The new 2015-edition Apple TV features a brand new remote with a new battery system and a new way to charge it. Read how to check the remote’s battery level and charge it back up.

全新的2015年版Apple TV配备了带有新电池系统和充电方式的全新遥控器。 阅读如何检查遥控器的电池电量并进行备份。

2015 Apple Remote遥控器的新增功能 (What’s New With The 2015 Apple Remote)

Previous editions of the Apple TV remote were powered by coin-cell battery and would frequently go years without needing a replacement. This was largely on account of how limited the functionality of the old Apple TV remotes were and how little you did with them besides simply selecting media and playing it. (Regular television remotes, likewise, often go years without battery changes too.)

以前的Apple TV遥控器版本是由纽扣电池供电的,并且经常需要数年才能更换。 这主要是由于旧的Apple TV遥控器的功能多么有限,除了简单地选择媒体和播放之外,您对它们所做的工作很少。 (同样,普通电视遥控器也经常需要数年的时间,而无需更换电池。)

Now that Apple TV has matured into it’s own tvOS and includes an App Store with games as well as a remote packed with a microphone for voice-control via Siri as well as sensors and a trackpad, the battery life is a bit shorter: Apple estimates under normal use the remote will require recharging once every three months. If you use the remote frequently for gaming, however, you’ll certainly need to charge it sooner.

现在,Apple TV已发展成为自己的tvOS,并包括一个带有游戏的App Store和一个装有麦克风的遥控器,可通过Siri进行语音控制以及传感器和触控板,电池寿命略短:Apple估计在正常使用情况下,遥控器需要每三个月充电一次。 但是,如果您经常使用遥控器进行游戏,则肯定需要尽快为其充电。

Fortunately you don’t need to run out and bulk buy coin-cell batteries, the new remote has an lithium ion battery and charges up much like your iPhone and other iOS devices. Let’s take a look at how it works.

幸运的是,您不需要用完并大量购买纽扣电池,新遥控器具有锂离子电池,可以像iPhone和其他iOS设备一样充电。 让我们看看它是如何工作的。

检查Apple TV远程充电水平 (Checking the Apple TV Remote Charge Level)

If you wish to check the Apple TV remote charge level, you can do so by visiting the Bluetooth menu where the charge level is displayed.

如果您想查看Apple TV的远程充电水平,可以通过访问显示充电水平的蓝牙菜单来进行。

To manually check the remote charge level navigate, starting on the home screen, to the “Settings” menu as seen above.


From the “Settings” menu, select the entry for “Remotes and Devices” (if you’ve followed along with our Apple TV game controller tutorial you already know this menu well).

从“设置”菜单中,选择“遥控器和设备”的条目(如果您已经跟随我们的Apple TV游戏控制器教程,那么您已经非常了解此菜单了)。

Within the “Remotes and Devices” menu, select “Bluetooth”.


Within the “Bluetooth” menu you’ll see an entry for the default remote, labeled simple “Remote” with a battery indicator showing the charge amount.


The only other time you’ll see any indicator related to the remote is a very brief indicator in the upper corner that shows when the remote reconnects after a period of idleness or if the battery is low.


给Apple TV遥控器充电 (Recharging The Apple TV Remote)

Speaking of low batteries, how do you charge the Apple TV remote? Unlike the previous generations wherein you’d pop out a little drawer and put a fresh coin cell battery in, instead, thanks to the aforementioned lithium-ion battery inside, you charge it much like your charge any iOS device.

说到电池电量低,如何为Apple TV遥控器充电? 与前几代产品不同,前者会弹出一个小抽屉,然后放一个新的纽扣电池,相反,由于内置了上述锂离子电池,因此可以像为任何iOS设备充电一样对其进行充电。

Located at the very bottom of the remote is a little lightning port, just like the ones found on modern iPhones and iPads. The Apple TV ships with a lightning cable (on the off chance that you’re not already an Apple consumer with a handful of them laying around) and you can recharge your Apple Remote by plugging it into a port on your computer or any USB wall charger.

遥控器的底部是一个小闪电端口,就像现代iPhone和iPad上的端口一样。 Apple TV附带了一根避雷线(如果您还不是Apple的使用者,可能会有很多人闲逛),并且可以通过将Apple Remote插入计算机或任何USB墙上的端口为Apple Remote充电。充电器。

For the curious, even if you have a USB-C to lightning cable on hand, you can’t hijack the USB-C port on the back of the Apple TV to charge your remote (as practical and device-centric as that would be); the USB-C port on the Apple TV is for diagnostic and trouble shooting purposes only.

出于好奇,即使手头有USB-C到闪电电缆,也无法劫持Apple TV背面的USB-C端口为遥控器充电(以实际和以设备为中心) ); Apple TV上的USB-C端口仅用于诊断和故障排除。


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