This article gives an overview of different editions in SQL Server and also explains the process to upgrade SQL Server editions.

本文概述了SQL Server中的不同版本,并说明了升级SQL Server版本的过程。

介绍 (Introduction)

It is a usual activity for DBA to install SQL Server. You should collect the requirement and plan accordingly build new SQL Server instance. Suppose we want to install a standalone SQL Server instance. We require the following essential information.

DBA通常安装SQL Server。 您应该收集需求并计划相应的构建新SQL Server实例。 假设我们要安装一个独立SQL Server实例。 我们需要以下基本信息。

  • SQL Server version, Service pack and cumulative packs (2012/2014/2016/2017) SQL Server版本,Service Pack和累积包(2012/2014/2016/2017)
  • SQL Server edition ( Enterprise/Standard/Developer/Express) SQL Server版本(企业/标准/开发人员/快速)
  • Default or named instance. In the case of named instance, name of the instance. 默认或命名实例。 对于命名实例,请指定实例名称。
  • Authentication method and Collation setting 身份验证方法和排序规则设置
  • Administrators group users 管理员组用户
  • Required features to install 安装所需的功能
  • Service account for SQL Server services SQL Server服务的服务帐户
  • Location for SQL Server binaries, user databases( data file and log file), tempdb location SQL Server二进制文件,用户数据库(数据文件和日志文件),tempdb位置的位置

Microsoft provides various editions for SQL Server. It is a vital aspect to choose which edition we should install.

Microsoft为SQL Server提供了各种版本。 选择我们应该安装哪个版本是至关重要的方面。

不同SQL Server版本概述 (Overview of different SQL Server editions)

For example, you can choose the available SQL Server 2017 editions from Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Editions page.

例如,您可以从Microsoft SQL Server 2017版本页面选择可用SQL Server 2017版本。

企业版 (Enterprise edition)

Enterprise SQL Server Edition contains all supported feature, in particular, SQL Server version. It is suitable for mission-critical databases with advanced features. It is recommended to use in the production environment. We can use unlimited CPU and memory in this edition; however, it should be supported by underlying operating system.

Enterprise SQL Server Edition包含所有受支持的功能,尤其是SQL Server版本。 它适用于具有高级功能的关键任务数据库。 建议在生产环境中使用。 在此版本中,我们可以使用无限的CPU和内存。 但是,它应受基础操作系统的支持。

标准版 (Standard edition)

This edition is a light version of the enterprise edition and suitable for not using the advanced feature of SQL Server. For example, we can use 24 cores with 128 GB max memory in a standard edition. We can easily upgrade SQL Server Standard to enterprise edition, and it does not require any code-level changes.

该版本是企业版的简化版,适合不使用SQL Server的高级功能。 例如,在标准版中,我们可以使用24个内核,最大内存为128 GB。 我们可以轻松地将SQL Server Standard升级到企业版,并且不需要任何代码级更改。

速成版 (Express edition)

It is the simplest version of SQL Server and suitable as an entry-level database. It only supports basic features of SQL Server and having very limited compute capabilities as well. We can use only 4 cores, 1410 MB RAM along with 10 GB maximum database size. It does not provide SQL Server functionalities such as SQL Server Agent, Database mail,

它是SQL Server的最简单版本,适合作为入门级数据库。 它仅支持SQL Server的基本功能,并且具有非常有限的计算功能。 我们只能使用4个内核,1410 MB RAM和10 GB最大数据库大小。 它不提供SQL Server功能,例如SQL Server代理,数据库邮件,

开发人员版 (Developer edition)

SQL Server developer edition provides all features available in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. You can download developer edition for free and use it for build, test and use features of enterprise edition in a non-prod environment. We can also upgrade developer edition to enterprise edition.

SQL Server开发人员版提供SQL Server企业版中可用的所有功能。 您可以免费下载开发人员版,并在非产品环境中将其用于构建,测试和使用企业版功能。 我们也可以将开发人员版本升级到企业版本。

网络版 (Web edition)

We can consider it edition in between the standard and express edition. It has very limited compute and feature availability and suitable for small web site hosting.

我们可以认为它是标准版和快速版之间的版本。 它的计算和功能可用性非常有限,并且适合小型网站托管。

选择SQL Server版本的因素 (Factors in choosing edition in SQL Server)

We should consider the following points while choosing the required SQL Server Edition.

选择所需SQL Server Edition时,应考虑以下几点。

  • Environment (Production, development, UAT, Test) 环境(生产,开发,UAT,测试)
  • Features required. You should know what features you required to use in SQL Server and whether these features are available in the required edition or not 需要的功能。 您应该知道在SQL Server中需要使用哪些功能,以及这些功能是否在要求的版本中可用。
  • Pricing: You should review Microsoft SQL Server Licencing and pricing. In a big organization, usually DB architect plays this role. However, you should be aware of these. In the following screenshot from Microsoft SQL Server 2017 pricing, you can see the considerable pricing difference between enterprise and standard editions

    定价:您应该查看Microsoft SQL Server的许可和定价。 在大型组织中,通常数据库架构师扮演此角色。 但是,您应该注意这些。 在以下Microsoft SQL Server 2017定价的屏幕截图中,您可以看到企业版和标准版之间的巨大定价差异

The following list shows all possible SQL Server Edition upgrade paths. You can refer Microsoft docs for a full list of supported edition upgrades.

以下列表显示了所有可能SQL Server Edition升级路径。 您可以参考Microsoft文档以获取受支持版本升级的完整列表 。

  • Evaluation Enterprise edtion to enterprise, standard and developer edition 对企业版,标准版和开发人员版的评估版企业版
  • Standard edition to enterprise edition 标准版到企业版
  • Developer edition to Enterprise, standard edition 开发人员版到企业版,标准版
  • Express edition to enterprise, standard and developer edition 快速版到企业版,标准版和开发人员版

You should plan the required edition before installing SQL Server. Suppose you installed standard edition, but later due to organization license policy, you require enterprise edition. We can use the Edition Upgrade wizard to change SQL Server edition without any change in the T-SQL, features.

在安装SQL Server之前,您应该计划所需的版本。 假设您安装了标准版,但是由于组织许可政策的原因,以后需要企业版。 我们可以使用版本升级向导来更改SQL Server版本,而无需更改T-SQL功能。

In the available SQL Server edition list, we can see that SQL Server development contains all features of SQL Server enterprise edition. Let’s say you installed developer edition and later you want to change it to the standard edition. You can do this change, but if you are using the features of enterprise edition that are not available in standard edition, you need to review all those features and capabilities.

在可用SQL Server版本列表中,我们可以看到SQL Server开发包含SQL Server企业版的所有功能。 假设您安装了开发人员版本,后来又想将其更改为标准版本。 您可以进行此更改,但是如果您使用的是企业版功能,而标准版中没有这些功能,则需要检查所有这些功能。

You can use the dynamic management view sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features to check the edition specific feature that is enabled on the connected instance. You need to run it on an individual database to check database level feature. For example, I executed the following query, and it returns the following value in another instance of SQL Server for me.

您可以使用动态管理视图sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features来检查在连接的实例上启用的特定于版本的功能。 您需要在单个数据库上运行它以检查数据库级别的功能。 例如,我执行了以下查询,它为我在另一个SQL Server实例中返回了以下值。

It shows ColumnStoreIndex feature is enabled on the database.


FROM sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features;

In my developer SQL Server Editioninstance, it does not return any output row. It shows that we are not using any enterprise-level feature. We can change this developer edition to standard edition without any issues.

在我的开发人员SQL Server Edition实例中,它不返回任何输出行。 它表明我们没有使用任何企业级功能。 我们可以毫无问题地将此开发人员版本更改为标准版本。

SQL Server中的版本升级向导设置 (Edition Upgrade Wizard in SQL Server set up)

Let’s try to change the edition from developer to standard edition.


  • Open SQL Server installation media and launch the setup.exe. It opens the SQL Server installation centre, and you get options in the left-hand side such as Planning, installation, Maintenance, Tools, Resources 打开SQL Server安装媒体,然后启动setup.exe。 它会打开SQL Server安装中心,您会在左侧获得一些选项,例如计划,安装,维护,工具,资源
  • Edition Upgrade. In the description, you can see that it launches a wizard to change your edition of SQL Server 版本升级 。 在描述中,您可以看到它启动了一个向导来更改您SQL Server版本

In the upgrade edition wizard, you can specify the product key of SQL Server Standard edition. I greyed it out to hide my product key

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