In my earlier post, I explained how to install Memcached server on Mac OS. Today I will explain how to install the Memcached server on Windows operating system.

在我以前的文章中,我解释了如何在Mac OS上安装Memcached服务器 。 今天,我将解释如何在Windows操作系统上安装Memcached服务器。

在Windows上安装Memcached (Install Memcached on Windows)

To install the Memcached Server on Windows, we have to run its “exe” or “batch” process file.

要在Windows上安装Memcached服务器,我们必须运行其“ exe”或“批处理”进程文件。

However, the Memcached server was written for Unix/Linux based operating system and you can’t get a Windows version from the Memcached server official website.

但是,Memcached服务器是为基于Unix / Linux的操作系统编写的,您无法从Memcached服务器的官方网站上获取Windows版本。

This problem is solved by Jellycan Code and NorthScale. They provided the Win32 and Win64 versions in a binary format that can be used to install the Memcached server on Windows.

Jellycan Code和NorthScale解决了此问题。 他们以二进制格式提供了Win32和Win64版本,可用于在Windows上安装Memcached服务器。

在Windows上安装Memcached的步骤 (Steps to install Memcached on Windows)

  1. Download memcached installer zip from the following links based on your Windows setup – Win32, Win64.根据您的Windows设置-Win32和Win64 ,从以下链接下载memcached安装程序zip。
  2. Unzip it in some hard drive folder. For example C:\memcached将其解压缩到某些硬盘文件夹中。 例如C:\ memcached
  3. There will be memcached.exe file in the unzipped folder.解压缩后的文件夹中将包含memcached.exe文件。
  4. Open Command Prompt and execute below commands to install it as service and start it.打开命令提示符并执行以下命令以将其作为服务安装并启动。

Now Memcached is installed and running as a daemon process on port 11211. You can view it in the Control Panel Services also and stop and start it from there.


You can run memcached.exe -help command to check all the available options like changing ports.

您可以运行memcached.exe -help命令来检查所有可用选项,例如更改端口。

Once you have started memcached server, you can use memcached telnet commands or memcached java client program to test it.

启动memcached服务器后,就可以使用memcached telnet命令或memcached Java客户端程序对其进行测试。


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