
The present invention relates to a water treatment management system and a water treatment management server. As adjustment for the operators which are related with the water source is difficult, utilization of the regenerated water from the exhaust water and water treatment appripriation of the finally discharged water are hindered. Insurance for a water environment in an urban area may be properly affected. In a water environment information center, the information of the operators which respectively fetch water from a water source and discharges water to the water source and the information of the water source are integrally managed. Then a utilization plan of the regenerated water and an operation supporting plan of the water treatment equipment are distributed to the related operator. Each related operator is provided with the following components: a unit which collects the information that is related with water utilization and water treatment and transmits to the center, and a unit which controls the water treatment equipment according to the information that is received from the center.


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