
1.What's the most terrifying(令人恐惧的) horror(令人恐怖的事物) movie you have ever seen?

2.After watching a horror movie,do you have problems slleping at night,or turning off the lights when you are left alone at home?

3.What expressions related to fear that have you heard of?


blackout(noun)--a period of darkness caused by a failure(故障) of electricity supply

earthquake(noun)--a shaking of the earth's surface that often causes great damage

turbulence(n)--sudden moviments of air that causes an aircraft to move violently(猛烈地,激烈地) during a flight

fortune-teller--someone who uses cards or looks at people's hands in order to tell them what is supposed to happen to them in the  future

ouija--a board game with letters and signs on it,which some people believe can be used to receive messages from the dead people

hostage--someone who is kept as a prisoner by enemy so that the other side( 同意,支持) will do what the enemy demands


The english language holds(保留) a variety of expressions(表达式) and words used to describe fear.In this lesson you will learn how to express how you feel after a frightening experience.

Common expressions

When talking about frightening experiences ,some of the most common expressions are:

afraid,frightened of,scared of,scared the hell out of,terrified,frightened the life out of

-I am afraid of the dark ,so please don't turn off the light.

-I am frightened of big dogs

-I am scared of (对.....害怕)the posibility of dying young

-That dogs scared the hell out of(吓死我了) me when it tried to bite me.

-My nightmare(恶梦) was so real that it frightened the life out of me(吓得魂飞魄散).

-My mom was terrified when the thunderstorm bagan

Some more commonly used expressions for talking about fear.

spooked(惊吓,使惊慌),petrified(adj. 惊呆的;目瞪口呆的v. 使石化;变僵硬;发呆),get goosebumps(鸡皮疙瘩),scared to death(吓得要死),shake with fear(心惊胆战)

1.I got goosebumps when i heard a woman screaming(尖叫声) in the middle of the night

2.My boyfriend gets spooked easily when is a blackout

3.we were all petrified during the earthquake

4.Tom was shaking with fear when the turbulence started.

5.I was scared to death after the furtune-teller said i would die before i turned 21

send chills down one's spine(使人不寒而栗)

turn as white as a ghost(脸色苍白得像鬼一样)

shake like a leaf(抖的很厉害)

break into a cold sweat(捏一把冷汗)

jump out of one's skin(欣喜若狂;大吃一惊)

1.Since i saw that movie,it sends chills down my spine everytime i hear a phone ring.

2.Tina turned as white as a ghost when she saw Rebort,because she thought he had died in the plane crash.

3.When the wolf howled( 咆哮),I started shaking like a leaf

4.I broke into a cold sweat when the robber pointed his gun at me.

5.I jumped out of my skin when the door closed by itself.


How would you feel if .......

1.You were home alone and there was a blackout?

2.After playing the ouija game ,you heard starnge noises in your home

3.You were  taken as a hostage during a bank robbery.

4.You were lost in the woods and a black bear started chasing(追赶) you

5.You saw a spider on your shoulder

6.A burglar( 夜贼,窃贼) broke into your house while you were there?


1.Share with the class one of the most terrifying experiences you have had in your life.

2.Who get scared more easily?women or men,why do you think this is?

3.Have you ever tried to scare a friend by playing a  prank(恶作剧)? Did it work?What happend?

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