

  • 对图片进行二值化,可以将图片分割成多个小图片,依次二值化,效果更好
  • 对字符进行描黑处理,将相邻的字符连成一片,便于后续确定字符行的位置
  • 使用连通分量来将这些黑色块进行分类,一个黑色块对应一个连通分量,所有的黑色像素都在连通分量里面
  • 根据连通分量可以得到字符行(黑色块)的上下边界,从而可以提取出来对应位置的字符行
  • 对字符行进行字符分割,分割的位置可以通过字符行在横轴上的投影来确定


  • 有一些字符不能正确的分割,比如【“儿】会将双引号和“儿”左半边合在一起
  • 对于倒S形的行,没有进行变形处理,只是简单的分割
  • 没有进行噪点处理,分割后的字符会有问题,比如“一”字下面有个噪点,结果就是“一”字横在图片上方
  • 处理速度暂时提高不了,1500*2000的800汉字图片,需要2秒左右执行完
  • 这些分割后的字符暂时做不了匹配,也做不了识别,后面看有没有机会做下
  • 深度学习文字识别




先执行图片二值化处理 test0811() 方法,再执行字符分割 test1012() 方法


import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails;
import org.junit.Test;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;public class Test20220810 {// 横向切分块数private static final int widthSplitNum = 12;// 纵向切分块数private static final int heightSplitNum = 14;// 面积小于50像素的字符,舍弃掉private static final int ignoreArea = 50;/*** 批量二值化图片,可用** @throws IOException*/@Testpublic void test0811() throws IOException {// 指定原始照片文件夹String fromPic = "E:\\documents\\DCIM\\unfinished\\test2";File directory = new File(fromPic);if (!directory.isDirectory()) {return;}for (File file : directory.listFiles()) {BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(file);if (bufferedImage.getWidth() < 1000) {continue;}// 压缩图片BufferedImage compactImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage).size(2000, 2000).asBufferedImage();// 切割图片,分别处理,防止出现大片黑斑Map<Integer, BufferedImage> map = splitImage(compactImage);// 二值化for (Integer key : map.keySet()) {BufferedImage binaryImage = binaryImage(map.get(key));map.put(key, binaryImage);}// 合并图片BufferedImage destImage = mergeImage(map);// 黑白图片输出目录File newFile = new File("E:\\documents\\DCIM\\unfinished\\test\\" + file.getName().replace(".jpg", "") + ".png");ImageIO.write(destImage, "png", newFile);}}@Testpublic void test1012() throws IOException {long start = System.currentTimeMillis();// 待分割的黑白图片存放路径String filePath = "E:\\documents\\DCIM\\unfinished\\test2";File directory = new File(filePath);if (!directory.isDirectory()) {return;}int i = 200;for (File file : directory.listFiles()) {BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(file);// 去除图片左右两边的污点BufferedImage cutLRImage = cutLR(bufferedImage);// 将字符行染黑BufferedImage expandWhite = expandWhite2(cutLRImage);// 根据上面确定的字符行位置,提取出字符行List<BufferedImage> list = getCharRow4(expandWhite, cutLRImage);// 切割字符for (BufferedImage item : list) {List<BufferedImage> charImages = splitChar3(item);for (BufferedImage item2 : charImages) {// 单个字符的存储路径File newFile = new File("d:\\temp\\" + (i++) + ".png");ImageIO.write(item2, "png", newFile);double height = item2.getHeight() * 1.5;if (item2.getWidth() > height && item2.getWidth() < item2.getHeight() * 3) {System.out.println((i - 1) + ".png");}}}}System.out.println("耗时2:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");}@Testpublic void test1018() throws IOException {long start = System.currentTimeMillis();// 黑白图片String fromPic = "d:\\IMG_20221007_143930.png";//String fromPic = "d:\\IMG_20221001_084253.png";//String fromPic = "d:\\IMG_20221007_153516.png";File file = new File(fromPic);BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(file);// 去除图片左右两边的污点BufferedImage cutLRImage = cutLR(bufferedImage);// 将字符行染黑BufferedImage expandWhite = expandWhite2(cutLRImage);//System.out.println("耗时-1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start) + "ms");File newFile2 = new File("d:\\bb.png");ImageIO.write(cutLRImage, "png", newFile2);//System.out.println("耗时0:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start) + "ms");// 根据上面确定的字符行位置,提取出字符行List<BufferedImage> list = getCharRow4(expandWhite, cutLRImage);//System.out.println("耗时1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start) + "ms");int i = 200;// 切割字符for (BufferedImage item : list) {List<BufferedImage> charImages = splitChar3(item);/*for (BufferedImage item2 : charImages) {File newFile = new File("d:\\temp\\" + (i++) + ".png");ImageIO.write(item2, "png", newFile);double height = item2.getHeight()*1.5;if (item2.getWidth() > height && item2.getWidth() < item2.getHeight() * 3) {System.out.println((i-1) + ".png");}}*/}System.out.println("耗时2:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start) + "ms");}/*** 同一水平线上的两个黑色像素点,如果他们之家的间距小于设定的阈值,那么将他们之间的所有白色像素点变成黑色像素点* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private BufferedImage expandWhite2(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), bufferedImage.getType());//long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();grayImage.setData(bufferedImage.getData());//System.out.println("expandWhite2耗时1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start1) + "ms");int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();map3 = new HashMap<>();for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {for (int row = 0; row < width; row++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(row, col);if ((color & 0xff) == 0) {map3.put(col, 1);break;}}}// 抹黑字符,确定字符行的位置,便于后续的调整行间距// 从左往右扫描,遇到黑色像素,就将他左边的像素抹黑int threshold = 120;// 第一个黑色像素点下标int start = -1;int end = -1;// 两个黑色像素点之间的白色像素点个数int whiteCount = 0;for (int j=0; j<height; j++) {if (!map3.containsKey(j)) {continue;}for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {int color = grayImage.getRGB(i, j);int red = color & 0xFF;// 黑色像素点if (red == 0) {if (start == -1) {start = i;} else {if (whiteCount == 0) {start = i;} else {if (whiteCount < threshold) {for (int k=start+1; k<i; k++) {grayImage.setRGB(k, j, 0);}}start = i;whiteCount = 0;}}} else if (red == 255 && start != -1) {// 白色像素点whiteCount++;}}start = -1;whiteCount = 0;}//System.out.println("expandWhite2耗时2" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start1) + "ms");return grayImage;}/**将白色像素膨胀为两倍,黑色像素保持不变,便于分割字符串** @param bufferedImage* @return*/private BufferedImage expandWhite3(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth()*2, bufferedImage.getHeight(), bufferedImage.getType());int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {for (int row = 0; row < width; row++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(row, col);if (color == -1) {map3.put(col, 1);} else {grayImage.setRGB(row, col, 0);}}}//long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();grayImage.setData(bufferedImage.getData());//System.out.println("expandWhite2耗时1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start1) + "ms");map3 = new HashMap<>();for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {for (int row = 0; row < width; row++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(row, col);if ((color & 0xff) == 0) {map3.put(col, 1);break;}}}// 抹黑字符,确定字符行的位置,便于后续的调整行间距// 从左往右扫描,遇到黑色像素,就将他左边的像素抹黑int threshold = 120;// 第一个黑色像素点下标int start = -1;int end = -1;// 两个黑色像素点之间的白色像素点个数int whiteCount = 0;for (int j=0; j<height; j++) {if (!map3.containsKey(j)) {continue;}for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {int color = grayImage.getRGB(i, j);int red = color & 0xFF;// 黑色像素点if (red == 0) {if (start == -1) {start = i;} else {if (whiteCount == 0) {start = i;} else {if (whiteCount < threshold) {for (int k=start+1; k<i; k++) {grayImage.setRGB(k, j, 0);}}start = i;whiteCount = 0;}}} else if (red == 255 && start != -1) {// 白色像素点whiteCount++;}}start = -1;whiteCount = 0;}//System.out.println("expandWhite2耗时2" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start1) + "ms");return grayImage;}/*** 处理整个图片* 截图,去除左右边框* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private BufferedImage cutLR(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {//long start = System.currentTimeMillis();// 横坐标上的映射图片,如果首行连续空白像素的个数超过阈值,就认为连续空白像素前面的都是污点,需要清除掉int threshold = 20;int ignoreHeight = 3;int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();// 存储黑色行号,key为x轴坐标,value为对应x坐标上的黑色像素个数Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();// 统计for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {int blackCount = 0;for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {blackCount++;if (blackCount > ignoreHeight) {break;}}}map.put(i, blackCount);}//System.out.println("耗时-4:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start) + "ms");int whiteCount = 0;int startIndex = -1;int endIndex = width-1;// 找出起始像素点for (int i = 0; i < width/2; i++) {int value = map.get(i);// x轴上像素个数小于3的都认为是空白if (value < ignoreHeight) {whiteCount++;if (whiteCount >= threshold) {startIndex = i;}} else {whiteCount = 0;}}// 找出结束像素点whiteCount = 0;for (int i = width-1; i > width/2; i--) {int value = map.get(i);if (value < ignoreHeight) {whiteCount++;if (whiteCount >= threshold) {endIndex = i;}} else {whiteCount = 0;}}// 截掉图片左右两个空白部分BufferedImage grayImage = bufferedImage.getSubimage(startIndex, 0, endIndex-startIndex, height);/*BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(endIndex-startIndex, height, bufferedImage.getType());int newWidth = endIndex-startIndex;for (int i = 0; i < newWidth; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(startIndex+i, j);grayImage.setRGB(i, j, color);}}*///System.out.println("耗时-3:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- start) + "ms");return grayImage;}/*** 去除单个字符上下边框* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private BufferedImage cutUD(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {int startIndex = 0;// 找到起始像素点out:for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {startIndex = j;break out;}}}// 找到结束像素点int endIndex = bufferedImage.getWidth()-1;out:for (int j = bufferedImage.getHeight()-1; j > -1; j--) {for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {endIndex = j;break out;}}}// 截掉图片上下两个空白部分//BufferedImage grayImage = bufferedImage.getSubimage(0,startIndex,bufferedImage.getWidth(), endIndex-startIndex+1);/*BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), endIndex-startIndex+1, bufferedImage.getType());for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < endIndex-startIndex+1; j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, startIndex + j);grayImage.setRGB(i, j, color);}}*/return bufferedImage.getSubimage(0, startIndex, bufferedImage.getWidth(), endIndex-startIndex+1);}/*** 去除单个字符左右边框* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private BufferedImage cutLR2(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {int startIndex = 0;// 找到起始像素点out:for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {startIndex = i;break out;}}}// 找到结束像素点int endIndex = bufferedImage.getWidth()-1;out:for (int i = bufferedImage.getWidth()-1; i > -1; i--) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {endIndex = i;break out;}}}return bufferedImage.getSubimage(startIndex, 0, endIndex-startIndex+1, bufferedImage.getHeight());}/*** 对一行字符进行分割* 紧贴分割,且不会造成将一个正常字符分割成两个部分的情况* 如果过度分割,那么就进行合并* 合并的原理就是只要两个相邻的字符合并后不超过最大字符宽度,就认为是一个字符,否则就是两个字符* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private List<BufferedImage> splitChar3(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {List<BufferedImage> charImages = new ArrayList<>();int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();// 横坐标上的映射图片,如果x坐标上的像素个数小于这个阈值,就认为是噪点,舍弃掉,值越大,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细//int threshold = 2;// 字符间距,值越小,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细//int interval = 1;// 横坐标上的映射图片,如果x坐标上的像素个数小于这个阈值,就认为是噪点,舍弃掉,值越大,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细int threshold = 1;// 字符间距,值越小,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细int interval = 2;// 存储黑色像素在x轴上的映射,key为x轴坐标,value为对应x坐标上的黑色像素个数Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();// 存储字符起始和结束下标,key为起始下标,value为结束下标后一位,二者差就是字符实际宽度Map<Integer, Integer> charsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();// 统计for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {int blackCount = 0;for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {blackCount++;if (blackCount > threshold) {break;}}}map.put(i, blackCount);}// 从左到右遍历时,记录白色像素点的宽度,超过这个值,就表示当前处于字符之间的空白处int whiteCount = 0;int startIndex = -1;// 单个字符的最小宽度,用于判断当前字符是否需要合并// 存在“出”字被分成两个部分,左边宽度大于bufferedImage.getHeight()*2/3,右边宽度为1像素,导致不能合并,需要增大minWidth//int minWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight()*2/3;// 对于字符行是弯曲的情况,直接使用图片高度不适用//int minWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight();// 对于“小”字这种宽度大于高度的,如果他所在行的有效高度正好等于他的高度,就会造成”小“被分割成两个部分,所以需要额外增加1/20和一个像素int maxHeight = getMaxHeight(bufferedImage);int minWidth = maxHeight + maxHeight/20 + 1;// 单个字符的最大宽度// 存在“呀,”合并的情况,因为它们的宽度小于bufferedImage.getHeight()*5/4,需要缩小他的值//int maxWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight()*5/4;// 对于字符行是弯曲的情况,直接使用图片高度不适用//int maxWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight();int maxWidth = minWidth;int lastKey = -1;int lastValue = -1;// 找出起始像素点for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {int value = map.get(i);// 字符起始下标if (startIndex == -1) {// 对于高度小于设定阈值的坐标,直接舍弃if (value >= threshold) {startIndex = i;}} else {// x轴上像素个数小于3的都认为是空白if (value < threshold) {whiteCount++;} else {// 对于一个字符中间存在空白的情况,需要排除掉whiteCount = 0;}if (whiteCount > interval) {int charWidth = i-interval-startIndex;// 防止一个字符被分割成两个部分if (charWidth < minWidth) {// 如果是类似“儿”这样的左右分开的字符if (lastKey == -1) {lastKey = startIndex;lastValue = i-interval;} else {if (i-interval-lastKey > maxWidth) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);lastKey = startIndex;lastValue = i-interval;} else {/*charsMap.put(lastKey, i-interval);lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;*/// 存在一个字符被分割成多个情况,这时需要多次合并lastValue = i-interval;}}} else {if (lastKey != -1) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;}charsMap.put(startIndex, i-interval);}startIndex = -1;whiteCount = 0;}}}// 处理行尾的字符if (lastKey != -1 && startIndex != -1) {int i = width;// 后一个字符的宽度int charWidth = i-interval-startIndex;// 防止一个字符被分割成两个部分if (charWidth < minWidth) {// 如果是类似“儿”这样的左右分开的字符if (i-interval-lastKey > maxWidth) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);charsMap.put(startIndex, i-interval);} else {// 存在一个字符被分割成多个情况,这时需要多次合并charsMap.put(lastKey, i-interval);}} else {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);charsMap.put(startIndex, i-interval);}lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;startIndex = -1;}if (lastKey != -1 && startIndex == -1) {// 过滤噪点,暂时不考虑与最后一个字符合并if (lastValue - lastKey > 1) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;}}if (startIndex != -1 && lastKey == -1) {charsMap.put(startIndex, width);startIndex = -1;}// 根据上面已经标注好的字符下标,提取字符图片for (Integer key : charsMap.keySet()) {int value = charsMap.get(key);if (value <= key) {continue;}BufferedImage grayImage = null;try {grayImage = bufferedImage.getSubimage(key,0,value-key,height);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}/*BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(value-key, height, bufferedImage.getType());for (int i = 0; i < value-key; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(key+i, j);grayImage.setRGB(i, j, color);}}*/// 清除无效字符if (isInvalidChar(grayImage)) {continue;}// 清除字符上下空白部分BufferedImage cutUDImage = cutUD(grayImage);// 再次进行分割//if (cutUDImage.getWidth() > bufferedImage.getHeight() && cutUDImage.getWidth() > cutUDImage.getHeight()*2) {// 案例:“这样”字符宽80像素,高39像素,maxWidth=42,不满足cutUDImage.getWidth() > maxWidth*1.92,没有进行分割//if (cutUDImage.getWidth() > maxHeight*1.92) {if (cutUDImage.getWidth() > maxHeight*splitThreshold) {List<BufferedImage> list2 = splitChar4(cutUDImage);charImages.addAll(list2);} else {charImages.add(cutUDImage);}}// “个儿”这两个字符会分成三个部分,需要将后面两个部分合在一起for (int i=0; i<charImages.size()-1; i++) {BufferedImage bufferedImage1 = charImages.get(i);if (bufferedImage1.getWidth() * 2 < bufferedImage1.getHeight()&& bufferedImage1.getWidth() * 3 > bufferedImage1.getHeight()) {BufferedImage bufferedImage2 = charImages.get(i+1);// 两个字符的宽度和高度都差不多,且高度都大致等于宽度的两倍if (bufferedImage2.getWidth() * 1.8 < bufferedImage2.getHeight()&& bufferedImage2.getWidth() * 3 > bufferedImage2.getHeight()&& Math.abs(bufferedImage1.getHeight()-bufferedImage2.getHeight()) < 5) {// 两个字符合并后中间的空白宽度int blankWidth = 4;int newWidth = bufferedImage1.getWidth() + blankWidth + bufferedImage2.getWidth();int newHeight = Math.max(bufferedImage1.getHeight(), bufferedImage2.getHeight());// 进行合并BufferedImage grayImage2 = new BufferedImage(newWidth, newHeight, bufferedImage.getType());// 设置白色背景for (int row=0; row<newWidth; row++) {for (int col=0; col<newHeight; col++) {grayImage2.setRGB(row, col, 0xFFFFFF);}}for (int row=0; row<bufferedImage1.getWidth(); row++) {for (int col=0; col<bufferedImage1.getHeight(); col++) {grayImage2.setRGB(row, col, bufferedImage1.getRGB(row, col));}}for (int row=0; row<bufferedImage2.getWidth(); row++) {for (int col=0; col<bufferedImage2.getHeight(); col++) {grayImage2.setRGB(row+bufferedImage1.getWidth()+blankWidth, col, bufferedImage2.getRGB(row, col));}}charImages.set(i, grayImage2);charImages.remove(i+1);i++;}}}return charImages;}private double splitThreshold = 1.4;/*** 调小分割的间隙,再进行分割* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private List<BufferedImage> splitChar4(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {List<BufferedImage> charImages = new ArrayList<>();int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();// 横坐标上的映射图片,如果x坐标上的像素个数小于这个阈值,就认为是噪点,舍弃掉,值越大,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细//int threshold = 2;// 字符间距,值越小,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细//int interval = 1;// 横坐标上的映射图片,如果x坐标上的像素个数小于这个阈值,就认为是噪点,舍弃掉,值越大,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细int threshold = 2;// 字符间距,值越小,达到分割的间距越小,分的越细int interval = 1;// 存储黑色像素在x轴上的映射,key为x轴坐标,value为对应x坐标上的黑色像素个数Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();// 存储字符起始和结束下标,key为起始下标,value为结束下标Map<Integer, Integer> charsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();// 统计for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {int blackCount = 0;for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {blackCount++;}}map.put(i, blackCount);}// 从左到右遍历时,记录白色像素点的宽度,超过这个值,就表示当前处于字符之间的空白处int whiteCount = 0;int startIndex = -1;// 单个字符的最小宽度,用于判断当前字符是否需要合并// 存在“出”字被分成两个部分,左边宽度大于bufferedImage.getHeight()*2/3,右边宽度为1像素,导致不能合并,需要增大minWidth//int minWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight()*2/3;int minWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight();// 单个字符的最大宽度// 存在“呀,”合并的情况,因为它们的宽度小于bufferedImage.getHeight()*5/4,需要缩小他的值//int maxWidth = bufferedImage.getHeight()*5/4;int maxWidth = height;int lastKey = -1;int lastValue = -1;// 下标从左到右顺序:lastKey lastValue startIndex i// 字符切割逻辑,从左往右依次扫描,碰到第一个黑色像素,标记为startIndex,继续扫描,碰到第一个白色像素,标记为i,// 这时认为i-startIndex为第一个字符的宽度,如果此宽度大于设定的参数,就认为他是一个完整的字符,添加进去,重置startIndex变量// 如果小于设定的参数,就认为他不是一个完整的字符,将startIndex赋值给lastKey,i赋值给lastValue,继续扫描,// 当扫描到第二个字符的起始黑色像素点时,标记为startIndex,继续扫描,碰到第一个白色像素,标记为i,// 如果第二个字符是完整的字符,即宽度超过设定值,那么第一个不完整的字符肯定是完整的字符,因为没有找到他的剩余部分// 如果第二个字符也不是完整的字符,那么计算第二个字符的宽度加上之前第一个不完整字符的宽度即i-lastKey,// 如果超过了设定的参数,就认为他们两个可以组成完整的字符,否则继续扫描剩余的部分// 总结起来就是,我从左往右扫描,当扫描到的黑色像素块超过我设定的阈值,那么我就认为这些黑色像素块是一个字符,以此类推// 找出起始像素点for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {int value = map.get(i);// 字符起始下标if (startIndex == -1) {// 对于高度小于设定阈值的坐标,直接舍弃if (value >= threshold) {startIndex = i;}} else {// x轴上像素个数小于3的都认为是空白if (value < threshold) {whiteCount++;} else {// 对于一个字符中间存在空白的情况,需要排除掉whiteCount = 0;}if (whiteCount > interval) {int charWidth = i-interval-startIndex;// 防止一个字符被分割成两个部分if (charWidth < minWidth) {// 如果是类似“儿”这样的左右分开的字符if (lastKey == -1) {lastKey = startIndex;lastValue = i-interval;} else {if (i-interval-lastKey > maxWidth) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);lastKey = startIndex;lastValue = i-interval;} else {/*charsMap.put(lastKey, i-interval);lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;*/// 存在一个字符被分割成多个情况,这时需要多次合并lastValue = i-interval;}}} else {if (lastKey != -1) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;}charsMap.put(startIndex, i-interval);}startIndex = -1;whiteCount = 0;}}}// 处理行尾的字符if (lastKey != -1 && startIndex != -1) {int i = width;// 后一个字符的宽度int charWidth = i-interval-startIndex;// 防止一个字符被分割成两个部分if (charWidth < minWidth) {// 如果是类似“儿”这样的左右分开的字符if (i-interval-lastKey > maxWidth) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);charsMap.put(startIndex, i-interval);} else {// 存在一个字符被分割成多个情况,这时需要多次合并charsMap.put(lastKey, i-interval);}} else {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);charsMap.put(startIndex, i-interval);}lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;startIndex = -1;}if (lastKey != -1 && startIndex == -1) {// 过滤噪点,暂时不考虑与最后一个字符合并if (lastValue - lastKey > 1) {charsMap.put(lastKey, lastValue);lastKey = -1;lastValue = -1;}}if (startIndex != -1 && lastKey == -1) {charsMap.put(startIndex, width);startIndex = -1;}// 根据上面已经标注好的字符下标,提取字符图片for (Integer key : charsMap.keySet()) {int value = charsMap.get(key);BufferedImage grayImage = bufferedImage.getSubimage(key,0,value-key,height);/*BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(value-key, bufferedImage.getHeight(), bufferedImage.getType());for (int i = 0; i < value-key; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(key+i, j);grayImage.setRGB(i, j, color);}}*/// 清除无效字符if (isInvalidChar(grayImage)) {continue;}// 清除字符上下空白部分BufferedImage cutUDImage = cutUD(grayImage);int maxHeight = getMaxHeight(bufferedImage);if (cutUDImage.getWidth() > maxHeight*splitThreshold) {// 如果两个字符相互重合不能使用一条直线分割,使用连通量进行分割List<BufferedImage> list2 = splitChar5(cutUDImage);charImages.addAll(list2);} else {charImages.add(cutUDImage);}}return charImages;}// 用于处理连在一起的字符串private int[] array2;/*** 根据连通分量来分割字符* 只处理含有两个连通分量的图片* @param image* @return*/private List<BufferedImage> splitChar5(BufferedImage image) {int width = image.getWidth();int height = image.getHeight();int size = width * height;// 最小连通分量的面积,小于阈值的过滤掉int threshold = 20;// 用于存储每个单元格所属的集合array2 = new int[size];// 初始化各个单元格所属的集合for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {array2[j] = -1;}//long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();// 先合并左右单元格中间的竖着的墙for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {for (int row=0; row<width-1; row++) {int firstColor = image.getRGB(row, col);int secondColor = image.getRGB(row+1, col);int firstIndex = col*width+row;if ((firstColor & 0xff) == 0 && firstColor == secondColor) {// 将两个单元格连通array2[firstIndex] = firstIndex+1;}}}//System.out.println("startTime1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");// 输出array/*for (int j=0; j<height; j++) {for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {int index = j * width + i;System.out.print(fillBlank(array[index]+",", 8));}System.out.println();}*/// 再拆除上下单元格之间的横着的墙,只拆除上下两行最右边的两个单元格就行了,能保证两行可以合并到同一个联通分量里面就行for (int col=height-1; col>0; col--) {for (int row=width-1; row>-1; row--) {int firstColor = image.getRGB(row, col);int secondColor = image.getRGB(row, col-1);// 上下两个单元格的右边如果都是黑色,就不合并if ((firstColor & 0xff) == 0 && firstColor == secondColor) {// 第一个像素在第二个像素的下面int firstIndex = col*width+row;int secondIndex = firstIndex - width;union2(firstIndex, secondIndex);}}}//System.out.println("startTime3:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");// 统计所有连通分量的大小Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();// 将联通分量里面的元素全部设置为统一编号,便于统计,用倒序比正序快得多for (int i=size-1; i>-1; i--) {int row = array2[i];if (row == -1) {continue;}int result1 = find2(i);Integer key = map.get(result1);if (key == null) {map.put(result1, 1);} else if (key < threshold) {map.put(result1, key+1);}array2[i] = result1;}// 存储连通量的上下两个极值在数组中的位置,key为连通量编号,也是连通量的上极值,value为连通量的下极值Map<Integer, Integer> map2 = new LinkedHashMap<>();for (int minY=0; minY<size; minY++) {int maxY = array2[minY];if (maxY == -1) {continue;}// 过滤掉面积小于1500像素的联通分量if (!map2.containsKey(maxY) && map.get(maxY) == threshold) {map2.put(maxY, minY);}}//System.out.println("startTime6:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");List<BufferedImage> list = new ArrayList<>();if (map2.size() != 2) {list.add(image);return list;}// 根据联通分量来抠图Map<Integer, BufferedImage> map5 = new LinkedHashMap<>();for (int row = 0; row < width; row++) {for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {int index = col * width + row;int maxY = array2[index];if (maxY == -1 || map2.get(maxY) == null) {continue;}int minY = map2.get(maxY);if (map2.containsKey(maxY)) {int newHeight = maxY/width - minY/width+1;int blankHeight = minY/width;if (map5.containsKey(maxY)) {BufferedImage grayImage = map5.get(maxY);int color = image.getRGB(row, col);grayImage.setRGB(row, col-blankHeight, color);} else {// 找出能放下字符行的四边形的四个角BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(width, newHeight, image.getType());// 设置白色背景for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {for (int j=0; j<newHeight; j++) {grayImage.setRGB(i, j, 0xFFFFFF);}}int color = image.getRGB(row, col);grayImage.setRGB(row, col-blankHeight, color);map5.put(maxY, grayImage);}}}}for (Integer key : map5.keySet()) {// 清除字符上下空白部分BufferedImage cutLR2 = cutLR2(map5.get(key));list.add(cutLR2);}return list;}private boolean isInvalidChar(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {int blackCount = 0;// 统计for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int b = color & 0xff;if (b == 0) {blackCount++;}}}return blackCount < ignoreArea;}/*** 获取一行文字的最大有效高度* 用于处理倒S形的文字行* 从左到右扫描列,通过记录每一列的第一个和最后一个黑色像素,从而得到该列的有效高度,最后取所有列最大的有效高度,也即是字符的最大高度* @param bufferedImage* @return*/private static int getMaxHeight(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {int maxHeight = 0;// 以图片左上角点为坐标原点for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {int start = bufferedImage.getHeight()-1;int end = 0;for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int red = color & 0xFF;if (red == 0) {start = j;break;}}for (int j = bufferedImage.getHeight()-1; j > -1; j--) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int red = color & 0xFF;if (red == 0) {end = j;break;}}if ((end - start) > maxHeight) {maxHeight = end - start;}}return maxHeight + 1;}/*** 切分图片** @param bufferedImage* @return*/private static Map<Integer, BufferedImage> splitImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {Map<Integer, BufferedImage> map = new HashMap<>();int w = bufferedImage.getWidth();int h = bufferedImage.getHeight();int type = bufferedImage.getType();int blockWidth = w / widthSplitNum;int blockHeight = h / heightSplitNum;for (int i = 0; i < widthSplitNum; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < heightSplitNum; j++) {BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(blockWidth, blockHeight, type);int mStart = i * blockWidth;int mEnd = (i + 1) * blockWidth;int nStart = j * blockHeight;int nEnd = (j + 1) * blockHeight;for (int m = mStart; m < mEnd; m++) {for (int n = nStart; n < nEnd; n++) {grayImage.setRGB(m - mStart, n - nStart, bufferedImage.getRGB(m, n));}}map.put(i * heightSplitNum + j, grayImage);}}return map;}public BufferedImage mergeImage(Map<Integer, BufferedImage> map) {if (map == null || map.get(0) == null) {return null;}int blockWidth = map.get(0).getWidth();int blockHeight = map.get(0).getHeight();BufferedImage destImage = new BufferedImage(blockWidth * widthSplitNum, blockHeight * heightSplitNum, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);for (int i = 0; i < widthSplitNum; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < heightSplitNum; j++) {BufferedImage grayImage = map.get(i * heightSplitNum + j);for (int m = 0; m < grayImage.getWidth(); m++) {for (int n = 0; n < grayImage.getHeight(); n++) {destImage.setRGB(i * blockWidth + m, j * blockHeight + n, grayImage.getRGB(m, n));}}}}return destImage;}/*** 二值化图片** @param bufferedImage 原图片* @return 二值化后的图片*/private static BufferedImage binaryImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), bufferedImage.getType());int threshold = getMeanThreshold(bufferedImage);for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;int b = color & 0xff;int gray = (int) (0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);if (gray > threshold) {// 白色grayImage.setRGB(i, j, 0xFFFFFF);} else {// 黑色grayImage.setRGB(i, j, 0);}}}return grayImage;}/*** 获取图片的阀值,采用基于灰度平均值的阈值** @param bufferedImage 原图片* @return 二值化的阈值*/private static int getMeanThreshold2(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), bufferedImage.getType());Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {// getRGB()方法,根据手册,其返回的int型数据(32位)为ARGB格式,其中ARGB各占8bitint color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;int b = color & 0xff;//int gray = (int) (0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);int gray = (int) (0.33 * r + 0.34 * g + 0.33 * b);if (map.containsKey(gray)) {map.put(gray, map.get(gray)+1);} else {map.put(gray, 1);}}}// 起始像素值int index = 0;for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImage.getWidth(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < bufferedImage.getHeight(); j++) {int rgb = getRgb(map, index);grayImage.setRGB(i, j, rgb);}}int sum = 0;int j = grayImage.getHeight()/2;for (int i = 0; i < grayImage.getWidth(); i++) {int color = grayImage.getRGB(i, j);int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;sum += r;//System.out.println(r);}int threshold = sum / grayImage.getWidth();System.out.println(threshold);return threshold - 15;}/*** 递归* @param map* @param index* @return*/private static int getRgb(Map<Integer, Integer> map, int index) {int rgb = 0;while (map.get(index) == null && index < 256) {index++;}Integer count = map.get(index);if (count != null) {if (count > 0) {map.put(index, count-1);rgb = (clamp(index) << 16) | (clamp(index) << 8) | clamp(index);} else {rgb = getRgb(map, index+1);}}return rgb;}/*** 获取图片的阀值,采用基于灰度平均值的阈值** @param bufferedImage 原图片* @return 二值化的阈值*/private static int getMeanThreshold(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {double aa = 0.83;int w = bufferedImage.getWidth();int h = bufferedImage.getHeight();int num = 0;long sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(i, j);int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;int b = color & 0xff;int gray = (int) (0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);sum += gray;num += 1;}}// 测试表明,阀值取平均值的1.2倍效果最好。// 越大越黑int threshold = (int) (sum / num);if (threshold * aa < 255) {threshold = (int) (aa * sum / num);}return threshold;}/*** 如果像素点的值超过了0-255的范围,予以调整** @param value 输入值* @return 输出值*/private static int clamp(int value) {return value > 255 ? 255 : (Math.max(value, 0));}// 用于存储每个单元格所属的集合private int[] array;// 映射到右边边界上,用于判断哪些行有黑色像素,对于没有黑色像素的行直接跳过private Map<Integer, Integer> map3;/*** 减少union的时间* @param image* @return* @throws IOException*/private List<BufferedImage> getCharRow4(BufferedImage image, BufferedImage bufferedImage) {int width = image.getWidth();int height = image.getHeight();int size = width * height;// 最小连通分量的面积,小于阈值的过滤掉int threshold = 500;// 用于存储每个单元格所属的集合array = new int[size];// 初始化各个单元格所属的集合for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {array[j] = -1;}//long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();// 先合并左右单元格中间的竖着的墙for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {if (!map3.containsKey(col)) {continue;}for (int row=0; row<width-1; row++) {int firstColor = image.getRGB(row, col);int secondColor = image.getRGB(row+1, col);int firstIndex = col*width+row;if ((firstColor & 0xff) == 0 && firstColor == secondColor) {// 将两个单元格连通array[firstIndex] = firstIndex+1;}}}//System.out.println("startTime1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");// 输出array/*for (int j=0; j<height; j++) {for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {int index = j * width + i;System.out.print(fillBlank(array[index]+",", 8));}System.out.println();}*/boolean flag = false;// 再拆除上下单元格之间的横着的墙,只拆除上下两行最右边的两个单元格就行了,能保证两行可以合并到同一个联通分量里面就行for (int col=height-1; col>0; col--) {if (!map3.containsKey(col)) {continue;}// 每次换行都要执行一次合并,防止因为两行的最右边是边界,没有白色像素flag = true;for (int row=width-1; row>-1; row--) {int firstColor = image.getRGB(row, col);int secondColor = image.getRGB(row, col-1);// 如果两个黑色像素前面是白色像素,那么就表示他们是各自行的末尾,那么就进行合并操作if (!flag && (firstColor == -1 || secondColor == -1)) {flag = true;}// 上下两个单元格的右边如果都是黑色,就不合并if (flag && ((firstColor & 0xff) == 0 && firstColor == secondColor)) {// 第一个像素在第二个像素的下面int firstIndex = col*width+row;int secondIndex = firstIndex - width;union(firstIndex, secondIndex);flag = false;}}}//System.out.println("startTime3:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");// 统计所有连通分量的大小Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();// 将联通分量里面的元素全部设置为统一编号,便于统计,用倒序比正序快得多for (int i=size-1; i>-1; i--) {int row = array[i];if (row == -1) {continue;}int result1 = find(i);Integer key = map.get(result1);if (key == null) {map.put(result1, 1);} else if (key < threshold) {map.put(result1, key+1);}array[i] = result1;}// 存储连通量的上下两个极值在数组中的位置,key为连通量编号,也是连通量的上极值,value为连通量的下极值Map<Integer, Integer> map2 = new LinkedHashMap<>();for (int minY=0; minY<size; minY++) {int maxY = array[minY];if (maxY == -1) {continue;}// 过滤掉面积小于1500像素的联通分量if (!map2.containsKey(maxY) && map.get(maxY) == threshold) {map2.put(maxY, minY);}}//System.out.println("startTime6:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");// 根据联通分量来抠图List<BufferedImage> list = new ArrayList<>();Map<Integer, BufferedImage> map5 = new LinkedHashMap<>();for (int col=0; col<height; col++) {if (!map3.containsKey(col)) {continue;}for (int row = 0; row < width; row++) {int index = col * width + row;int maxY = array[index];if (maxY == -1 || map2.get(maxY) == null) {continue;}int minY = map2.get(maxY);if (map2.containsKey(maxY)) {int newHeight = maxY/width - minY/width+1;int blankHeight = minY/width;if (map5.containsKey(maxY)) {BufferedImage grayImage = map5.get(maxY);int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(row, col);grayImage.setRGB(row, col-blankHeight, color);} else {// 找出能放下字符行的四边形的四个角BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(width, newHeight, image.getType());// 设置白色背景for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {for (int j=0; j<newHeight; j++) {grayImage.setRGB(i, j, 0xFFFFFF);}}int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(row, col);grayImage.setRGB(row, col-blankHeight, color);map5.put(maxY, grayImage);}}}}for (Integer key : map5.keySet()) {list.add(map5.get(key));}/*for (int maxY : map2.keySet()) {int minY = map2.get(maxY);int newHeight = maxY/width - minY/width+1;int blankHeight = minY/width;// 找出能放下字符行的四边形的四个角BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(width, newHeight, image.getType());// 设置白色背景for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {for (int j=0; j<newHeight; j++) {grayImage.setRGB(i, j, 0xFFFFFF);}}for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {if (array[i] == -1) {continue;}if (array[i] == maxY) {int x = i % width;int y = i / width;int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(x, y);grayImage.setRGB(x, y-blankHeight, color);}}list.add(grayImage);}*///System.out.println("startTime7:" + (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTime) + "ms");int fileName = 0;for (Integer key: map5.keySet()) {File newFile = new File("d:\\temp\\" + (fileName++) + ".png");try {ImageIO.write(map5.get(key), "png", newFile);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}return list;}private void printArray(int width, int height) {for (int j=0; j<height; j++) {for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {int index = j * width + i;System.out.print(fillBlank(array[index]+",", 8));}System.out.println();}}public String fillBlank(String str, int length) {int strLength = str.length();if (strLength < length) {for (int i=0; i<length-strLength; i++) {str += " ";}}return str;}/*** 返回 i 所在集合的最大值** @param i 单元格编号* @return*/public int find(int i) {int result = i;while (array[result] != -1) {result = array[result];}return result;}/*** 将 i 和 j 所在集合进行合并** @param i 单元格编号* @param j 单元格编号*/public void union(int i, int j) {int result1 = find(i);int result2 = find(j);if (result1 == result2){return;}if(result1 > result2) {array[result2] = result1;}else {array[result1] = result2;}}public int find2(int i) {int result = i;while (array2[result] != -1) {result = array2[result];}return result;}public void union2(int i, int j) {int result1 = find2(i);int result2 = find2(j);if (result1 == result2){return;}if(result1 > result2) {array2[result2] = result1;}else {array2[result1] = result2;}}private void setRecursion(int j, int value) {if (array[j] != 0) {if (j == array[j]) {return;}setRecursion(array[j], value);}array[j] = value;}}








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