MATLAB直方图均衡化代码(MATLAB histogram equalization code)

MATLAB直方图均衡化代码(MATLAB histogram equalization code)

Im = imread (' c: \ 1. JPG); The % file is called 1.jpg image, which is in the bottom of c disk, and of course the path can be changed by itself

If size (im, 3) > 1 % determines if it is color image, convert to grayscale

Im = rgb2gray (im);

Endhist_im = imhist (im); % computing hist_im; % draw histogram

Close all

I = imread (' C: \ Documents and Settings \ DMT \ desktop \ intern \ image \ gray image \ lenna.bmp ')

Imshow (I);

Imhist (I);

The Matlab complete program of histogram and histogram equalization is 2010-06-04 15:43:10


I. experimental purpose

Grasp the basic image enhancement method, observe the effect of image enhancement, deepen the understanding of grayscale histogram and histogram equalization, and master the method of histogram equalization.

Second, experimental content

Convert a color image into a gray image, paint grayscale histogram and equalization of the histogram, and compare the grayscale to the equalization.

Third, the experimental principle

The grayscale histogram is to calculate the frequency of all pixels in the digital image according to the size of the gray value. Generally, the horizontal coordinates of the grayscale histogram indicate the gray value, the ordinate is the number of pixels, or the pixel value of a certain gray value can be used as the vertical coordinate.

The basic principle of histogram equalization method is that the number of pixels in the image of grey value (that is, a major role on the image grey value) for broadening, and a small number of pixels of grey value (that is, does not play a major role on the picture of the grey value) to carry on the merge. To achieve the purpose of clear image.

4. Experimental procedure

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

Function of % function, draw the histogram of the image, and make histogram equalization t

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