亚行:Apple桌面总线 (ADB: Apple Desktop Bus)

ADB is an abbreviation of "Apple Desktop Bus".

ADB是“ Apple Desktop Bus”的缩写

It is a low-speed proprietary bit-serial peripheral bus connecting devices to computers. In 1986, it was launched on the Apple IIGS in a manner to hold up and maintain inexpensive devices like keyboards and mice, enabling them to be associated mutually in a daisy chain devoid of the requirement for hubs or other devices. Apple Device Bus was rapidly launched on afterward Macintosh models, in a while models of NeXT computers, and noticed a number of additional third-party use at the same time as well.

它是将设备连接到计算机的低速专有位串行外围总线。 1986年,它在Apple IIGS上发布,以支撑和维护廉价的设备(如键盘和鼠标),使它们可以菊花链形式相互关联,而无需使用集线器或其他设备。 Apple Device Bus在后来的Macintosh型号和NeXT电脑的较早型号上Swift启动,并且同时注意到许多其他第三方的使用。

In a lot of PC-compatibles, similar to the related PS/2 connector used at the time, Apple Desktop Bus was quickly substituted by USB as that system turned out to be well-accepted in the late 1990s; on an Apple product, the last external Apple Desktop Bus port was in 1999, however it stayed behind as an internal-only bus on a number of Mac models into the 2000s.

在许多与PC兼容的设备中,类似于当时使用的相关PS / 2连接器, Apple桌面总线很快被USB取代,因为该系统在1990年代后期被广泛接受。 在Apple产品上,最后一个外部Apple Desktop Bus端口是在1999年,但是在2000年代的许多Mac型号上,它仅作为内部总线而落后。

历史 (History)

  • Near the beginning, for the duration of the formation of the Macintosh computer, the engineering team had preferred the reasonably complicated Zilog 8530 to make available serial communications. This was at the beginning done to enable multiple devices to be plugged into a single port, using simple networking protocols put into operation within the 8530 to enable them to send and take delivery of data with the host computer.

    接近开始时,在Macintosh计算机形成期间,工程团队更喜欢使用相当复杂的Zilog 8530来进行串行通信。 最初是通过使用在8530内运行的简单网络协议将多个设备插入单个端口来完成的,以使它们能够通过主机发送和接收数据。

  • In the duration of the expansion and growth of this AppleBus system, computer networking turned out to be an essentially significant attribute of any computer system.


  • In the mid-1980s, Apple Desktop Bus was designed and developed by Steve Wozniak, who had been searching for an assignment to put an effort and work on. A suggestion came from some person that he must build a new connection system for devices like mice and keyboards, a system that would need only a distinct daisy-chained cable, and be low-cost to put into operation.

    在1980年代中期,苹果台式机总线是由史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)设计和开发的,他一直在寻找一项工作并努力工作。 有人建议他必须为鼠标和键盘等设备构建新的连接系统,该系统只需要一条独特的菊花链电缆,并且运行成本低。

  • The foremost system to make use of Apple Desktop Bus is the Apple IIGS of 1986.

    使用Apple Desktop Bus的最主要系统是1986年的Apple IIGS。

  • It is used on all Apple Macintosh machines beginning with the Macintosh II and Macintosh SE.

    从Macintosh II和Macintosh SE开始的所有Apple Macintosh计算机上都使用它。

  • Apple Desktop Bus is also used on soon after models of NeXT computers. The enormous mainstream of Apple Desktop Bus devices is for input, comprising trackballs, joysticks, graphics tablets, and related devices.

    在NeXT计算机型号之后不久, Apple Desktop Bus也被使用。 Apple Desktop Bus设备的巨大主流是用于输入,包括轨迹球,操纵杆,图形输入板和相关设备。

  • In 1999, the last Apple computer which comprises an Apple Desktop Bus port is the Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White).

    1999年,最后一台包含Apple桌面总线端口的Apple计算机是Power Macintosh G3(蓝色和白色)。

Reference: Apple Desktop Bus

参考: Apple桌面总线

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/adb-1-full-form.aspx

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