One of the new features in Windows 7 Media Center is the ability to easily create music playlists without using Media Player. Today we’ll take a closer look at how to create them directly in Media Center.

Windows 7 Media Center的新功能之一是无需使用Media Player即可轻松创建音乐播放列表的功能。 今天,我们将仔细研究如何直接在Media Center中创建它们。

Create Manual Playlists


Open Windows Media Center and select the Music Library.

打开Windows Media Center,然后选择音乐库。

From within the Music Library, choose playlists from the top menu.


Then select Create Playlist.


Give your new playlist a name, and select Next.


Choose Music Library and select Next.


Select “songs” from the top menu, choose the songs for your playlist from your library, and select Next when finished. You can also click Select All to add all songs to your playlist, or clear all to remove them.

从顶部菜单中选择“歌曲”,从库中选择播放列表中的歌曲,完成后选择“下一步”。 您也可以单击全将所有歌曲添加到播放列表,或清除所有将其删除。

Note: you can also sort by artist, album, genre, etc. from the top menu.


Now you can review and edit your playlist. Click the up and down pointers to move songs up and down in the playlist, or “X” to remove them. You can also go back and add additional songs by selecting Add More. Click Create when you are finished.

现在,您可以查看和编辑播放列表。 单击向上和向下指针可在播放列表中向上或向下移动歌曲,或单击“ X”将其删除。 您还可以选择添加更多,返回并添加其他歌曲。 完成后,单击创建。

Auto Playlists


Windows Media Center also allows you to create six different auto playlists. These are dynamic playlists based on pre-defined criteria. Auto Playlists include All Music, Music added in the last month, Music auto rated at 5 stars, Music played in the last month, Music played the most, and Music rated 4 or 5 stars.

Windows Media Center还允许您创建六个不同的自动播放列表。 这些是基于预定义标准的动态播放列表。 自动播放列表包括所有音乐,上个月添加的音乐,自动评为5星的音乐,最近一个月播放的音乐,最多播放的音乐以及4或5星的音乐。

These Auto Playlists will change dynamically as your library and listening habits change.


Your new music playlists can be found under playlists in the music library.


Select play playlist to start the music.


Now kick back and enjoy the music from your playlist.




While earlier versions of WMC allowed you to create playlists, you had to do it through Windows Media Player. This is a nice new feature for music lovers who use WMC and prefer to do everything with a remote.

虽然WMC的早期版本允许您创建播放列表,但是您必须通过Windows Media Player来执行。 对于使用WMC并喜欢用遥控器完成所有操作的音乐爱好者来说,这是一个不错的新功能。

Do you already have playlists that you’ve created in Windows Media Player? Windows Media Center can play those too. If your playlists are in the default Music folder, Media Center will detect them automatically and add them to your Music Library. Plus, any playlists you create in Media Center are also available for Media Player.

您是否已有在Windows Media Player中创建的播放列表? Windows Media Center也可以播放这些内容。 如果您的播放列表位于默认的“音乐”文件夹中,则Media Center将自动检测它们并将它们添加到您的音乐库中。 另外,您在Media Center中创建的任何播放列表也可用于Media Player。

For more on creating Playlists in Media Player, check out our previous articles on how to create a custom playlist in Windows Media Player 12, and how to create auto playlists in WMP 12.

有关在Media Player中创建播放列表的更多信息,请查看我们以前的文章,该文章有关如何在Windows Media Player 12中创建自定义播放列表以及如何在WMP 12中创建自动播放列表。


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