
There are numerous applications which, when launched, result in a UAC (User Account Control) warning being displayed. There are reasons why this security measure is a good idea, but it can also be extremely irritating. ElevatedShortcut lets you create shortcuts that bypass the warning.

有许多应用程序在启动时会导致显示UAC(用户帐户控制)警告。 出于某种原因,此安全措施是一个好主意,但它也可能非常恼人。 ElevatedShortcut使您可以创建绕过警告的快捷方式。

In the past we have looked at how you can manually create shortcuts to avoid UAC prompts, and create shortcuts that allow applications to be run as administrator.


We have also looked at how you can go about completely disabling User Account Control in Windows 8. ElevatedShortcut provides a way to quickly create the shortcuts you need to launch trusted applications without being pestered.

我们还研究了如何在Windows 8中完全禁用用户帐户控制。 ElevatedShortcut提供了一种快速创建启动受信任的应用程序所需的快捷方式的方式,而不会受到影响。

This free app can be used with both Windows 7 and 8, and can be downloaded from WinAero. As it is a portable app, it does not need to be installed.

这个免费的应用程序可以在Windows 7和Windows 8上使用,也可以从WinAero下载。 由于它是便携式应用程序,因此无需安装。

After extracting the zip file you have downloaded, open the folder that corresponds to the version of Windows you’re using and double click ElevatedShortcut.exe.


Click ‘New shortcut’ and then either click the ellipsis button before navigating to the program you want to launch sans UAC, or type the path and name of the executable.


If you need to run an application with particular parameters, these can be added in the ‘Command line’ field. Choose where the shortcut should be created and then click OK.

如果您需要使用特定参数运行应用程序,则可以在“命令行”字段中添加这些参数。 选择应该在哪里创建快捷方式,然后单击“确定”。

Click OK when the shortcut has been created and compare its appearance to that of a regular shortcut to the same executable.


If you have a series of regular shortcuts you would like to convert so they no longer generate a UAC warning, you can do so by clicking ‘Modify shortcut’ in ElevatedShortcut. Select a standard .lnk file and it will be converted for you.

如果您要转换一系列常规的快捷方式,以便它们不再生成UAC警告,则可以通过单击ElevatedShortcut中的“修改快捷方式”来实现。 选择一个标准的.lnk文件,它将为您转换。

The tool also includes a way to quickly delete any shortcuts you have created – great if you decide they pose a security risk if other people are using your computer. Click ‘Remove shortcut’ at the main screen and you can delete one or several shortcuts as necessary.

该工具还提供了一种快速删除您创建的快捷方式的方法-如果您确定如果其他人正在使用您的计算机,它们会带来安全风险,则非常有用。 单击主屏幕上的“删除快捷方式”,您可以根据需要删除一个或多个快捷方式。

Another way to create an elevated shortcut from an existing shortcut is to enable ElevatedShortcut’s context menu entry. Click the Setting link at the bottom of the program window and then tick ‘Add to the Explorer context menu’ before clicking OK. If you want to prevent the menu item from appearing all of the time, you should also tick the ‘Show only with SHIFT key’ before you click OK.

从现有快捷方式创建提升的快捷方式的另一种方法是启用ElevatedShortcut的上下文菜单项。 单击程序窗口底部的“设置”链接,然后单击“添加到资源管理器上下文菜单”,然后单击“确定”。 如果要阻止菜单项始终显示,则还应在单击“确定”之前勾选“仅使用SHIFT键显示”。

With this option enabled, you can right click on an existing shortcut (or Shift and right click) and when the ElevatedShortcut option is clicked you’ll be guided through creating a new shortcut.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/140737/create-a-shortcut-to-avoid-user-account-control-popups-the-easy-way/



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