索性直接ctrl+alt+del 打开资源管理器,找到git.exe进程,通通杀掉。。。。完美解决
(那些rm /git clean 都没用的情况下)

解决git:fatal:Unable to create”…/.git/index.lock” 的错误相关推荐

  1. Unable to create '.git/index.lock': File exists

    Git – fatal: Unable to create '/.git/index.lock': File exists. fatal: Unable to create '/path/my_pro ...

  2. 使用Sourcetree进行Git操作时失败提示:Unable to create '../.git/index.lock': File exists.

    今天使用git时发现无法切换分支,也无法拉取更新代码,报错: fatal: Unable to create '-/.git/index.lock': File exists. 分析原因应该是:我在使 ...

  3. 使用git上传工程出现fatal:Unable to create ‘/xxx/xxx/xxx/.git/index.lock‘:File exists的解决办法

    git上传工程出现fatal:Unable to create '/xxx/xxx/xxx/.git/index.lock':File exists的原因及解决方法 先说解决办法 再来说说原因 官方说 ...

  4. 【038】使用git commit命令时遇到 fatal: Unable to create index.lock File exists 错误的解决办法

    一.问题描述 使用git commit 命令提交代码,遇到下面的错误: $ git commit -m 'Test' fatal: Unable to create 'D:/MyProject/.gi ...

  5. git命令出现fatal: Unable to create 'xxx/.git/index:File exists.问题

    用git commit命令时,出现 fatal: Unable to create 'xxx/.git/index:File exists. Another git process seems to ...

  6. git命令出现fatal: Unable to create ‘xxx/.git/index:File exists

    最近提交代码遇到的一些问题,网上找的解决办法,免得忘记了,特此记录一下. $ git checkout xxx fatal: Unable to create 'xxxxx/.git/index.lo ...

  7. fatal: Unable to create ‘D:/project/.git/index.lock‘: File exists

    git 命令行报错:fatal: Unable to create 'D:/project/.git/index.lock': File exists 出现这种错误 解决办法: //在git bash ...

  8. SourceTree报错git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false fatal: Unable to create ‘D:/xxx/.git/index.lock‘: File

    完整报错信息: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false commit -q -F C:\Users\honry.guan\Ap ...

  9. Git报错:fatal: Unable to create ‘xx/.git/index.lock‘: File exis

    一 报错:fatal: Unable to create 'xx/.git/index.lock': File exis 如下: $ git commit fatal: Unable to creat ...

  10. IDEA中对代码进行commit时,git报Unable to create ‘E:/blog/.git/index.lock‘: File exists问题解决

    IDEA中对代码进行commit时,git报Unable to create 'E:/blog/.git/index.lock': File exists问题解决 **解决方法** **方法一** * ...


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