
(1)a base cylinder and top cylinder, where the top cylinder spins, and
(2)a set of laser rays oriented in the vertical fan.
step 1:创建world文件
选择一个文件夹,打开终端输入:gedit velodyne.world

    <?xml version="1.0" ?><sdf version="1.5"><world name="default"><!-- A global light source --><include><uri>model://sun</uri></include><!-- A ground plane --><include><uri>model://ground_plane</uri></include></world></sdf>


<model name="velodyne_hdl-32"><!-- Give the base link a unique name --><link name="base"><!-- Offset the base by half the lenght of the cylinder --><pose>0 0 0.029335 0 0 0</pose><collision name="base_collision"><geometry><cylinder><!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne --><radius>.04267</radius><length>.05867</length></cylinder></geometry></collision><!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision --><visual name="base_visual"><geometry><cylinder><radius>.04267</radius><length>.05867</length></cylinder></geometry></visual></link><!-- Give the base link a unique name --><link name="top"><!-- Vertically offset the top cylinder by the length of the bottomcylinder and half the length of this cylinder. --><pose>0 0 0.095455 0 0 0</pose><collision name="top_collision"><geometry><cylinder><!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne --><radius>0.04267</radius><length>0.07357</length></cylinder></geometry></collision><!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision --><visual name="top_visual"><geometry><cylinder><radius>0.04267</radius><length>0.07357</length></cylinder></geometry></visual></link>

step3:利用gazebo velodyne.world -u 看暂停仿真下的模型。


<model name="velodyne_hdl-32"><link name="base"><pose>0 0 0.029335 0 0 0</pose><inertial><mass>1.2</mass><inertia><ixx>0.001087473</ixx><iyy>0.001087473</iyy><izz>0.001092437</izz><ixy>0</ixy><ixz>0</ixz><iyz>0</iyz></inertia></inertial>
 <link name="top"><pose>0 0 0.095455 0 0 0</pose><inertial><mass>0.1</mass><inertia><ixx>0.000090623</ixx><iyy>0.000090623</iyy><izz>0.000091036</izz><ixy>0</ixy><ixz>0</ixz><iyz>0</iyz></inertia></inertial>


<!-- Each joint must have a unique name -->
<joint type="revolute" name="joint"><!-- Position the joint at the bottom of the top link --><pose>0 0 -0.036785 0 0 0</pose><!-- Use the base link as the parent of the joint --><parent>base</parent><!-- Use the top link as the child of the joint --><child>top</child><!-- The axis defines the joint's degree of freedom --><axis><!-- Revolve around the z-axis --><xyz>0 0 1</xyz><!-- Limit refers to the range of motion of the joint --><limit><!-- Use a very large number to indicate a continuous revolution --><lower>-10000000000000000</lower><upper>10000000000000000</upper></limit></axis>


<!-- Add a ray sensor, and give it a name -->
<sensor type="ray" name="sensor"><!-- Position the ray sensor based on the specification. Also rotateit by 90 degrees around the X-axis so that the <horizontal> raysbecome vertical --><pose>0 0 -0.004645 1.5707 0 0</pose><!-- Enable visualization to see the rays in the GUI --><visualize>true</visualize><!-- Set the update rate of the sensor --><update_rate>30</update_rate>


<ray><!-- The scan element contains the horizontal and vertical beams.We are leaving out the vertical beams for this tutorial. --><scan><!-- The horizontal beams --><horizontal><!-- The velodyne has 32 beams(samples) --><samples>32</samples><!-- Resolution is multiplied by samples to determine number ofsimulated beams vs interpolated beams. See:http://sdformat.org/spec?ver=1.6&elem=sensor#horizontal_resolution--><resolution>1</resolution><!-- Minimum angle in radians --><min_angle>-0.53529248</min_angle><!-- Maximum angle in radians --><max_angle>0.18622663</max_angle></horizontal></scan><!-- Range defines characteristics of an individual beam --><range><!-- Minimum distance of the beam --><min>0.05</min><!-- Maximum distance of the beam --><max>70</max><!-- Linear resolution of the beam --><resolution>0.02</resolution></range>


gazebo velodyne.world -u


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5"><world name="default"><!-- A global light source -->
</include><!-- A ground plane -->
</include><model name="velodyne_hdl-32"><!-- Give the base link a unique name --><link name="base"><!-- Offset the base by half the lenght of the cylinder --><pose>0 0 0.029335 0 0 0</pose><inertial><mass>1.2</mass><inertia><ixx>0.001087473</ixx><iyy>0.001087473</iyy><izz>0.001092437</izz><ixy>0</ixy><ixz>0</ixz><iyz>0</iyz></inertia></inertial><collision name="base_collision"><geometry><cylinder><!-- Radius and length provide by Velodyne --><radius>.04267</radius><length>.05867</length></cylinder></geometry></collision><!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision --><visual name="base_visual"><geometry><cylinder><radius>.04267</radius><length>.05867</length></cylinder></geometry></visual>
</link><link name="top"><!--Add a ray sensor,and give it a name -->
<sensor type="ray" name="sensor"><!-- Position the ray sensor based on the specifucation Also rotate it by 90 degrees around the x-axis so that the <horizontal> rays become wertical -->
<pose>0 0 -0.004645 1.5707 0 0</pose><!-- Enable visualization to see the rays in the GUI-->
<visualize>true</visualize><!--Set the update rate of the sensor-->
<ray><!-- The scan element contains the horizontal and vertiral beams. We are leaving out the vertical beams for this tutorial.-->
<scan><!--The horizontal beams-->
<horizontal><!--The velodyne has 32 beams(samples)-->
<samples>32</samples><!--Resolution is multiplited by sample to detemine number of simulated beams vs interpolated beams-->
<resolution>1</resolution><!--minimum angle in radians-->
<min_angle>-0.535299248</min_angle><!--maximum angle in radians -->
</scan><!-- Range defines characteristics of an individual beam-->
<range><!--Minimum distance of the beam-->
<min>0.05</min><!--Maximum distance of the beam-->
<max>70</max><!--Linear resolution of the beam-->
</sensor><!-- Vertically offset the top cylinder by the length of the bottomcylinder and half the length of this cylinder. --><pose>0 0 0.095455 0 0 0</pose><inertial><mass>0.1</mass><inertia><ixx>0.000090632</ixx><iyy>0.000090632</iyy><izz>0.000091036</izz><ixy>0</ixy><ixz>0</ixz><iyz>0</iyz></inertia>
</inertial><collision name="top_collision"><geometry><cylinder><!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne --><radius>0.04267</radius><length>0.07357</length></cylinder></geometry></collision><!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision --><visual name="top_visual"><geometry><cylinder><radius>0.04267</radius><length>0.07357</length></cylinder></geometry></visual></link>
<!-- Each joint must have a unique name -->
<joint type="revolute" name="joint"><!--Position the joint at the bottom of the top link -->
<pose>0 0 -0.036785 0 0 0</pose><!--Use the base link as the parent of the joint -->
<parent>base</parent><!--Use the top link as the child of the joint -->
<child>top</child><!--The axis defines the joint`s degree of freedom -->
<axis><!--Revolve around the z-axis -->
<xyz>0 0 1</xyz><!--limit refers to the range of motion of the joint -->
<limit><!--Use a very large number to indicate a continuous revolution -->


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