Once a week we dump out the tips box mailbag and share the weeks hottest tips with you. This week we’re looking at how to speed up Windows 7,

每周一次,我们会丢掉小费箱信箱,并与您分享几周最热的小费。 本周,我们将研究如何加快Windows 7的运行速度

通过启用AHCI加速Windows 7(Speeding Up Windows 7 by Enabling AHCI)

Paul writes in with the following tip for increasing the speed of Windows 7:

Paul用以下技巧来提高Windows 7的速度:

Like so much that is really useful, I stumbled on this by pure happenstance. Looking for a way to change the Windows 7 logon screen, I stumbled on this piece of advice:

就像很多真正有用的东西一样,我偶然发现了这件事。 在寻找一种更改Windows 7登录屏幕的方法时,我偶然发现了以下建议:

ACHI is a way to speed hard disk operations devised by Intel. It is available on most computers and hard drives built after 2007. If the Windows 7 install was done on a computer that had a previous operating system or on a new one whose BIOS is set to IDE standard (as most are) then Windows will limit the drive speed to IDE. To remedy this and really speed disk access, you have to modify the Registry, then the BIOS. Here how you do it, courtesy of a helpful forum member at the Guru3D forums:

ACHI是一种加快Intel设计的硬盘操作的方法。 它在2007年之后制造的大多数计算机和硬盘驱动器上可用。如果Windows 7安装是在具有以前操作系统的计算机上完成的,或者在BIOS设置为IDE标准的新操作系统上(大多数情况下),则Windows将限制IDE的驱动器速度。 要解决此问题并真正加快磁盘访问速度,您必须先修改注册表,然后再修改BIOS。 这是您的操作方式,由Guru3D论坛的有用论坛成员提供:

To answer that question (and I do this safely with all Intel ICHR9/10 chipsets) there is a way to safely enable AHCI mode. Here we go: 1. Startup “Regedit 2. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlset / Services 3. Open msahci 4. In the right field left click on “start” and go to Modify 5. In the value Data field enter “0” and click “ok” 6. exit “Regedit” 7. Reboot Rig and enter BIOS (hold “Delete” key while Booting In your BIOS select “Integrated Peripherals” and OnChip PATA/SATA Devices. Now change SATA Mode to AHCI from IDE. You now boot into windows 7, the OS will recognize AHCI and install the devices. Now the system needs one more reboot and voilla .. enjoy the improved SSD performance.

为了回答这个问题(我使用所有Intel ICHR9 / 10芯片组都可以安全地这样做),有一种方法可以安全地启用AHCI模式。 我们开始: 1.启动“ Regedit”。2.打开“ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlset / Services”。3.打开“ msahci”。4.在右侧字段中单击“开始”,然后转到“修改”。5.在“数据”字段中,输入“ 0”。然后单击“确定” 6.退出“ Regedit” 7.重新启动装备并进入BIOS(在引导时按住“ Delete”键)在BIOS中,选择“ Integrated Peripherals”和OnChip PATA / SATA Devices。现在将IDE从SATA Mode更改为AHCI。现在,您启动进入Windows 7,操作系统将识别AHCI并安装设备。现在,系统需要再重新启动一次,这样就可以改善SSD性能。

Thanks Paul! While the results for this are strongly dependent on the particular chipset/HDD combination you’re dealing with most people report a small increase in speed at worst and a large one at best so there’s little harm in trying it out. As always, back up your registry before mucking about in it!

谢谢保罗! 尽管这样做的结果在很大程度上取决于特定的芯片组/ HDD组合,但是您与大多数人打交道时,其速度在最坏的情况下增长很小,而在最好的情况下则增长很大,因此试用它几乎没有危害。 与往常一样,在搞砸之前备份注册表!

将您的Android设备用作PowerPoint / OpenOffice演示工具 (Use Your Android Device as a PowerPoint / OpenOffice Presentation Tool)

I’m always looking for ways to cut down on the junk I have to carry with me to give presentations. I had a single-purpose wireless clicker (just a little hand remote that went to a wireless dongle you plugged into the computer) but that was yet one more thing I had to carry. Since I already have an Android phone on me at all times I tried out a bunch of free apps that could connect to my laptop via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or both. I settled on Remote PowerPoint. There’s a free and a premium version (the premium version is $2). Honestly I have no idea what the difference is, I downloaded the free version and it does everything I want it to do. I fire up my laptop, I run the little server app on my laptop, connect via Bluetooth from my phone to the laptop, and then I can click back and forth between the slides. It’s pretty awesome, I don’t even use all the available features! I’m including a link to a video demonstration of it.

我一直在寻找减少我必须随身带的垃圾的方法。 我有一个单一用途的无线答题器(只是一个小手遥控器,它连接到您插入计算机的无线加密狗),但这又是我必须携带的另一件事。 由于我一直都在使用Android手机,因此我试用了许多免费应用程序,可以通过Wi-Fi,蓝牙或同时连接到笔记本电脑。 我选择了Remote PowerPoint 。 有免费和高级版本(高级版本为2美元)。 老实说,我不知道有什么区别,我下载了免费版本,它可以完成我想做的所有事情。 我启动笔记本电脑,在笔记本电脑上运行小型服务器应用程序,通过蓝牙从手机连接到笔记本电脑,然后可以在幻灯片之间来回单击。 非常棒,我什至没有使用所有可用的功能! 我包括一个视频演示的链接。

Nice find Andrew, as PowerPoint and Android users we’re looking forward to taking it for a spin.


用毛巾纸管整理电线 (Organize Your Cords with Power Towel Tubes)

Dylan writes in with the following organization tip:


I’ve tried everything to organize the bulkier cords around my workshop. Using wire ties is a pain, zip ties are a waste of money since you have to slice them off, plastic bags are a hassle. Years ago online I saw pictures of people using old paper towel tubes, but that seemed impractical unless you had some sort of wire-tube wine rack thing to shove them all in. Then the other day on Reddit I saw a photo, attached to my email, of a guy who had taken the tube idea and used a cardboard banker’s box to organize all the tubes/bundles. Brilliant! The way he did it makes it so easy to see exactly what you’re looking for and keeps everything tidy at the same time. I immediately did it and now all my bulky cables (extra monitor cables, power cables, short extension cords, etc.) are all tidy and in a single box.

我已经尽一切努力来整理车间周围的电线。 使用扎带是一种痛苦,而扎带则浪费金钱,因为您必须将它们切掉,塑料袋是一件麻烦事。 几年前,在网上我看到有人用旧纸巾管的照片,但这似乎不切实际,除非您用某种电线管酒架将它们全部塞进去。然后在Reddit上,我看到一张照片,贴在我的电子邮件,是一个接受管的想法并使用纸板银行家的盒子整理所有管/捆的人的电子邮件。 辉煌! 他的操作方式使您可以轻松轻松地准确查看您要寻找的内容,并保持所有内容的整齐。 我立即做完了,现在我所有的笨重的电缆(额外的显示器电缆,电源电缆,短延长线等)都整齐地放在一个盒子里。

Like you, we had dismissed the whole paper towel tube thing because it sounded like you’d just trade your pile of cords for a pile of stuffed paper towel tubes. This is definitely an improvement. Thanks for writing in!

像您一样,我们已经取消了整个纸巾管事务,因为听起来您只是将一堆绳子换成一堆填充的纸巾管。 这绝对是一个进步。 感谢您的来信!

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and you might just see it on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址是tips@howtogeek.com ,您可能会在首页上看到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/74412/from-the-tips-box-speeding-up-windows-7-android-based-powerpoint-clicker-dirt-cheap-cardboard-cable-organizers/

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