The following is derived from the above site.

What is the difference between specially and especially? – Mary, United States

The meanings and usage of these two similar-sounding words overlap quite a bit, so it can be hard to figure out which one to use when. If you are interested in the details, I encourage you to read their entries in Merriam-Webster's Learner’s Dictionary. If that’s more information than you need, here are simple rules to follow that will insure that you are using these words correctly:

1. Use especially to mean “very” or “extremely,” as in these examples:

  • There is nothing especially radical about that idea.
  • The food was not especially good.
  • She loves flowers, especially roses.

2. Use especially when something stands out from all the others, and you want the meaning of “particularly,” as in these examples:

  • She can't be sure she will win, especially at this early stage of the campaign.
  • The appetizers and especially the soup were delicious.

3. When you want to convey the meaning “for a special purpose,” or “specifically,” you can use either especially or specially. They are both correct.

  • The speech was written especially/specially for the occasion.

4. When you want to convey the meaning “in a special manner”, as in this example below, use specially. In this context, especially would sound odd or wrong to most native speakers.

  • I don't want to be treated specially.
  • I don't want to be treated especially.



used when mentioning conditions that make something more relevant, important, or true



in a particular way, or for a particular purpose






used for emphasizing that something refers especially to one specific person, thing, or situation



FORMAL especially: used for introducing a good example of something

in particular





used for showing that what you are saying applies to one person or thing more than others



for a particular purpose or for a particular person




above all


used for referring to something that is more important than any of the other things you could mention

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