windows7 热键查看

Have you ever wondered how to open up Task Manager with the “All Users” view instead of just your own processes? One of our readers wrote in with this same question, so I’m writing it up for everybody.

您是否曾经想过如何使用“所有用户”视图而不是仅使用自己的进程打开任务管理器? 我们的一位读者用同样的问题写了信,所以我正在为每个人写它。

In case you are confused about what we’re talking about… on the Processes tab in Task Manager there’s a button called “Show processes from all users” which will re-open Task Manager in order to show all the processes, which can be annoying if you need to do it a lot.


Create the Task Manager Shortcut


Right-click on the desktop or elsewhere, and then choose New \ Shortcut from the menu.


Then in the shortcut location box, add the following command:




Once you’ve added the command, go to the next screen and give the shortcut a useful name – I chose “Task Manager (All Users)” as the name since it seemed descriptive enough.


Now right-click on the shortcut and open up Properties, where you can add a shortcut key if you’d like (note that the shortcut needs to be on the desktop or in the start menu for this to work)…


And now the most important step, click the Advanced button and choose the “Run as administrator” checkbox.


Now you’ll have a shortcut that will immediately open up Task Manager to the all users view (after a UAC prompt).


For extra credit, you could create the shortcut without a UAC prompt (it just takes a little more work).

为了获得额外的荣誉,您可以在没有UAC提示的情况下创建快捷方式 (这需要更多的工作)。


windows7 热键查看

windows7 热键查看_创建快捷方式或热键以在Windows 7或Vista中打开任务管理器的“所有用户”视图...相关推荐

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