
The Financial Times says that there are just five countries in the world where Google isn’t the search leader among locals. That means that Google impressively owns more than half the search market in almost every country in the world (there are 194 countries at last count (not including Taiwan, which we’ll leave off the list because China is one of the countries where Google isn’t tops, and I don’t know if Taiwan is included in those measurements)).

英国《 金融时报》表示 ,世界上只有五个国家/地区的Google并不是Google的搜索领导者。 这意味着Google几乎在世界上每个国家/地区中拥有惊人的搜索市场份额(最后有194个国家/地区(不包括台湾,我们将其排除在榜单之外,因为中国是Google所在的国家之一)不算顶,而且我不知道这些测量值中是否包含台湾)。

Who are the five local search engines beating Google?


  • Yandex in Russia, which FT says has about 43% of the market.

    英国《金融时报》称, Yandex在俄罗斯拥有约43%的市场。

  • Baidu in China, which has about 60% of the market.


  • Seznam in the Czech Republic — 63%.

    捷克共和国的Seznam -63%。

  • Naver in South Korea, which also controls about 60% of the local search market.


  • Yahoo! Japan, which comes in at a little more than 50%.

    雅虎! 日本 (占50%多一点)。

There’s good news and there’s bad news for Google. The good news is that they’re apparently the dominant search engine for over a billion world wide Internet users. The bad news is that the markets where they’re falling behind represent about 420 million users, and are among some of the fastest growing emerging markets (i.e. China and Russia).

对于Google来说,有个好消息和个坏消息。 好消息是,它们显然是超过10亿全球互联网用户的主要搜索引擎。 坏消息是,它们落后的市场约有4.2亿用户,并且是一些发展最快的新兴市场(即中国和俄罗斯)。

So why is Google able to so dominate the rest of the world, but can’t seem to crack these five countries? According to the FT, there are three reasons: quality, regulation, and culture.

那么,为什么Google能够如此统治世界其他地区,却似乎无法破解这五个国家? 根据英国《金融时报》的说法,原因有三点:质量,法规和文化。

According to FT, Google was slow to enter some of these markets and as a result was beaten on quality in local language results by local startups. Google now finds itself in the unfamiliar position of playing catchup in places like Russia, where users associate the highest quality results with Google’s rivals.

根据英国《金融时报》的报道,谷歌进入这些市场的速度很慢,因此当地初创公司在本地语言质量上的表现被击败。 谷歌现在发现自己在俄罗斯这样的地方处于追赶落后的位置,在那里用户将最高质量的结果与谷歌的竞争对手联系起来。

Laws in some countries restricting how foreign competitors can enter the local market have also hampered Google’s progress. Google CEO Eric Schmidt told the Financial Times that in China, the reason Baidu got such a head start was “largely because of the various bizarre laws that China has with respect to foreign media.”

一些国家/地区的法律限制外国竞争对手进入本地市场的方式也阻碍了Google的发展。 谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Sc​​hmidt)告诉英国《金融时报》,在中国,百度取得如此领先优势的原因“很大程度上是因为中国针对外国媒体制定了各种离奇的法律。”

Jordan McCollum over at Marketing Pilgrim thinks Schmidt sounds like a whiner for blaming government for his company’s inability to compete yet in those markets.

Marketing Pilgrim的乔丹·麦克科勒姆(Jordan McCollum)认为,施密特听起来像是在抱怨责备政府,因为他的公司无法在这些市场竞争。

The last reason, according to FT, is culture. In Japan, for example, users actually prefer the portal approach taken by Yahoo! The complete opposite has been true for Western markets, where the portal approach has fallen out of favor in the face of the simplified search-first-and-above-all-else approach that Google has perfected.

根据英国《金融时报》,最后一个原因是文化。 例如,在日本,用户实际上更喜欢Yahoo!采用的门户方法。 西方市场则完全相反,面对西方市场,门户网站方法已失宠,而谷歌已经完善了简化的“搜索为先”的“其他所有方法”。

As we said, though, the good news for Google is very good news. Dominance in all but 5 countries world wide is no small feat, and Mohammad Gawdat, Google’s head of emerging markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, agrees. “It may take more time [to catch up to local competitors], but who cares? The rest of the world is doing really well,” he told FT.

就像我们说的,对Google来说,好消息是个好消息。 谷歌在欧洲,中东和非洲新兴市场的负责人穆罕默德·高达特(Mohammad Gawdat)同意,在除5个国家以外的全球其他地区占据统治地位都是不小的壮举。 “赶上本地竞争对手可能需要更多时间,但是谁在乎呢? 世界其他地区的情况确实很好。”他告诉英国《金融时报》。

Of course, when your mission statement is to organize the world’s information, it’s hard to succeed when almost a third of all Internet users are turning somewhere else for search.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-countries-stand-betweent-google-and-world-domination/



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