What is Unit Test



1.      不能一起运行!

2.      大多数情况下需要人为的观察输出确定是否正确

Why Unit Test




JUnit4 HelloWorld

1.      new project---new JUnit TestCase(ClassNameTest    )Eclipse itself hasthe JUnit jar.

With “import static” can use the static test methodsdirectly.

Assert 判断

TestMethod---right click---run as JUnit Test

Keeps the bar green to keeps the code clean

2.      建立类

3.      建立testcase


1.      assertThat .replace of all theassert method.

Matcher规则匹配 is(expected value)

2.      使用hamcrest的匹配方法 hamcrest jar need to download

a)      更自然 more close to the english

b)      add jar : build path – addexternal archieves

hamcrest-core and hamcrest-library jar.

c)      Class loader error: Remove fromlibrary Eclipse JUnit jar and add the newest JUnit jar

Add external archives

3.      示例

a)     assertThat( n, allOf( greaterThan(1), lessThan(15) )); //  1<n<15
assertThat( n, anyOf( greaterThan(16), lessThan(8) ) );// n>16 | n<8
assertThat( n, anything() );
assertThat( str, is( "bjsxt" ) );//str =
assertThat( str, not( "bjxxt" ) e

b)     assertThat( str, containsString( "bjsxt" ));
assertThat( str, endsWith("bjsxt" ) );
assertThat( str, startsWith( "bjsxt" ) );
assertThat( n, equalTo( nExpected ) );
assertThat( str, equalToIgnoringCase( "bjsxt" ) );
assertThat( str, equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace( "bjsxt" ) );

c)     assertThat( d, closeTo( 3.0, 0.3 ) ); // 3+- 0.3
assertThat( d, greaterThan(3.0) );
assertThat( d, lessThan (10.0) );
assertThat( d, greaterThanOrEqualTo (5.0) );
assertThat( d, lessThanOrEqualTo (16.0) );

d)   Map test

assertThat(map, hasEntry( "bjsxt", "bjsxt" ) );
assertThat( iterable, hasItem ( "bjsxt" ) );
assertThat( map, hasKey ( "bjsxt" ) );
assertThat( map, hasValue ( "bjsxt" ) );


1.      Failure是指测试失败

2.      Error是指测试程序本身出错 eg: int a = 8/0;

JUnit4 Annotation

1.      @Test: 测试方法

a)      (expected=XXException.class)expect an exception

b)      (timeout=xxx) expect the methodfinish in xxx ms.

2.      @Ignore: 被忽略的测试方法.don’t run the test Methodnow.

3.      @Before: 每一个测试方法之前运行: something to be aprerequisite for the method run

4.      @After: 每一个测试方法之后运行

5.      @BeforeClass: 所有测试开始之前运行 public static void beforeClass()

Only the static method can run before initialize

Function:request for some source or create the APP environment.

Eg:connect to the DB. Configure file.etc.

6.      @AfterClass: 所有测试结束之后运行

Function:to set free some source or over the APP environment.

Eg: disconnect to the DB.etc.

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;import com.bjsxt.junit4.T;public class TTest {@BeforeClasspublic static void beforeClass() {System.out.println("beforeClass");}@AfterClasspublic static void afterClass() {System.out.println("afterClass");}@Beforepublic void before() {System.out.println("before");}@Testpublic void testAdd() {int z = new T().add(5, 3);assertThat(z, is(8));assertThat(z ,allOf(greaterThan(5), lessThan(10)));//int a = 8/0;}@Test(expected=java.lang.ArithmeticException.class, timeout=100)public void testDivide() {int z = new T().divide(8, 0);}@Afterpublic void after() {System.out.println("after");}}

Run multi tests

right click on the packageName>runconfiguration>select “run all tests ….”

Conclusion Note:

TTD: test driven development. Put forward a important idea: write the testsfirsty.

JUnit can testJDBC,HTML,Struts,Hibernate,Spring,EJB,but need other jars.

1.      遵守约定,比如:

a)      类放在test包中

b)      类名用XXXTest结尾

c)      方法用testMethod命名



Ant: A very big project that need it tobuild ,deploy,compile,test. Autocally.

Buteclipse can’t do it .but use Unix shell and Ant can realize the automation.

Custom the build.xml

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