Problem IInstalling AppsTime limit: 2 seconds

Mobile radio telephone, public domainSandra recently bought her first smart phone. One ofher friends suggested a long list of applications (morecommonly known as “apps”) that she should install onthe phone. Sandra immediately started installing theapps from the list, but after installing a few, the phonedid not have enough disk space to install any more apps.Sometimes, the app installation failed because there wasnot even enough space to download the installation pack-age. Other apps could be downloaded just fine, but had insufficient space to store the installed app.Each app that Sandra installs has a download sized  and a storage size s To download the app, Sandra’s phone must have at least d megabytes of free disk space. After the app has been installed, it then uses s  megabytes of  disk space on the phone. The download size may be smaller than the storage size (e.g., if the  app data is heavily compressed) or larger than the storage size (e.g., if the download contains  material that might not get used such as translations to different languages). The installer is very  efficient and can transform the downloaded package to an installed app without using any extra   disk space. Thus, to install an app, the phone must have at least

max(d, s)megabytes of freedisk space.Sandra quickly realised that she may have run out of space just because she installed apps in thewrong order. Thus, she decided to give the installation another try. She uninstalled all apps, andwill now choose an installation order that lets her install the largest number of apps from the list.

Sandra may not install any app more than once.Help her determine what apps on the list she should install, and in what order.

InputThe input consists of:•One line with two integersn,c(1≤n≤500,1≤c≤10 000), the number of availableapps and the availabledisk space of the phone in megabytes.

n lines, each with two integersd, s(1≤d, s≤10 000), the download size and storagesize of an app, in megabytes.


Output one line with the maximum number of apps that can be installed. Then output one line

listing the numbers of those apps, in the order that Sandra should install them. In the case that

no apps can be installed, this line can be omitted.

The apps are numbered from1to n , in the order they are given in the input. If there are multiple

optimal solutions, output any one of them.

NWERC 2017 Problem I: Installing Apps

1 dp[j] j表示的是我们用包里面j的容量会产生最大的价值,这个时候,包内剩余的容量是c-j;







#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int Max = 1e5+10;
typedef long long ll;
struct node {ll s,d,id;
bool cmp(node a, node b){return a.d-a.s>b.d-b.s;
ll dp[Max];
vector <int> pre[Max];
int main(){int n,c;scanf("%d %d",&n,&c);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%lld %lld",&p[i].d,&p[i].s);p[i].id=i;}sort(p+1,p+1+n,cmp);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){for(int j=c;j>=p[i].s;j--){if(c>=j-p[i].s+p[i].d){if(dp[j]<dp[j-p[i].s]+1){dp[j]=dp[j-p[i].s]+1;pre[j]=pre[j-p[i].s];pre[j].push_back(p[i].id);}}}}int ans=0,id=0;for(int i=1;i<=c;i++){if(dp[i]>ans){ans=dp[i];id=i;}}printf("%d\n",ans);int len=pre[id].size();for(int i=0;i<len;i++){int to=pre[id][i];printf("%d%c",to,(i==len-1)?'\n':' ');}return 0;

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