清除缓存 c语言

Given a number and we have to 1) set a bit, 2) clear a bit and 3) toggle a bit.


1)设置一点 (1) Setting a bit)

To set a particular bit of a number, we can use bitwise OR operator (|), it sets the bits – if the bit is not set, and if the bit is already set, bit’s status does not change.

要设置数字的特定位,我们可以使用按位或运算符( | ),它设置位–如果未设置位,并且如果该位已设置,则位的状态不会改变。

Let suppose there is a number num and we want to set the Xth bit of it, then the following statement can be used to set Xth bit of num


    num |= 1 << x;

2)清除一点 (2) Clearing a bit)

To clear a particular bit of a number, we can use bitwise AND operator (&), it clears the bit – if the bit is set, and if the bit is already cleared, bit’s status does not change.


Let suppose there is a number num and we want to clear the Xth bit of it, then the following statement can be used to clear Xth bit of num

让我们假设有一个数NUM,我们要清除的 X的这一点,那么下面的语句可以用于清除X的num

    num &= ~(1 << x);

3)切换一点 (3) Toggling a bit)

To toggle a particular bit of a number, we can use bitwise XOR operator (^), it toggles the bit – it changes the status of the bit if the bit is set – it will be un-set, and if the bit is un-set – it will be set.

要切换某个数字的特定位,我们可以使用按位XOR运算符(^),它会切换该位–如果该位被设置,它将更改该位的状态–将被取消设置,并且如果该位未被设置, -set –将被设置。

Let suppose there is a number num and we want to toggle the Xth bit of it, then the following statement can be used to toggle Xth bit of num

让我们假设有一个数NUM,我们要切换X的这一点,那么下面的语句可以用来切换 X NUM位

    num ^= 1 << x;

Consider the following code – Here, we are performing all above mentioned operations


#include <stdio.h>
int main(){//declaring & initializing an 1 byte number
num (hex) = 0xAA
its binary = 1010 1010
its decimal value = 170
unsigned char num = 0xAA;
printf("num = %02X\n", num);
//setting 2nd bit
num |= (1<<2);
//now value will be: 1010 1110 = 0xAE (HEX) = 174 (DEC)
printf("num = %02X\n", num);
//clearing 3rd bit
num &= ~(1<<3);
//now value will be: 1010 0110 = 0xA6 (HEX) = 166 (DEC)
printf("num = %02X\n", num);
//toggling bit 4th bit
num ^= (1<<4);
//now value will be: 1011 0110 = 0xB6 (HEX) = 182 (DEC)
printf("num = %02X\n", num);
//toggling bit 5th bit
num ^= (1<<5);
//now value will be: 1001 0110 = 0x96 (HEX) = 150 (DEC)
printf("num = %02X\n", num);
return 0;



num = AA
num = AE
num = A6
num = B6
num = 96



  • Hexadecimal literals in C language


  • Working with hexadecimal values in C language


  • How to check whether a bit is SET or not in C language?


  • unsigned char in C language


  • Bitwise operator programs in C


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/c/how-to-set-clear-and-toggle-a-single-bit-in-c-language.aspx

清除缓存 c语言

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