linksys 打印软件

Linksys Smart Wi-Fi is a great way to manage your router from anywhere in the world. No matter where you are, you can make sure your kids aren’t visiting sites they shouldn’t, and that they can’t get online past their bedtimes.

Linksys Smart Wi-Fi是在世界任何地方管理路由器的好方法。 无论您身在何处,都可以确保您的孩子不会访问他们不应该访问的网站,并且确保他们无法在就寝时间上网。

Linksys’ new Smart Wi-Fi system is the company’s latest attempt to refresh its aging router configuration dashboard, and make it easier for the average internet user to change all the settings they need through a streamlined interface.

Linksys的新Smart Wi-Fi系统是该公司最新尝试,以刷新其老化的路由器配置仪表板,并使普通互联网用户更容易通过简化的界面更改其所需的所有设置。

The main benefit of Smart Wi-Fi opposed to standard router configuration tools is that unlike those, you can create a email/password login with Linksys that allows you to access the router from wherever you are in the world, instead of only from the local network. This means if you’re on the road but want an easy way to link into your media server at home or change your parental controls on the fly, you only need your login and internet access to get in.

与标准路由器配置工具相比,智能Wi-Fi的主要优点在于,与那些标准路由器配置工具不同,您可以使用Linksys创建电子邮件/密码登录名,从而使您可以从世界上的任何地方访问路由器,而不仅仅是从本地访问网络。 这意味着,如果您在旅途中,但是想要一种简单的方法在家中链接到媒体服务器或即时更改家长控制,则只需登录和访问互联网即可进入。

Windows 10 and OSX both have internal parental control suites that include more options than what you get with Smart Wi-Fi, but neither are accessible remotely unless you’ve already set up a connection with your desktop beforehand. Also, enabling your router’s parental controls means you can block any device across the board, regardless of its platform.

Windows 10和OSX都具有内部家长控制套件,其中包含的选项超出了智能Wi-Fi所提供的选项,但是除非您已经预先设置了与桌面的连接,否则它们都无法远程访问。 另外,启用路由器的家长控制功能意味着您可以全面禁止任何设备,无论其平台如何。

This takes the hassle out of having to go in and create new rules for every device in your house individually, and ensures that even if your kids do somehow figure out a workaround on their laptop or smartphone, the router puts down another roadblock to get through if they’re still trying to get online past their bedtime.


打开智能Wi-Fi仪表板 (Open the Smart Wi-Fi Dashboard)

To access the parental controls, start by opening up your Linksys Smart Wi-Fi by visiting the URL “”. Once here, you can login using either your global Smart Wi-Fi login, or the local router’s own password that you set up previously.

要访问父母控件,请先通过访问URL“”打开Linksys Smart Wi-Fi。 进入此处后,您可以使用全局Smart Wi-Fi登录名或先前设置的本地路由器自己的密码登录。

If your login was successful, you should see the following screen, and you can find the parental control options in the left-hand menu, highlighted here:


Keep in mind that the parental controls found inside the Smart Wi-Fi system are fairly basic, and will only allow you to control a select number of factors in how


更改家长控制 (Change the Parental Controls)

After that, the following dialog will pop up where you can toggle parental controls on or off:


Here is where you can also see a list of all the devices that are registered with the router (whether they’re currently online or not).


Select the device you want to put limitations on, and you can adjust different settings to fit your family’s preferred usage scenarios.


The two variables you can control here are the times that this device is allowed to access the internet (shut off at 10pm, for example), and which sites are always blocked, regardless of the time of day. To do this, type in the site you always want blocked for that device, and hit enter to register the selection:

您可以在此处控制的两个变量是允许该设备访问Internet的时间(例如,晚上10点关闭),以及无论一天中的什么时间都始终阻止哪些站点。 为此,请输入您一直希望对该设备阻止的站点,然后按Enter键以注册选择内容:

If you want to block internet access during particular times of the day, you can do so in a calendar-style control center that allows you to block off chunks an hour at a time. Just select “Specific Times” and choose the Edit button.

如果要在一天中的特定时间阻止Internet访问,则可以在日历样式的控制中心中进行操作,该中心可以一次阻止一个小时的访问。 只需选择“特定时间”,然后选择“编辑”按钮即可。

From there, you can select whatever blocks of time you want.


If everything is configured correctly, you should see a small widget confirming both that parental controls are turned on, as well as a small drop-down list of all the devices that are configured to support it from your main dashboard’s window:


Telling a kid to go to bed is never easy, doubly so with the advent of small, digital devices they can hide under the blankets. And while you may not be able to prevent them from getting late-night sessions of Candy Crush in while they’re supposed to be asleep, you can still make sure they don’t get access to their favorite social media destinations or websites thanks to Smart Wi-Fi’s internal parental controls.

让孩子上床睡觉从来都不是一件容易的事,而随着小型数字设备的出现,他们可以躲在毯子下面。 尽管您可能无法阻止他们在本应处于睡眠状态的深夜参加Candy Crush,但您仍然可以确保他们无法访问他们喜爱的社交媒体目的地或网站,因为Smart Wi-Fi的内部家长控制。


linksys 打印软件

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