
In Word, you can select one of several units of measurement for the ruler. You may be working on a document for someone who measures their margins, tabs, etc. in a different set of units than you usually use. It’s easy to change.

在Word中,您可以为标尺选择几种度量单位之一。 您可能正在为某人处理文档,该人以与您通常使用的不同单位来度量其页边距,制表符等。 改变很容易。

Click the “File” tab.


Click “Options” in the menu list on the left.


The Word Options dialog box displays. Click “Advanced” in the menu list on the left side of the dialog box.

显示“字选项”对话框。 在对话框左侧的菜单列表中单击“高级”。

Scroll down to the Display section. Select an option from the “Show measurements in units of” drop-down list.

向下滚动到显示部分。 从“以...显示度量单位”下拉列表中选择一个选项。

The units of measurement on the ruler changes to your selection.


If your ruler is not displaying, click the “View” tab and check the “Ruler” box in the Show group.


You can easily access the Word Options dialog box again and change the ruler to use different units as needed.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/169302/how-to-change-the-ruler-measurement-unit-in-word-2013/


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