
Google Photos is a huge improvement over Android’s old “Gallery” app, but it does a lot more than just keep your stuff organized and synced. You can easily manipulate your photos into some very cool, shareable collages, animations, and even movies.

Google相册是对Android旧版“图库”应用程序的巨大改进,但它不仅可以使您的文件井井有条,而且可以同步。 您可以轻松地将照片转换为一些非常酷的,可共享的拼贴,动画甚至电影。

If you have a modern Android phone, then you likely have Google’s Photos app installed. If not, you can get it from the Play Store—and you’ll probably want to. It’s more than just a simple photo manager: it’s a backup system, a light editor, and a powerful tool that lets users transform simple photos into something much more meaningful.

如果您使用的是现代Android手机,则可能已安装了Google的相册应用。 如果没有,您可以从Play商店中获得它 ,您可能会想要。 它不仅仅是一个简单的照片管理器 :它是一个备份系统 ,一个灯光编辑器和一个功能强大的工具,可让用户将简单的照片转换为更有意义的东西。

Most of its power lies in the Assistant feature, which you can access by tapping the “Assistant” link at the very bottom of the main Photos window. From here, there are a variety of things you can do, but we’re going to focus on the top options: Album, Collage, Animation, and Movie. Before we look at those, however, I do want to mention that Photos will often create these things for you under certain circumstances, like when several similar photos are taken together, for example. When this happens, it will generate a notification to let you know; from there, you can delete the animation or save it. It’s neat.

它的大部分功能都位于“助手”功能中,您可以通过点击“照片”主窗口底部的“助手”链接来访问它。 从这里开始,您可以做很多事情,但我们将重点关注最重要的选项:专辑,拼贴,动画和电影。 但是,在介绍这些内容之前,我确实要提到,在某些情况下,例如,将几张相似的照片合在一起时,“照片”通常会为您创建这些东西。 发生这种情况时,它将生成通知以告知您; 从那里,您可以删除动画或保存它。 干净利落

But if you want to build something for yourself instead of waiting for Google to do it for you, that’s incredibly easy: just pick one of the top options on the Assistant page. For this example, we’ll put together a collage, but the process is essentially identical across the board.

但是,如果您想为自己构建一些东西,而不是等待Google为您完成任务,那将非常容易:只需在“助手”页面上选择最重要的选项之一。 在此示例中,我们将放一张拼贴画,但是整个过程在本质上是相同的。

First, choose your option (again, in this case, we’re going with “Collage”). This will open the gallery window, allowing you to select multiple photos. For a collage, you can select between two and nine pictures—for most of the others, you can select up to 50 photos, because that makes more sense for an animation or video. Let’s go with four, because that really just seems like a good number for a collage.

首先,选择您的选项(同样,在这种情况下,我们将使用“拼贴”)。 这将打开图库窗口,使您可以选择多张照片。 对于拼贴,您可以选择2到9张图片-对于其他大多数图片,您最多可以选择50张照片,因为这对于动画或视频更有意义。 让我们来看四个,因为对于拼贴而言,这似乎确实是一个不错的数字。

Once you’ve selected the photos, go ahead and tap the “Create” button in the top right. A brief progress bar will show up, followed by your new creation. It’s all very, very simple, which is really the biggest benefit and weakness of Assistant: there are very little customization options going on here. For example, in our collage, we didn’t get to select a layout or format—it just slapped the images into a standard 4×4 layout. Sometimes this is fine, but others it may seem lacking. Of course, if you want to do more, there are plenty of tools for the job—Photos’ Assistant is great because it’s so simple.

选择完照片后,继续并点击右上角的“创建”按钮。 将显示一个简短的进度栏,然后显示您的新作品。 一切都非常非常简单,这确实是Assistant的最大优点和缺点:这里很少有定制选项。 例如,在拼贴中,我们没有选择布局或格式,它只是将图像拍打成标准的4×4布局。 有时候,这很好,但其他方面似乎缺乏。 当然,如果您想做更多的事情,可以使用很多工具来完成工作-Photos'Assistant非常好, 因为它是如此简单。

After your collage, animation, or video has been created, it will automatically be saved to your gallery and backed up (assuming your settings allow this, of course).

创建拼贴,动画或视频后,它们会自动保存到图库中并进行备份(当然,假设您的设置允许这样做 )。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/277713/how-to-create-a-collage-animation-or-movie-with-google-photos-on-android/



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