
译:The plum blossom,which originated in southern China and has been cultivated and planted for more than three thousand years,tops the list of ten most famous flowers in China.

隆冬时节 In the dead of winter
不畏严寒 unafraid of the bitter cold
激励人们…砥砺前行 stimulate people to forge ahead
不朽的作品 immortal works
南京市 Nanjing city
冒着严寒 irrespective of the bitter cold
花色艳丽,形象高雅 showy colors and an elegant image
和平与繁荣 peace and prosperity
许多诗歌和绘画 many poems and paintings
在皇家园林 in the imperial gardens

译:Now,tens of thousands of tourists from home and abroad swam into Luoyang for the annual Peony Festival to enjoy the unique beauty of peonies in this city and explore the history of the ancient capital of nine dynasties.

色彩鲜艳 bright in colour

译: Unafraid of the blazing sun and not stained by the dirty mud,it symbolizes purity and elegance and therefore is usually used as a metaphor for the noble moral character of a man.And it is an important subject for creations by poets and painters all the time.


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