Welcome to the video AWR1x, Interference detection.
Hi, I’m Peter and I’m a field application engineer for driver-assistance systems in Europe.
This video briefly describes how a typical interferer occurs in the victim IF band, and how AWR1x detects interfered samples in the received signal.
The main part discusses how AWR1x can be set up to create a monitoring report, and how that report with and without the interferer looks like.
The number of automotive radar sensors that operate the same 77 and 79 gigahertz frequency band is continuously increasing.
This increases the probability of temporarily interfering each other.
During interference, the own received signals is overlaid by the interferer signal, which negatively impacts the detection sensitivity.
If not detected and mitigated before signal processing, often the interferer signal is stronger compared to their own received signal, due to the direct line of sight between interfering sensor and victim sensor.
In order to minimize the negative impact of interferers, there are various ways discussed in research papers to mitigate interference.
Before mitigation can be applied, it is crucial to detect the interfered segment of the received signal.
The highly integrated AWR1x 77 gigahertz [INAUDIBLE] device family has a built-in self-test processor subsystem, also known as BSS subsystem that configures and monitors the on chirp RF baseband components in real time.
高度集成的AWR1x 77GHz设备系列有一个内置的自检处理器子系统,也称为BSS子系统,可实时配置和监控on chirp射频基带组件。
The BSS processor is also able to detect interferer and to provide a report on a chirp-to-chirp basis.
Most of the 77 gigahertz radar sensors for automotive are using the frequency modulated continuous wave scheme, also known as FMCW.
The diagram shows the exemplar FMCW signal that sweeps from 76 to 77 gigahertz, which is called a chirp.
Whereas the green signal is own or victim transmit signal, and the dashed blue signal is the victim received signal.
That is delayed compared to the transmit signal, due to propagation time to and from the reflecting object.
The delta between transmit and receive signal is called intermediate frequency band, or IF band.
发送和接收信号之间的增量称为中频带,或IF band
For chirps, it was positive frequency slope, the valid IF band is always located below or off the transmit signal is shown with the light blue shaded area.
For townships it would be the opposite.
And interferer with a steeper slope crosses a victim iF Now let’s look at the resulting IF signal.
The blue received signal is overlaid by a red interferer signal when crossing the IF band.
The interferer sweeps through the complete IF band in this example from maximum frequency down to DC.
If no interference detection and mitigation would be applied before spectro signal processing, the complete frequency spectrum would be impacted.
Or in other words, the noise flow would be increased due to wide band interferer, and weak receive signals may no longer be detected.
The AWR1x family has a complex base band architecture which allows to monitor not only the IF or signal band, but also the image band which is located on the opposite side of the signal band.
Shown here is light green shaded area and is green interferer signal.
With a complex receiver, the image and signal bands can be separated, whereas in the image band only noise and interferer would be present.
AWR1x provides signal and image band informational report on a chirp-to-chirp basis.
The signal and image band report is part of the chirp quality, or CQ, information.
There are three types of CQ information, and one of them is the signal and image band monitor report.
Another type of CQ data would be the ADC and the IF saturation information, which could be also exploited to identify strong interferers that cause saturation effects in the AWR1x receive chain.
Those saturation information is not scope of this presentation.
The signal and image band monitor report is created for every chirp and stored in a dedicated CQ ping-pong buffer.
The CQ data can either be sent to the outside via the high-speed interface as part of the radar data, or can be processed internally, for example, by the DSP subsystem on AWS1642.
The DSP has to receive the report from the CQ buffer on time before it is replaced with new information.
The report is comprised of primary and secondary time-slice-based energy numbers, separated into signal and image band, whereas the primary and secondary time slices are in chronological order and are staggered as shown in the diagram.
The total number of primary and secondary time slices is configurable between 1 and 127, up to 64 primary and 63 secondary slices.
The power numbers are stored in chronological order in the CQ ping-pong buffer.
Signal and image band values are 8-bit energy values and are stored in alternating order.
If one LSB represents minus 0.5 dBm, smaller figures represent higher energy levels.
The first 16-bit value contains a total number of time slices.
To set up the signal and image band monitor, two API calls have to be invoked.
With the first API call, various monitors can be enabled or disabled.
To enable the signal and image band monitor, bit 25 of the parameter n mosque has to be set to when calling this API.
要启用信号和图像带监视器,在调用此API时,必须将参数n mosque的位25设置为使能
With the second API call, the monitoring function can be configured.
As previously mentioned, the number of time slices can be configured between 1 and 127.
In addition, the energy figure per time slice is calculated across a defined number of samples where the minimum number of samples allowed is four.
After the signal and image band monitor is set up, the corresponding CQ information is shared via the high-speed interface or via the CQ buffer.
Without an interferer, a typical complex baseband signal looks like as shown in that diagram at the bottom.
This is a raw data in the time domain, where the blue signal reflects a real component of the raw data and the red signal, the image and the report.
The diagram on top plots a corresponding signal and image band monitoring report.
The x-axis represents a time slice number, and the y-axis the energy b level of the time slices.
The blue signal reflects the signal band levels across time slices.
And the red signal shows the image band energy levels.
Due to presence of an IF signal, the signal band level are considerably higher than the image band signal, which essentially reflects a noise floor.
由于存在IF信号,信号频带远高于图像带信号,而图像带信号基本上反映noise floor
With suppressants of an interferer, the complex baseband signal looks very similar, except for a short period of time where the interference distorts the baseband signal.
The distorted signal is shown in the lower right plot, whereas in this example, the interferer is relatively weak compared to the regular baseband signal.
The time period during interference is marked with the rectangular dashed line box.
In the signal and image band energy report shown in the upper right plot, the image band shows a clear sign of interference in the impacted time slices.
So signal band is similar to the non-interfering case, whereas a stronger interferer would also create a time-shifted peak in the signal band.
With signal and image band monitor of the AWR1x band devices, the presence and the location of interferers can be easily determined.
Based on this information, effective mitigation techniques can be applied.
This should be applied before the spectral analysis of the baseband signal starts.
There can be found many mitigation techniques in literature, from very simple means like zeroing out impacted samples to more complex means like trying to reconstruct the interfered segment by extrapolation, interpolation, or by trying to cancel that interferer signal.
Due to the nature of FMCW, an interferer does not impact only one chirp, but multiple successive chirps.
To reduce the probability of multiple chirps being systematically impacted by one aggressor, pseudorandom modulation in the time and frequency domain can be introduced-- for example, by varying inter-chirp idle time, start frequency, or chirp slope.
The AWR1x devices support this variability on a chirp-to-chirp basis for up to 512 chirps right radar frame.
Moreover, AWR1x devices support binary phase modulation, which can be used to apply chirp-to-chirp phase coding.
Often, automotive radar sensor vendors are applying a mix of direct and indirect mitigation techniques that are optimized for a specific implementation and use case.
In summary, the complex baseband architecture of the AWR1x devices is a foundation to distinguish signal and image band.
The signal and image band energy monitor creates a report every chirp, which is provided as part of the CQ information through the high-speed interface or via the CQ buffer.
The report simplifies the detection and localisation of an interferer, which is the crucial first step to enable effective mitigation techniques.
For further reading, please consult the AWR1x radar interface control document, which is included in the device firmware package available on TI.com.
If you want to get an overview on our automotive millimeter wave offering, please consult TI.com/awr1x.
If you have a specific technical question, you might also want to consult the corresponding e2e forum.
Thanks for watching.

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