
After writing articles about how to open the Safely Remove dialog as well as eject a specific USB drive, some readers contacted me asking me to write about how to eject a CD or DVD drive instead, so I’m covering that here.


There’s a number of ways to accomplish this, but the best way is to use the NirCmd utility from the excellent Nirsoft. It does a lot more than just eject the cd-rom drive, so be sure to read the information on their site about all the capabilities.

有多种方法可以实现此目的,但是最好的方法是使用出色的Nirsoft中的NirCmd实用程序。 它不仅可以弹出CD-ROM驱动器,还可以做很多事情,因此请务必阅读其站点上有关所有功能的信息。

Create a Shortcut to Eject the CD/DVD Drive

创建快捷方式弹出CD / DVD驱动器

Right-click on the desktop or elsewhere and choose New \ Shortcut.


In the location box, put the full path to the nircmd.exe file that you downloaded, and append the “cdrom open” command to the end of it, adjusting the drive letter to match your disc drive:

在位置框中,将完整路径放在您下载的nircmd.exe文件中,然后将“ cdrom open”命令附加到其末尾,以调整驱动器号以匹配您的光盘驱动器:

“C:\path\to\nircmd.exe” cdrom open D:

“ C:\ path \ to \ nircmd.exe” cdrom打开D:

Note the location of the quotes.. if you are using a path with spaces in it, you need to make sure the quotes are only around the path to the executable, and the arguments should be placed after the quote.


Give the shortcut a meaningful name, like Eject CD or something like that, and you’ll have a new icon (read below on how to use the cd-rom icon as shown)

给快捷方式起一个有意义的名称,例如Eject CD或类似的名称,您将拥有一个新图标(有关如何使用cd-rom图标的信息,请阅读下文,如图所示)

You can move the icon to anywhere you’d like… double-clicking on it will immediately eject the drive.


Create a Shortcut to Close the CD/DVD Drive

创建快捷方式以关闭CD / DVD驱动器

You can follow the same exact instructions as above, but instead of “cdrom open” just substitute “cdrom close”.

您可以遵循与上述完全相同的说明,但不是“ cdrom open”,而是“ cdrom close”。

Assign a Hotkey to the Shortcut


Now that we have a shortcut, we can assign a hotkey to the shortcut by right-clicking on the icon and choosing Properties. On the Shortcut tab you’ll see a place to assign the Shortcut key:

现在有了快捷方式,我们可以通过右键单击图标并选择“属性”来为快捷方式分配一个热键。 在快捷方式选项卡上,您将看到一个分配快捷方式键的位置:

Add in the shortcut key and close the dialog. As long as the shortcut is on your desktop you shouldn’t have to restart anything for the hotkey to work. You can also move the shortcut to another folder, for instance your quick launch bar.

添加快捷键并关闭对话框。 只要快捷方式在您的桌面上,您就不必重新启动任何功能即可使热键起作用。 您也可以将快捷方式移动到另一个文件夹,例如快速启动栏。

Tip: If you add the shortcut to the Windows Vista quick launch bar, you can use the built-in hotkeys instead of bothering to assign one manually.

提示:如果将快捷方式添加到Windows Vista快速启动栏,则可以使用内置的热键,而不必费心手动分配一个。

Assign an Icon to the Shortcut


If you click on the Change Icon button in the properties window, you can give the shortcut a more meaningful icon, perhaps the DVD one you see below.


You could choose any icon on the system that you’d like, of course.


Download NirCmd from nirsoft.net


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/create-a-shortcut-or-hotkey-to-eject-the-cddvd-drive/


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