




import java.util.Arrays;public class Solution {/*** @param graph:   the node graph* @param initial: the infected node* @return: the node index*/public int minMalwareSpread(int[][] graph, int[] initial) {// write your code here.int n = graph.length;// colors[i]存编号为i的节点被染上的颜色int[] colors = new int[n];Arrays.fill(colors, -1);int color = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (colors[i] == -1) {dfs(i, color++, colors, graph);}}// size[i]存被染了颜色i的节点有多少个int[] size = new int[color];for (int i : colors) {size[i]++;}// malCount[i]存被染了颜色i的连通块里的感染源有多少个int[] malCount = new int[color];for (int i : initial) {malCount[colors[i]]++;}int res = -1, maxSaved = 0;for (int v : initial) {// 略过含多个污染源的连通块if (malCount[colors[v]] != 1) {continue;}if (size[colors[v]] > maxSaved) {maxSaved =size[colors[v]];res = v;} else if (size[colors[v]] == maxSaved) {res = Math.min(res, v);}}if (res == -1) {res = n;for (int i : initial) {res = Math.min(res, i);}}return res;}private void dfs(int v, int color, int[] colors, int[][] graph) {colors[v] = color;for (int next = 0; next < graph[v].length; next++) {if (graph[v][next] == 1 && colors[next] == -1) {dfs(next, color, colors, graph);}}}


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