A great cover page draws readers, and if you know Word, then you are in luck, because Word gives ready to use cover pages. But did you know that Word lets you create your own cover pages?

出色的封面吸引了读者,如果您知道Word,那么您会很幸运,因为Word可以立即使用封面。 但是您知道Word使您可以创建自己的封面吗?

Head over to the “Insert” ribbon and you’ll find that Microsoft Office gives some cover pages that you can use.

转到“插入”功能区,您会发现Microsoft Office提供了一些您可以使用的封面。

Although, normally a cover page appears in the first page, Word lets you place the cover page anywhere in the document.


If you don’t like any of these cover pages, you can always create a custom one. Let’s begin by opening a blank document, and make it pretty. Give it a good background color and put a great picture.

如果您不喜欢这些封面,则可以随时创建自定义封面。 首先打开一个空白文档,使其漂亮。 给它一个好的背景颜色并画出一幅好图画 。

A standard cover page usually has a title, an author name, and perhaps a publication date. You can easily put all these components into the cover page using “Quick Parts”.

标准封面通常包含标题,作者姓名,也许还有出版日期。 您可以使用“快速零件”将所有这些组件轻松放入封面。

You have plenty of options: author name, title, abstract. Put as many document property as you want.

您有很多选择:作者姓名,标题,摘要。 放置尽可能多的文档属性。

When you are done, select all the components on the cover page (CTRL + A), and save it into the gallery.

完成后,选择封面上的所有组件(CTRL + A),并将其保存到图库中。

Give it the appropriate name and save it.


You should see your new cover page appears inside the cover page gallery.


The next time you want to use it, simply head over to the cover page gallery and use the cover page that you just created.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/66088/how-to-create-custom-cover-pages-in-microsoft-word-2010/

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