电子科技大学 格拉斯哥学院 2017级 王逸霏
This passage is talking about the basic definition of the image stabilization.

Image stabilization (IS) is a group of techniques that decrease blurring associated with the motion of a camera or other imaging device during exposure.

Generally speaking , it has the function of repairing the pan and tilt ( angular movement which equal to yaw and pitch )of the imaging device, though electronic image stabilization can also compensate for rotation.It is also used in imaged-stabilized binoculars,still and video cameras,astrononimcal telescopes, and also smartphones,mainly the high-technical stage.For video cameras, camera shake causes visible unclear problems which may make people hard to understand the video.Also, for the still cameras,if we want to take photo of some still things or the things far away, image shake is a very serivous problems.For the astronomy part,the problems of the shake lens might become worse due to the change of the atmosphere as time going on which mean that the apparent positions of the objects might change.
In many photograhpy, image stabilization might cause the facilitate shutter speeds slower or even reported slowlier.

The rule of thumb to determine the slowest shutter speed possible for hand-holding without noticeable blur due to camera shake is to take the reciprocal of the 35 mm equivalent focal length of the lens, also known as the “1/mm rule”. For example, at a focal length of 125 mm on a 35 mm camera, vibration or camera shake could affect sharpness if the shutter speed is slower than 1/125 second. As a result of the 2–4.5 stops slower shutter speeds allowed by IS, an image taken at 1/125 second speed with an ordinary lens could be taken at 1/15 or 1/8 second with an IS-equipped lens and produce almost the same quality. The sharpness obtainable at a given speed can increase dramatically.[2] When calculating the effective focal length, it is important to take into account the image format a camera uses. For example, many digital SLR cameras use an image sensor that is 2/3, 5/8, or 1/2 the size of a 35 mm film frame. This means that the 35 mm frame is 1.5, 1.6, or 2 times the size of the digital sensor. The latter values are referred to as the crop factor, field-of-view crop factor, focal-length multiplier, or format factor. On a 2x crop factor camera, for instance, a 50 mm lens produces the same field of view as a 100 mm lens used on a 35 mm film camera, and can typically be handheld at 1/100 of a second.

However, image stabilization does not prevent motion blur caused by the movement of the subject or by extreme movements of the camera. Image stabilization is only designed for and capable of reducing blur that results from normal, minute shaking of a lens due to hand-held shooting. Some lenses and camera bodies include a secondary panning mode or a more aggressive ‘active mode’, both described in greater detail below under optical image stabilization.

Image-stabilization features can also be a benefit in astrophotography, when the camera is technically—but not effectively—fixed in place. The Pentax K-5 and K-r can use their sensor-shift capability to reduce star trails in reasonable exposure times, when equipped with the O-GPS1 GPS accessory for position data. In effect, the stabilization compensates for the Earth’s motion, not the camera’s.

There are two types of implementation—lens-based, or body-based stabilization. These refer to where the stabilizing system is located. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Application in Nikon camera
A model based on the original RF/RD Quartz model. But this budget entry level Nikon RF-10 remained strictly a non-data back version and it was only sold in selective countries (not even in Japan). The lense used on the camera is a rather odd, 34mm f/4.5 Nikon lens. The RF was also named as "Smile-Taker) in US; it was introduced as the first Nikon AF/AE compact in 1992.

Nikon RF-10 1992
Nikon used the features-riched previous W35 model, repackaged it in 1992 with a new cosmetic & splash-proof protective exterior (but not entirely for underwater use). The Nikon AW-35 (or an alternate QD version with a Quartz Data Back, AW-35QD) was Nikon answer to Olympus hot selling splash proof Mju models. The various good feature with the splash resistant feature made this a good consideration for active fun shooters as it was also sold under the name of “Sport Touch” in the US market.
NikonTW Zoom 85 1992 The Nikon TW Zoom introduced in 1992 represented the first among a revamped series of its popular Nikon TW-series of zoom where it generally has a slightly larger body dimension to accommodate more features. This Nikon TW Zoom 85 was the first Nikon compact that provided with an built-in Panorama function and a newly redesigned 32-85mm f/4.5-f/11 zoom lens.

This fully automatic AE/AF zoom compact was also incorporated with a focusing system that handles Spot AF and Infinity Focus as well as an Interchangeable film system… User can select either a full-size 24 x 36mm format or switching to a Panorama film format 13 x 36mm. Further, there was also a built-in Diopter function for eye sight adjustment. The camera also uses traditional 1 x 6V CR-P2 cell or DL223A) lithium battery. The exterior cosmetic has also gone through a redesign which projects a more rigid, quality feel. The hand grip has a large Nikon name - like the Nikon F-401 series SLRs.

The Nikon TW Zoom 150 QD was Nikon first zoom compact model that surged past that 85mm focal length and it was Nikon’s flag ship compact during this period. Technical highlights include a wide area AF, Spot and even focus tracking - partial features of the SLR-types of focusing system was transferred to this P& S compact model. The lense used for this camera was a 37-105mm f/3.7~f/9.9 Nikon zoom.

Other features include were al larger dimension for better handling, an image-size selector, sequential zoom shooting and a mid-roll film interchange system. The built-in data back was a 24-hours world time clock version. This camera was sold under the Zoom-Touch 800 in some selective countries. The camera was introduced almost at the same time with the Nikon TW Zoom TW Zoom mentioned above as Nikon twin high end offerings in 1992.
Nikon AF600 1993
There were a few “first” in a Nikon with this AF600 QD P&S compact. It was the Nikon first compact that offered a 28mm wideangle lense (fixed, 28mm f/3.5 Nikon lens). Next, at the time of its introduction, this model was also the lightest and the most compact sized AF/AE compact camera of the world (weighs approx. 155g measures at 106mm x 62mm x 32mm only). Together, a built-in cropped in Panoramic image format was offered (13mm x 36mm). Came with either a selection of standard or an optional QD version.
Nikon ZOOM 100 1993
In an effort to streamline its compact camera series, the Nikon Zoom 100 was introduced in late 1993 and given a straight forward model name where from no one, fixed lens compact was referred as Nikon AF XXX and zoom compact with Nikon Zoom XXX. This budget compact has a 35-70mm f/4~f/5.6 zoom lense and it came with a switch over panorama selector. The AF Zoom 100 was also called “Lite-Touch” in some countries.


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