

这里的event可能是KeyboardEvent或 MouseEvent(视钩子类型而定)。而这两个类又都是HookEvent的子类。


Message: Keyboard or mouse event message

Time: Seconds since the epoch when the even current

Window: Window handle of the foreground window at the time of the event

WindowName: Name of the foreground window at the time of the event


Seconds since the epoch when the even current


一般上,我们在使用Python中的time模块,或者C标准库中的time.h时,认为epoch是(摘自Python2.7 time模块的文档):

The epoch is the point where the time starts. On January 1st of that year, at 0 hours, the “time since the epoch” is zero. For Unix, the epoch is 1970.

但是,这里的epoch却不是。看下面一段改编自pyhook官网的小例子:# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pythoncom, pyHook

import win32api

import time

def OnKeyboardEvent(event):

print event.Time

# Return the time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number.


# The epoch is the point where the time starts. On January 1st of that year,

# at 0 hours, the “time since the epoch” is zero. For Unix, the epoch is 1970.

print time.time()

# Returns the number of milliseconds since windows started

print win32api.GetTickCount()

print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName

print 'Message:',event.Message

print 'Time:', time.ctime(time.time())

print 'Window:',event.Window

print 'WindowName:',event.WindowName

print 'Ascii:', event.Ascii, chr(event.Ascii)

print 'Key:', event.Key

print 'KeyID:', event.KeyID

print 'ScanCode:', event.ScanCode

print 'Extended:', event.Extended

print 'Injected:', event.Injected

print 'Alt', event.Alt

print 'Transition', event.Transition

print '---'

# return True to pass the event to other handlers

return True

# create a hook manager

hm = pyHook.HookManager()

# watch for all keyboard events

hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent

# set the hook


# wait forever



print event.Time

print time.time()

print win32api.GetTickCount()


Returns the number of milliseconds since windows started



print 'Time:', time.ctime(time.time())


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