unity打包tv 弹窗

Apple has recently announced a new generation of Apple TV devices and a new operating system for them: tvOS. This new operating system opens up opportunities to bring your great games to Apple TV devices. And we are happy to announce that we are already working to bring Unity runtime and all your games made with Unity to this new platform. Actually, we have already helped some chickens to cross roads at the Apple announcement event ;).

苹果公司最近宣布了新一代的Apple TV设备及其新操作系统:tvOS。 这个新的操作系统为您将出色的游戏带入Apple TV设备提供了机会。 我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经在努力将Unity运行时以及使用Unity制作的所有游戏引入这个新平台。 实际上,我们已经在Apple发布会上帮助过一些小鸡过马路;)。

While tvOS is built on iOS heritage, it went under heavy cleanup process: numerous of frameworks are absent on tvOS and some new requirements are in place. TV in general is quite different in terms of how content is presented, consumed and interacted, which makes it more accurate to treat it as a separate platform rather than extension of the iOS platform.

虽然tvOS建立在iOS的基础上,但是它却经历了繁重的清理过程:tvOS缺少许多框架,并且有一些新的要求。 总的来说,电视在内容呈现,消费和交互方式上有很大不同,这使得将其视为独立平台而不是iOS平台的扩展更为准确。

Currently, we are working with a closed focus group to iterate, improve and polish Apple TV support. If you’re getting an Apple TV devkit, don’t hesitate to ping us, we would be happy to add you to that group. When we feel it is ready, we will open it up for public beta testing. We don’t have any dates to share yet; although we expect this to happen later this fall.

目前,我们正在与一个封闭的焦点小组合作,以迭代,改善和完善Apple TV的支持。 如果您要使用Apple TV开发套件,请随时联系我们,我们很乐意将您添加到该组中。 当我们准备就绪时,我们将对其进行公开Beta测试。 我们还没有任何可分享的日期; 尽管我们预计这会在今年秋天晚些时候发生。

Apple tvOS deployment will be available to Pro developers as a part of the iOS Pro add-on license.  If you use Unity’s Personal Edition, you can also deploy to tvOS.

Pro开发人员可以将Apple tvOS部署作为iOS Pro附加许可证的一部分使用。 如果您使用Unity的个人版,则还可以部署到tvOS。

为Apple TV准备游戏 (Preparing your game for Apple TV)

There is no need to wait until the new generation of devices ship. It’s possible to begin preparing your game content for tvOS already now. You can get pretty close to the tvOS experience by connecting an iPhone6+ to an external TV via HDMI cable and pairing it with a wireless MFi certified Game Controller. Here is a quick checklist of what your game should pass to be ready for tvOS:

无需等到新一代设备问世。 现在可以开始为tvOS准备游戏内容了。 通过将iPhone6 +通过HDMI电缆连接到外部电视,并将其与经过MFi认证的无线游戏控制器配对,您可以接近tvOS体验。 以下是您的游戏应为通过tvOS做好准备的快速清单:

  • Make sure your game runs fine on the latest Unity 5.x version. Apple TV support will be based on the latest Unity 5 version available at release time.

    确保您的游戏在最新的Unity 5.x版本上运行良好。 Apple TV支持将基于发布时可用的最新Unity 5版本。

  • You should be able to control your game with just the Apple TV remote alone. However, we think the best way to prepare in its absence is to make it work with Game Controllers first. Make sure all of your in-game UI responds to Game Controller inputs. It should be playable without ever touching the screen. Later, you can easily improve on that by using the new remote touch gestures and gyroscope or accelerometer input.

    您仅应使用Apple TV遥控器就能控制游戏。 但是,我们认为在缺少该功能的情况下进行准备的最佳方法是首先使其与Game Controllers配合使用。 确保您所有的游戏内UI都能响应游戏控制器的输入。 它应该是可玩的,无需触摸屏幕。 以后,您可以使用新的远程触摸手势和陀螺仪或加速度计输入轻松地对此进行改进。

  • Apple TV devices will have virtually no persistent store for your games, so moving your game saves to Cloud becomes a necessity.

    Apple TV设备实际上将没有永久性存储您的游戏,因此将您的游戏保存到Cloud成为必要。

  • Apple TV is a streamed content device and your games are expected to be streamed if they take more than 200 MB of disk space. Here comes On Demand Resource support to the rescue. You can learn more about it in our forum post.

    Apple TV是一种流媒体内容设备,如果您的游戏占用了200 MB以上的磁盘空间,则应该对它们进行流媒体播放。 随需应变资源提供了救援。 您可以 在我们的论坛帖子中了解更多信息 。

  • Most of the plugins will need to be recompiled specifically for this new platform, some of their functionality might even be unavailable on this platform. Please review all the plugins you are using inside your game and contact their providers for Apple TV support.

    大多数插件需要专门针对此新平台进行重新编译,其中某些功能甚至可能在该平台上不可用。 请查看您在游戏中使用的所有插件,并联系其提供商以获取Apple TV支持。

Don’t forget to try brave new ideas on how to make your game benefit from the new experience of a big TV screen and the whole family watching and playing your game together. The tvOS store is unique and promises lots of fun times ahead! Enjoy!

不要忘记尝试大胆的新想法,以使您的游戏受益于大屏幕电视的新体验以及整个家庭一起观看和玩游戏。 tvOS商店是独一无二的,并承诺未来会有很多有趣的时光! 请享用!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/09/14/unity-is-coming-to-apple-tv/

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