mac memcached

Memcached is an open-source high performance distributed memory object caching system. It is one of the most widely used cache mechanism used by some of the biggest websites like and

Memcached是一个开源的高性能分布式内存对象缓存系统。 它是WordPress.com和LiveJournal.com等一些大型网站使用的最广泛使用的缓存机制之一。

It is also used by VBulletin software, for faster performance, that is one of the best software for Forums. It’s easy to install and there are so many client programs available on the Internet in different languages.

VBulletin软件也使用它来提高性能,这是论坛最好的软件之一。 它很容易安装,并且互联网上有许多可用不同语言的客户端程序。

Read: Memcached Java Client

阅读 : Memcached Java客户端

在Mac OS上安装Memcached (Install Memcached on Mac OS)

Memcached is a memory based caching mechanism and build using C language. To install memcached server on Mac OS, we need C library. Here I am assuming that C library is already present in the system. If it’s not, then you can download C compiler and install it or install XCode that installs GCC compiler with it.

Memcached是基于内存的缓存机制,并使用C语言进行构建。 要在Mac OS上安装memcached服务器,我们需要C库。 在这里,我假设系统中已经存在C库。 如果不是,则可以下载并编译C编译器,也可以安装XCode来安装GCC编译器 。

After that, you need to install the lib events library.


Steps are;


$ curl -OL$ tar -xvf libevent-2.1.8-stable.tar.gz $ cd libevent-2.1.8-stable$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local$ make$ sudo make install

Once libevents is installed then you can install Memcached server.


Steps are;


$ curl -O$ tar -xvf memcached-1.5.0.tar.gz $ cd memcached-1.5.0$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local$ make$ sudo make install

Now Memcached server is installed in your system. If the libevent library is not installed, configure command will give the following error.

现在,您的系统中已安装Memcached服务器。 如果未安装libevent库,则configure命令将出现以下错误。

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
checking for libevent directory... configure: error: libevent is required.  You can get it from it's already installed, specify its path using --with-libevent=/dir/pankaj:memcached-1.5.0 pankaj$

Memcached服务器在不同的端口上 (Memcached Server on Different Port)

By default, memcached server runs on TCP port 11211 and listens on UDP port 11211 and you can run multiple instances of memcached server from one installation.


$memcached -d

Above command will start the Memcached server on TCP port 11211 and listens on UDP port 11211 as a daemon process.


$memcached -p 11111 -U 11111 -d

Above command will start the Memcached server on TCP port 11111 and listens on UDP port 11111 as a daemon process.


使用Telnet测试Memcached服务器 (Test Memcached Server using Telnet)

Next step is to use memcached telnet commands to test that it’s working fine.

下一步是使用memcached telnet命令测试它是否正常运行。

In some of the Linux systems, you also need to add the libevent library location in the path.


If you get following error in starting memcached server:


./memcached: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Then add following configuration in user profile (for example, .bash_profile or .profile)


$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /usr/local/lib

Or, provide it’s path using --with-libevent option in configure command.


I have used the above steps to install Memcached server on Mac OS. If you face any issues, let me know. I will try to resolve them.

我已按照上述步骤在Mac OS上安装Memcached服务器。 如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我。 我将尝试解决它们。

Happy Caching…


Further Reading: Install Memcached on CentOS and PHP integration

进一步阅读: 在CentOS和PHP集成上安装Memcached



  • Memcached Download PageMemcached下载页面
  • Libevent WebsiteLibevent网站


mac memcached

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