退火算法 贪婪算法

介绍 (Introduction)

The solution is determined by a sequence of steps each step has given a particular solution and later a complete solution to given the problem can be achieved. In short, while making a choice there should be a greed for the optimum solution. Some points about Greedy strategy:

该解决方案由一系列步骤确定,每个步骤都给出了特定的解决方案,随后可以实现针对给定问题的完整解决方案。 简而言之,在做出选择时,应该有一个贪婪的最佳解决方案。 有关贪婪策略的一些要点

  • Look for the optimal solution and assumes it as best.


  • Solves the sub-problems in Top-down manner.


  • This approach is less powerful programming techniques.


  • It is not applicable to a wider area like dynamic programming approach.


  • It is useful for solving optimization problems.


  • It generates only one solution sequences.


In greedy Strategy following activities are performed,


  1. First, select some solutions from input domain.


  2. Then check whether the solution is feasible or not.


  3. In this, we find an optimum solution which satisfies the objective of the function and it can be obtained from a particular solution out of the set of feasible solution.


  4. As greedy method works in stages only one stage is considered at a time. Based on this input it is decided whether a particular input is given the optimal solution or not.

    由于贪婪方法分阶段进行,因此一次只考虑一个阶段。 基于此输入,确定是否为特定输入提供了最佳解决方案。

贪婪策略算法 (Algorithm for Greedy Strategy)

In greedy approach D is domain, from which solution is to be obtained of size n...

在贪婪方法中, D是域,将从中获得大小为n的解 。

    Initially assume
Solution  ← 0
For i ← 1 to n do
S ← select(D) // section of solution from D
If (Feasible (solution) then
Solution ← Union (solution, s);
Return solution

贪婪策略的要素 (Elements of Greedy Strategy)

Greedy Choice property


  • A global optimal solution can be arrived by local optimal choice.


  • For finding the solutions to the problem the subproblems are solved and best from these sub-problems is considered.


  • This choice may depend upon the previously made choices but it does not depend on any future choice.


  • Thus in the greedy method, greedy choices are made one after the another, reducing each given problem instances to smaller one.


Optimal sub-structure


  • If an optimal solution to the problem containing the optimal solution to the subproblem then the problem shows an optimal substructure.


  • A problem has optimal substructure if has been next choices always leads to an optimal solution.


贪心法的应用 (Applications of greedy method)

Problems that can be solved by greedy approach,


  1. Knapsack problem


  2. Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning tree.


  3. Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning tree.


  4. Finding shortest job


  5. Job sequencing with deadlines


  6. Optimal storage on taps


  7. Huffman coding


Feasible solution


The set of values for the decision problem which satisfies all of the constraints of an optimization problem then the solution is called feasible solution. Feasible solution satisfy all linear and non-linear constraints. The set of all feasible solution defines the feasible region of the problem. To solve a problem first find anyone feasible solution and then try to find another feasible solution which satisfies the values of the objective functions. The whole process is repeated until when no further improvement is achieved or other criteria are met.

满足优化问题所有约束的决策问题的值集,然后将该解决方案称为可行解。 可行的解决方案满足所有线性和非线性约束。 所有可行解的集合定义了问题的可行区域。 为了解决问题,首先找到任何可行的解决方案,然后尝试找到另一种满足目标函数值的可行解决方案。 重复整个过程,直到没有进一步的改善或满足其他标准为止。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/algorithms/introduction-to-greedy-strategy-in-algorithms.aspx

退火算法 贪婪算法

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