




A declaration statement is a letter someone writes to confirm, to declare, or to provide knowledge about a situation. You can use it in court cases, to release companies or organisations from liability, and for legal situations such as turning over assets or signing your house back to the bank that controls your mortgage. In some cases, you must have a declaration statement notarised before the recipient will accept it.

Using a word processing program, write your name, address and the date. Left-justify the text so the left margin aligns down the page.

Write the name or company name of the recipient and the full address, including Postcode. Write the salutation using the recipient's name (if available), or address it "To Whom It May Concern."

Begin the letter by using the first person to identify yourself and state the reason for the correspondence. For example, in a custody case you would write, "I, John Smith, the brother-in-law of the plaintiff, Julia Doe, am writing this letter to declare my support for her petition to retain custody of my niece and nephew."

Provide the details of your declaration: state the reasons for your opinion about the issue and provide any supporting evidence, such as things you witnessed or recollections of conversations, that strengthens your assertions.

Conclude by reaffirming your declaration and stating that you are willing to answer any questions the recipient might have. Provide your home phone number, mobile phone number and e-mail address. Write "Sincerely," or "Respectfully yours," skip four spaces and write your name. Sign your name in the space between the closing and your printed name.

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