
The Xbox One controller is fantastic. Even if you don't have an Xbox One, the controller now works on a Windows PC with a standard micro-USB cable. Any Steam and Windows game that supports standard XInput works great. I've played Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite and both worked wonderfully. Everything works smoothly and even vibration feedback is supported.

Xbox One控制器很棒。 即使您没有Xbox One,该控制器现在也可以在具有标准micro-USB电缆的Windows PC上运行。 任何支持标准XInput的Steam和Windows游戏都可以正常运行。 我玩过《古墓丽影》和《生化奇兵:无限》,两者都表现出色。 一切运行平稳,甚至支持振动反馈。

I've previously used the Xbox 360 Controller's "Wireless Receiver Adapter" for Windows to pair XBox 360 controllers. It also works great, but I frankly prefer a plug-in and remove model, rather than having another adapter.

我以前使用过Windows的Xbox 360控制器的“无线接收器适配器”来配对XBox 360控制器。 它也很好用,但是坦率地说,我更喜欢一个插件并删除模型,而不是拥有另一个适配器。

Soon the drivers for the Xbox One controller will be available on Windows Update. That means you'll be able to just plugin the Xbox One controller into any PC and the drivers will just download.

很快,Xbox One控制器的驱动程序将在Windows Update上可用。 这意味着您只需将Xbox One控制器插入任何PC即可下载驱动程序。

Until then, you'll want to install one these drivers depending on your machine:


  • PC Drivers for Xbox One Controller (x86)

    Xbox One控制器(x86)的PC驱动程序

  • PC Drivers for Xbox One Controller (x64)

    Xbox One控制器(x64)的PC驱动程序

Once these drivers are installed, plugin the Xbox One Controller to any USB port. There's a micro-USB port on the top of the Xbox One so you can use a regular USB cable. I used the one from my Kindle because it's very long.

安装完这些驱动程序后,将Xbox One控制器插入任何USB端口。 Xbox One的顶部有一个微型USB端口,因此您可以使用常规USB电缆。 我使用了Kindle上的那个,因为它很长。

The controller shows up as a Gamepad in Windows and works with any game that supports a standard joystick. Here's  a screenshot from my PC:

该控制器在Windows中显示为游戏手柄,并且可以与支持标准操纵杆的任何游戏一起使用。 这是我PC上的屏幕截图:

Here's an animated gif of me moving the controller and seeing the result in the Properties Dialog. You can see it's got all 10 buttons, 3 axes and the POV hat.

这是我移动控制器并在“属性”对话框中看到结果的动画gif。 您会看到它具有所有10个按钮,3个轴和POV帽子。

If you've got a Xbox One controller, you should grab a micro-USB cable and get this set up today. If you're considering a new PC controller, I recommend this controller even if you don't have an Xbox One.

如果您有Xbox One控制器,则应抓住micro-USB电缆并立即进行设置。 如果您正在考虑使用新的PC控制器,即使您没有Xbox One,我也建议您使用此控制器。

相关链接 (Related Links)

  • Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver

    Microsoft Xbox 360无线游戏接收器

  • Xbox 360 Controller Wireless Receiver Adapter for Windows

    用于Windows的Xbox 360控制器无线接收器适配器



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