heartstring n. [HAHRT-string]

心弦 (应景情人节 Valentine's Day)


: the deepest emontion or affections - usually used in plural
:常用复数 heartstrings,最深处的情感与感情

Did You Know?

Before a song or movie or heart-shaped card accompanied by a box of chocolates could tug at your heartstrings, the job was more likely to be accomplished by a surgeon: the word heartstring used to refer to a nerve believed to sustain the heart. You might recognize the word's second syllable in the term hamstring, which refers to both a group of tendons at the back of the knee and to any of three muscles at the backs of the upper legs. It's also apparent in a rare dialect term for the Achilles' tendon: heel string. And in light of these terms, it's not surprising to know that string itself was at one time used independently to refer to cords like tendons and ligaments.


一首歌,一个电影,或者心形卡片配上巧克力可以打动你的心弦,这个过程有点类似于外科医生的手术:heartstring这个词过去是指用于悬拉心脏的一根神经。你有可能识别出属于hamstring的第二个音节,即string,也用来指代膝盖后侧的一组肌腱,或者大腿后侧的3根肌肉。string也出现在一个比较罕用的方言中heel string,用于表示Achilles's tendon(阿基里斯之腫,指代致命的弱点)。根据上面的词汇,string本身曾经单独使用指代肌腱和韧带这样的索状物也就不足为奇了。

注:tug at...:拉动..;surgeon:外科医生;syllable:音节;tendon:肌腱;muscle:肌肉;ligament:韧带;Achilles' tendon:阿基里斯之腫,致命弱点

hamstring (ham:后腿 + string:肌腱)
Image result for hamstring


  • “While on Facebook, have you ever come across a posting that tugs at your hearstring? Photos of adorable abandoned puppies, say, or a story about a cute little girl who didn't get any happy birthday wishes? You instinctively click the 'thumbs-up' or add a comment (Happy birthday!) and maybe even decide to share the posting.”
    --- Mary C. Hickey, Consumer Reports, June 2018


    注:come across:遇到;adorable:值得尊敬的,可爱的;abandoned:被遗弃的,被放弃的;say:这里指假如,例如;click the thumbs-up:点个赞;add a comment:添加个评论;share the posting:分享帖子

  • "There are two moments in 'Mary Poppins Returns' when the grown-ups watching really lost it: Dick Van Dyke's arrival and when Angela Lansbury starts singing. Those are playing on a lifetime of heartstrings."
    --- Lin-Manuel Miranda, quoted in USA Today, 27 Dec. 2018

    在“新欢乐满人间”这部电影中,有两个场景是在成人观看时被忽略了:Dick Van Dyke的来临以及当Angela Lansbury开始唱歌时。这些都是扣人心弦的演奏。


    Mary Poppins Returns:中译作 “新欢了满人间”,该片改编自P.L. Travers的原著,时间点选在了《欢乐满人间》发生的20年后,即大萧条时期的伦敦,银行家的小儿子迈克尔已经成家立业,有了孩子的他却无暇顾及家人,只能请回魔法保姆玛丽·波平斯来帮忙。

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