



#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int N = 1e6 + 5;int a[N];
int n, c, T;
struct node {int l, r;int maxx;int tag;
}t[N<<2];void push_up(int u) {t[u].maxx = max(t[u<<1].maxx, t[u<<1|1].maxx);
}void push_down(int u) {if (t[u].tag != 0) {t[u<<1].tag = t[u].tag;t[u<<1|1].tag = t[u].tag;t[u<<1].maxx += t[u].tag;t[u<<1|1].maxx += t[u].tag;t[u].tag = 0;}
}void build(int l, int r, int u) {t[u].l = l, t[u].r = r;t[u].maxx = c;t[u].tag = 0;if (t[u].l == t[u].r) {return;}int mid = (l + r) >> 1;build(l, mid, u<<1);build(mid+1, r, u<<1|1);push_up(u);
}void update(int pos, int u, int v) {if (t[u].l == t[u].r) {t[u].maxx += v;t[u].tag += v;return;}push_down(u);int mid = (t[u].l + t[u].r) >> 1;if (pos <= mid) update(pos, u<<1, v);else update(pos, u<<1|1, v);push_up(u);
}int query(int val, int u) {if (t[u].l == t[u].r) {return t[u].l;}push_down(u);if (val <= t[u<<1].maxx) return query(val, u<<1);else return query(val, u<<1|1);
}int main() {scanf("%d", &T);while (T--) {scanf("%d %d", &n, &c);for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", &a[i]);build(1, n, 1);int Max_bot = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {int pos = query(a[i], 1);Max_bot = max(Max_bot, pos);update(pos, 1, -a[i]);}map<int, int> mp;mp[c] = 1;for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {auto it = mp.lower_bound(a[i]);if (it == mp.end()) {mp[c-a[i]]++;}else {mp[it->first - a[i]] ++;mp[it->first]--;if (mp[it->first] == 0) mp.erase(it);}}int Max_bot_2 = 0;for (auto x : mp) Max_bot_2 += x.second;printf("%d %d\n", Max_bot, Max_bot_2);}

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