DLNA-compatible, this Linksys Media Server folder should automatically appear the next time you use the media player on the device. Finding this folder will change from device to device though, depending on its own interface.

如果您的流媒体设备兼容DLNA,则下次您在设备上使用媒体播放器时,此Linksys Media Server文件夹应自动出现。 查找该文件夹的方法因设备而异,具体取决于其自身的界面。

For example, we tested our DLNA server with an Xbox 360. To get the Xbox 360 to play the content, first we had to sign into Xbox Live, then open up the “Movies and TV” app, downloaded with the latest update to the console’s firmware.

例如,我们用Xbox 360测试了DLNA服务器。要使Xbox 360播放内容,首先我们必须登录Xbox Live,然后打开“电影和电视”应用程序,下载该应用程序的最新更新。控制台的固件。

Next, we scrolled down to “Connected Devices”, where the router had tagged the folder containing the files as “Linksys02159:TMS”. All the media was already visible, and would play with only a short amount of buffering time.

接下来,我们向下滚动到“ Connected Devices”,路由器将其中包含文件的文件夹标记为“ Linksys02159:TMS”。 所有媒体都已经可见,并且可以在很短的缓冲时间内播放。

Again, this process will differ depending on if you’re using an Roku, an Xbox, or any other DLNA-compatible streamer, so be sure to consult the user manual to find out how it works for your own device first.


如何使用FTP从Internet访问文件 (How to Access Your Files from the Internet with FTP)

So what if you’re not connected to your home network, and still want to catch up on one of your favorite films?


This is where an FTP server comes in, allowing you to access your router’s media drive even when you’re far from home. Enabling it is a one-step process. First, navigate to the “FTP Server” tab, and then toggle the “Enable FTP Server” option on.

这是FTP服务器进入的地方,即使您不在家也可以访问路由器的媒体驱动器。 启用它是一个一步的过程。 首先,导航到“ FTP服务器”选项卡,然后打开“启用FTP服务器”选项。


Next, you’ll need to retrieve the FTP access address that the router has automatically set up for you. You can find this on the External Storage overview window, in the section labeled “FTP Server”.

接下来,您需要检索路由器自动为您设置的FTP访问地址。 您可以在“外部存储”概述窗口的“ FTP服务器”部分中找到该文件。

On cable and DSL lines, the router should automatically detect the correct address for you, and create a public IP that you can use as a login point. If you’re on fiber, however, right now there are no methods to bridge this type of connection due to the method the modems use to decode their signal.

在电缆和DSL线路上,路由器应自动为您检测正确的地址,并创建一个可用作登录点的公共IP。 但是,如果您使用的是光纤,则由于调制解调器使用了解码信号的方法,因此目前尚无方法桥接这种类型的连接。

In this example, we’ve set our dummy FTP IP address as “ftp:\\123.456.7.8:21” to avoid any unwelcome visitors on our own server.
在此示例中,我们将虚拟FTP IP地址设置为“ ftp:\\ 123.456.7.8:21”,以避免在我们自己的服务器上出现任何不受欢迎的访问者。

This IP will change from time to time, so be sure before you try to log in that you double-check it by remotely logging into the router via Smart Wi-Fi and looking at the External Storage status page first. You can also use DynDNS to remotely access the router with an easier-to-remember address that never changes, if you prefer.

该IP会不时更改,因此请确保在尝试登录之前通过Smart Wi-Fi远程登录路由器并首先查看“外部存储”状态页来仔细检查它。 您也可以使用DynDNS通过易于记忆的地址(永不更改)远程访问路由器(如果您愿意)。

Once you have the address, it’s time to access the FTP server remotely. Start by going into File Explorer on the machine you want to watch the content on, and type the IP of your FTP server into the address bar (this also works inside a web browser).

一旦有了地址,就可以远程访问FTP服务器了。 首先进入要在其上观看内容的机器上的文件资源管理器,然后在地址栏中输入FTP服务器的IP(在Web浏览器中也可以使用)。

You’ll be greeted with a login that will ask for the details you set up in the Secure Folder Access panel.


Enter your credentials, and depending on your permissions, you’ll see any media folders you’ve moved to the storage drive beforehand.


From here, you can either download the media to your computer, or stream it to your device directly with a double-click. Be sure your computer has the proper default apps installed to play the media as well, otherwise it will only work as a direct download.

从这里,您可以将媒体下载到计算机上,或者双击直接将其流式传输到设备上。 确保您的计算机安装了正确的默认应用程序,以播放媒体,否则,它将仅作为直接下载起作用。

Once the file is done transferring or buffering, prepare to kick back, relax, and enjoy your movie!


Netflix is great and Hulu can pass the time just fine, but when you want to access your own personal collection of movies and media from anywhere in the world (or just a computer in a different room), the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi system makes setting up a new media server a breeze.

Netflix很棒,Hulu可以度过美好的时光,但是当您想从世界任何地方(或仅在不同房间中的计算机)访问自己的电影和媒体收藏时,Linksys Smart Wi-Fi系统可以使轻松设置新的媒体服务器。


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