The jar of this class file belongs to container 'JUnit 4' which does not allow modification to source attachments on its entries.


 @Testvoid function1(){//1,加载配置文件Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();//2,创建sessionFactorySessionFactory sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();//3,创建sessionSession session = sessionFactory.openSession();//4,开启事务Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();//5,执行事务Customer customer = new Customer();customer.setCust_name("Test");;transaction.commit();//6,关闭资源session.close();sessionFactory.close();}

以上是我在用JUnit4 进行Hibernate环境测试时候报的错误,网上搜了一下,各种五花八门的回答,但是感觉都跟我的不沾边,后边检查了一下,发现原来是我的测试方法没有public..加上public就好了

 @Testpublic void function1(){//1,加载配置文件Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();//2,创建sessionFactorySessionFactory sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();//3,创建sessionSession session = sessionFactory.openSession();//4,开启事务Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();//5,执行事务Customer customer = new Customer();customer.setCust_name("Test");;transaction.commit();//6,关闭资源session.close();sessionFactory.close();}


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