hulu dpp

Hulu is great if you enjoy the shows it has available. However, at some point, you might want to cancel your subscription, whether it’s due to cost or just because you no longer enjoy the content. We’ll walk you through how to do this.

如果您喜欢Hulu提供的节目,那就很棒。 但是,在某个时候,无论是由于成本还是仅仅因为不再享受内容,您可能都想取消订阅。 我们将引导您完成操作。

If you’re not ready to fully cancel Hulu, you can also pause your subscription for up to 12 weeks.


To go cancel the service completely, just sign in on Hulu’s website, and then click the icon next to your name in the top-right corner.

要完全取消该服务,只需在Hulu的网站上登录 ,然后单击右上角您名称旁边的图标。

In the drop-down menu, select “Manage Profiles.”


You’ll be prompted to re-type your password; do so, and then click “Log In.”

系统将提示您重新输入密码; 这样做,然后单击“登录”。

At the bottom of the page on the left, click “Cancel” next to the “Cancel Your Subscription” option, and then go through the prompts.


A message appears asking if you would rather pause your service for up to 12 weeks. You can change the number of weeks in the drop-down menu, and then click “Pause Subscription” if you want to do that.

出现一条消息,询问您是否愿意暂停服务长达12周。 您可以在下拉菜单中更改星期数,然后单击“暂停订阅”。

If you still want to cancel, click “Continue to Cancel” to move forward and completely cancel the service.


A questionnaire appears asking you where the company went wrong. Select the answer that best describes the reason you’re leaving, and then click “Continue to Cancel” again.

出现调查表,询问您公司哪里出了问题。 选择最能描述您离开原因的答案,然后再次单击“继续取消”。

As a last-ditch effort to keep you as a subscriber, Hulu will offer you a free month of service. You won’t be charged again until that free month is over.

为了让您成为订户,这是最后的努力,Hulu将为您提供免费的月服务。 在该免费月份结束之前,不会再向您收费。

If you want to continue with the cancellation, click “Cancel Subscription.”


Now that you’ve canceled your subscription, you’re redirected to the home screen.


You’ve now officially ended your subscription to Hulu and will no longer be charged for the service. Your account will be deactivated, but you can always sign up again if the need arises.

您现在已经正式结束了对Hulu的订阅,并且不再为该服务付费。 您的帐户将被停用,但如有需要,您可以随时再次注册。


hulu dpp

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