英语积累知识(二) 2020/1/30 2019年12月六级翻译

简言:笔者在2019年12月份参加的CET6 的翻译题是“梅花”,在这里特将三份试卷的翻译及重点词汇做详解,发现三份都有一些相同出现的词汇和短语的表达,译文中未加粗的是笔者自译,加粗的是标答,以作对比,以及将重点词汇和短语标出,学会不同的表达和更好的表达是笔者写这篇文章的初衷,共花了三天时间才写成,希望大家可以康康。预祝各位同学在以后的四六级考试中高分过,文章中有表达不正确处欢迎指出^ – ^!





Peony, which has beautiful colors and elegant character, is symbol of (symbolisze) peace and prosperity. Therefore, it is named as “The king of flower” in China. (Peony, which features bright colour and graceful shape,symbolizes peace and prosperity and is thus well recognized as “kings of flowers”.) Peony is cultivated and planted in many places of China. ( peonies are cultivated and grown in many places of China.) For thousands of years, there are many poems and paintings that are created to praise the peony. (For thousands of years,a great number of poems and paintings have been produced to praise the flower. )During the Tang Dynasty, peony is planted in royal gardens generally and is well recognized as the flower of our country.Therefore, it is very popular. (In the Tang Dynasty, peonies were planted so widely in the royal gardens as “the national flower” that they enjoyed great popularity across the country.) Since the 10th century, LuoYang has become the center of peony planting and this status has been kept until nowadays. (In the 10th century,the ancient city of Luoyang became the centre of peony planting, and has remained as such since then.) Now thousands of domestic tourists gather into LuoYang to take part in the festival of peony anually. They enjoy the unique beauty of peony in LuoYang and explore the history of old city of nine dynasties in the meanwhile.(Nowadays, thousands of domestic tourists pour in Luoyang for the annual peony festival, when they can both appreciate the unique beauty of the flowers and explore the history of the city which is known as the capital of nine dynasties.)


重点词汇和短语 释义
花色艳丽,形象高雅 bright colour and graceful/elegant shape
象征着 be symbol of /symbolize
和平与繁荣 peace and prosperity (形容词为peaceful and prosperous)
被称为 be well recognized
培育和种植 cultivate and grow/plant
千百年来 for thousands of years
皇家园林 royal gardens
国花 the national flower
特别风行 enjoy great popularity across the country
牡丹栽培中心 the centre of peony planting
国内游客 domestic tourists
蜂拥 pour in
一年一度的牡丹节 annual peony festival,
九朝古都 the capital of nine dynasties



荷花(Lotus )是中国的名花之一,深受人们喜爱。中国许多地方的湖泊和池塘都适宜荷花生长。荷花色彩鲜艳,夏日清晨绽放,夜晚闭合,花期长达两三个月,吸引来自各地的游客前往观赏。荷花具有多种功能,既能绿化水面,又能美化庭园,还可净化水质、减少污染、改善环境。荷花迎骄阳而不惧,出污泥而不染,象征纯洁、高雅,常来比喻人的高尚品德,历来是诗人画家创作的重要题材。荷花盛开的地方也是许多摄影爱好者经常光顾之地。


Lotus, one of Chinese famous flowers, is deeply loved by people. (Lotus is one of the most famous flowers in China and is loved deeply by people).There are rivers and ponds which are suitable for the Lotus’ growth in many places of China. (The lakes and ponds in many places of China are fit for lotus to grow). Lotus, features bright colors and blossoms on summer mornings and closes at night with 2 or three month flowering period, attracts the tourists all around the world to come to appreciate it. (Lotus, which features bright color, blossoms in the summer morning and closes in the evening with a long flowering phase of two to three months, attracts tourists all over the country to appreciate it.) Lotus has many functions. It can make the water green and beautify the gardens, and it also can clean the water, reduce the pollution and improve the environment. (Moreover, lotus has multiple functions. It can not only make water surface green and beautify courtyards but also purify water, reduce pollution and improve environment.) Lotus isn’t afraid of the heavy sun and keeps itself clean out of dirty soil .It symbolize the purity, elegance and it usually used to exmpress high characteristc. And it’s the important content of poets and painters composing. (Due to its characters of not fearing the blazing sun and keeping clean in the dirty soil, lotus symbolizes purity and elegance. It is often used to represent people’s noble virtues so that it has become significant themes for poets and painters throughout the Chinese history.) What’s more, the places of Lotus blossoming have become the one that many photography lovers usally come. (Meanwhile, the places where lotus blooms always attracts many photographers to take photos.)


重点词汇和短语 释义
深受人们喜爱 is loved deeply by people
湖泊和池塘 lakes and ponds
适宜荷花生长 are fit for lotus to grow/are suitable for lotus’ growth
夏日清晨绽放,夜晚闭合 blossoms in the summer morning and closes in the evening
花期长达两三个月 with a long flowering phase of two to three months
多种功能 multiple functions
绿化水面 make water surface green
美化庭园 beautify courtyards
荷花迎骄阳而不惧,出污泥而不染 Due to its characters of not fearing the blazing sun and keeping clean in the dirty soil
纯洁、高雅 purity and elegance
高尚品德 noble virtues
重要题材 significant themes
历来 throughout the Chinese history
许多摄影爱好者 many photographers



梅花(plum blossom)位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方,已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史。隆冬时节,五颜六色的梅花不畏严寒,迎着风雪傲然绽放。在中国传统文化中,梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅,激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。自古以来,许多诗人和画家从梅花中获取灵感,创作了无数不朽的作品。普通大众也都喜爱梅花,春节期间常用于家庭装饰。南京市已将梅花定为市花,每年举办梅花节,成千上万的人冒着严寒到梅花山踏雪赏梅。


Plum blossom, which ranks the first of ten most famous flowers in China and orignated from the south of China, has already had three-thousand-year history of cultivating and planting. (Plum blossom, which tops the ten most famous flowers of China, originated in south China and has a planting history of more than 3, 000 years.) In the cold winter, different of colors of plum blossoms aren’t afraid of the bitter cold and blossom greatly though facing the wind and snow. (In winter, colourful plum flowers blossom boldly against the cold.) In the Chinese traditional culture, plum blossom represents determination, purity, elegance, and it encourages people not to be afraid of difficulties and keep moving forward bravely. (In traditional Chinese culture plum blossom symbolizes toughness, purity and grace, motivating people to face hardships and move forward bravely.) Since ancient time, many poets and painters got inspiration from plum blossom and created numerous immortal compositions. (In history, many poets and painters gained inspiration from the flower and created countless masterpieces). What’s more, the public love plum blossom and they use plum blossom to decorate their house.(Ordinary citizens are also fond of the flower, which is often used to decorate the house during the spring festival.) And Nanjing have made plum blossom its city flower and hold the plum blossom festival annually which attracts thousands of people to appreciate plum blossom in snow desplite of cold. (Nanjing city has designated plumb blossom as the city flower and holds the flower festival every year,which attracts hundreds of thousands of people to appreciate the flower in snow despite the cold.)


重点词汇和短语 释义
位居中国十大名花之首 tops the ten most famous flowers of China
源于中国南方 originated in south China
已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史 has a planting history of more than 3, 000 years
不畏严寒,迎着风雪傲然绽放 blossom boldly against the cold
在中国传统文化中 In traditional Chinese culture
坚强、纯洁、高雅 toughness, purity and grace/elegance
创造了无数不朽的作品 created countless masterpieces
普通大众 Ordinary citizens
已将梅花定为市花 has designated plumb blossom as the city flowe
冒着严寒 despite (of) the cold

PS:despite=(in )despite of=in spite of 尽管;不顾,都跟单词或者短语。

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