
When saving a file for the first time, you may have noticed Word suggesting a file name to you in the “Save As” dialog box. This file name is typically taken from the first paragraph in your document. However, this is actually Word’s second choice for suggested file names.

首次保存文件时,您可能已经注意到Word在“另存为”对话框中为您建议一个文件名。 该文件名通常取自文档的第一段。 但是,这实际上是Word建议文件名的第二选择。

If you’ve set the “Title” property for the document, Word uses that as the suggested file name when you first save the document. For example, we set the “Title” property for this article to the title of the article.

如果您为文档设置了“标题”属性,则在首次保存文档时,Word会将其用作建议的文件名。 例如,我们将本文的“ Title”属性设置为文章的标题。

When we save the article the first time (press “Ctrl + S” and select a location or click “Browse” on the “Save As” screen), that “Title” property is entered in as the file name in the “File name” edit box on the “Save As” dialog box.

当我们第一次保存文章时(按“ Ctrl + S”并选择一个位置或在“另存为”屏幕上单击“浏览”),在“文件名”中输入“ Title”属性作为文件名”对话框中的“另存为”对话框中。

If you want the same default file name to be used for all documents of a specific type, you can create a template for use with those documents and set the “Title” property in the template.

如果要对特定类型的所有文档使用相同的默认文件名,则可以创建用于这些文档的模板 ,并在模板中设置“ Title”属性。

NOTE: You do not need to add the file extension (.docx) to the “Title”. Word automatically adds that to every file name.

注意:您不需要将文件扩展名(.docx)添加到“标题”。 Word自动将其添加到每个文件名。

When you create a new document with that template attached…

当您创建带有该模板的新文档时 …

…and you save the document for the first time, the text you entered into the “Title” property is entered as the default file name in the “File name” edit box on the “Save As” dialog box.


You can simply add to or change the file name for each document when you save it.


NOTE: If your document does not have any text in it and you haven’t set the “Title” property, Word inserts “DocX.docx” as the file name, where the “X” is a number that depends on how many new documents you have created during your current Word session. This number is set back to “1” after you close all open Word documents.

注意:如果您的文档中没有任何文本,并且您尚未设置“ Title”属性,Word将插入“ DocX.docx”作为文件名,其中“ X”是一个数字,取决于新文件的数量您在当前Word会话中创建的文档。 关闭所有打开的Word文档后,此数字设置回“ 1”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220794/how-to-change-the-default-file-name-used-when-saving-word-documents/



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