

密码签到,给了堆字符,细看就两种,每行8组 CHU! 开头,显然是替换成01。然后出来就是flag,这个flag有1364个字符。是我见过最长的。




import socket
import threading
from _thread import *
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom binascii import hexlify, unhexlifyHOST = ''  # Standard loopback interface address (localhost)
PORT = 60001        # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023)
FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip()
MENU = "\nWhat would you like to do?\n\t(1) MAC Query\n\t(2) Forgery\n\t(3) Exit\n\nChoice: "
INITIAL = "Team Rocket told me CBC-MAC with arbitrary-length messages is safe from forgery. If you manage to forge a message you haven't queried using my oracle, I'll give you something in return.\n"BS = 16 # Block Size
MAX_QUERIES = 10def cbc_mac(msg, key):iv = b'\x00'*BScipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)t = cipher.encrypt(msg)[-16:]return hexlify(t)def threading(conn):conn.sendall(INITIAL.encode())key = Random.get_random_bytes(16)queries = []while len(queries) < MAX_QUERIES:conn.sendall(MENU.encode())try:choice = conn.recv(1024).decode().strip()except ConnectionResetError as cre:return# MAC QUERYif choice == '1':conn.sendall(b'msg (hex): ')msg = conn.recv(1024).strip()try:msg = unhexlify(msg)if (len(msg) + BS) % BS != 0:conn.sendall(f'Invalid msg length. Must be a multiple of BS={BS}\n'.encode())else:queries.append(msg)t = cbc_mac(msg, key)conn.sendall(f'CBC-MAC(msg): {t.decode()}\n'.encode())except Exception as e:conn.sendall(b'Invalid msg format. Must be in hexadecimal\n')# FORGERY (impossible as I'm told)elif choice == '2':conn.sendall(b'msg (hex): ')msg = conn.recv(1024).strip()conn.sendall(b'tag (hex): ')tag = conn.recv(1024).strip()try:msg = unhexlify(msg)if (len(msg) + BS) % BS != 0:conn.sendall(f'Invalid msg length. Must be a multiple of BS={BS} bytes\n'.encode())elif len(tag) != BS*2:conn.sendall(f'Invalid tag length. Must be {BS} bytes\n'.encode())elif msg in queries:conn.sendall(f'cheater\n'.encode())else:t_ret = cbc_mac(msg, key)if t_ret == tag:conn.sendall(f'If you reach this point, I guess we need to find a better MAC (and not trust TR). {FLAG}\n'.encode())else:conn.sendall(str(t_ret == tag).encode() + b'\n')except Exception as e:conn.sendall(b'Invalid msg format. Must be in hexadecimal\n')else:if choice == '3': # EXITconn.sendall(b'bye\n')else: # INVALID CHOICEconn.sendall(b'invalid menu choice\n')breakif len(queries) > MAX_QUERIES:conn.sendall(f'too many queries: {len(queries)}\n'.encode())conn.close()if __name__ == "__main__":with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)s.bind((HOST, PORT))s.listen()while True:conn, addr = s.accept()print(f'new connection: {addr}')start_new_thread(threading, (conn, ))s.close()


AES是第1个被玩坏的加密算法,不管是ECB还是CBC都有固定的漏洞。CBC加入的前反馈用的是上一块的密文,比如如果明文是两块AB,返回的密文也是两块CD,这里的B=ENC(A),D=ENC(B^C) ,所以这个题如果输入A能得到B,输入AB得到CD,于是可以预测输入B^C可以得到D

└─$ nc 0.cloud.chals.io 12769
Team Rocket told me CBC-MAC with arbitrary-length messages is safe from forgery. If you manage to forge a message you haven't queried using my oracle, I'll give you something in return.

What would you like to do?
        (1) MAC Query
        (2) Forgery
        (3) Exit

Choice: 1
msg (hex): 00000000000000000000000000000000
CBC-MAC(msg): aa4103b3e49bf200f9e3ded28d1287c4

What would you like to do?
        (1) MAC Query
        (2) Forgery
        (3) Exit

Choice: 1
msg (hex): 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
CBC-MAC(msg): d34e824a19e71237a2a49a5cefcacc12

What would you like to do?
        (1) MAC Query
        (2) Forgery
        (3) Exit

Choice: 2
msg (hex): aa4103b3e49bf200f9e3ded28d1287c4
tag (hex): d34e824a19e71237a2a49a5cefcacc12
If you reach this point, I guess we need to find a better MAC (and not trust TR). UMDCTF{Th!s_M@C_Sch3M3_1s_0nly_S3cur3_f0r_f!xed_l3ngth_m3ss4g3s_78232813}



def cbc_mac(msg, key):iv = b'\x00'*BScipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)ct = cipher.encrypt(msg + l2b(len(msg)//BS, BS))t = ct[-16:]return hexlify(t)


这个方法先输入A得到 _A = ENC(ENC(A)^1), 再输入B得到 _B = ENC(ENC(B)^1)

这时候如果输入 A+1这时候的密文应该是Enc(A)+ Enc(Enc(A)^1) 第2段的密文就是上面第1步的密文已知,但返回的并不是这个,而的后边padding的值,所以输入第3段输入为_A把前边的反馈异或掉,那么异或以后就是对序号0进行加密然后拿密文异或padding的3,函数返回的就是Enc(Enc(0)^3),在这中间把前边的加密结果异或掉了。同样拿B这样作也能得到这个结果。

from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2bp = remote('0.cloud.chals.io', 31220)
context.log_level = 'debug'def get_mac(msg, key):iv = b'\x00'*BScipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)ct = cipher.encrypt(msg + l2b(len(msg)//BS, BS))t = ct[-16:]return hexlify(t)def get_msg(msg):p.sendlineafter(b'Choice: ', b'1')p.sendlineafter(b'msg (hex):', msg.hex().encode())p.recvuntil(b': ')return bytes.fromhex(p.recvline().strip().decode())def chk_msg(msg,tag):p.sendlineafter(b'Choice: ', b'2')p.sendlineafter(b'msg (hex):', msg.hex().encode())p.sendlineafter(b'tag (hex):', tag.hex().encode())c0 = get_msg(b'\x01'*16)   #0>c0,c0^1->c1,
c1 = get_msg(b'\x02'*16)c2 = get_msg(b'\x01'*16+ l2b(1, 16)+c0)
#c3 = get_msg(b'\x02'*16+ l2b(1, 16)+c1)
chk_msg(b'\x02'*16+ l2b(1, 16)+c1, c2)print(p.recvline())p.interactive()




输入数据会用json打包成串,串包含name:id, 权限admin,nonce:16字节的原意用不到的数据,时间time


因为自动打包是admin:0,要求打包所admin:1 时间time不能变,这块比较简单,因为是异或附着上去的,直接对密文与原明文异或就能得到加密流,再与新明文异或就得到密文。







from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes,bytes_to_long,getPrime,inverse
from gmssl.SM4 import CryptSM4,SM4_ENCRYPT,xor
from hashlib import sha256
#from secret import secret
import signal
import time
import json
import ossecret = b'flag{test}'
FLAG = b'ant' + secretbanner = br"""::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
'########::::'###::::'#######::::::'######::'########:'########:::::'#######::::'#####::::'#######:::'#######::##.... ##::'## ##::'##.... ##::::'##... ##:... ##..:: ##.....:::::'##.... ##::'##.. ##::'##.... ##:'##.... ##:##:::: ##:'##:. ##:..::::: ##:::: ##:::..::::: ##:::: ##::::::::::..::::: ##:'##:::: ##:..::::: ##:..::::: ##:##:::: ##:..:::..:::'#######::::: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ######:::::::'#######:: ##:::: ##::'#######:::'#######::##:::: ##:::::::::::...... ##:::: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ##...:::::::'##:::::::: ##:::: ##:'##:::::::::...... ##:##:::: ##::::::::::'##:::: ##:::: ##::: ##:::: ##:::: ##:::::::::: ##::::::::. ##:: ##:: ##::::::::'##:::: ##:########:::::::::::. #######:::::. ######::::: ##:::: ##:::::::::: #########::. #####::: #########:. #######::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"""MENU1 = br'''====------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====|    |              +---------------------------------------------------------------------+              |   ||    |              |            [R]egister     [L]ogin     [T]ime     [E]xit             |              |   ||    |              +---------------------------------------------------------------------+              |   |====------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====
'''MENU2 = br'''====------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====|    |              +---------------------------------------------------------------------+              |   ||    |              |            [G]et_dp_dq     [F]lag     [T]ime     [E]xit             |              |   ||    |              +---------------------------------------------------------------------+              |   |====------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====
'''def pad(msg):tmp = 16 - len(msg)%16return msg + bytes([tmp] * tmp)def get_token(id:str,nonce:str,_time:int):msg = {"id":id,"admin":0,"nonce":nonce,"time":_time}print('TOKEN:', str(json.dumps(msg)).encode())return str(json.dumps(msg)).encode()class CRT_RSA_SYSTEM:nbit = 1024blind_bit = 128unknownbit = 193def __init__(self):e = 0x10001p,q = [getPrime(self.nbit // 2) for _ in "AntCTF"[:2]]n = p * qself.pub = (n,e)dp = inverse(e,p - 1)dq = inverse(e,q - 1)self.priv = (p,q,dp,dq,e,n)self.blind()def blind(self):p,q,dp,dq,e,n = self.privrp,rq = [getPrime(self.blind_bit) for _ in "D^3CTF"[:2]]dp_ = (p-1) * rp + dpdq_ = (q-1) * rq + dqself.priv = (p,q,dp_,dq_,e,n)def get_priv_exp(self):p,q,dp,dq,e,n = self.privdp_ = dp & (2**(self.nbit//2 + self.blind_bit - self.unknownbit) - 1)dq_ = dq & (2**(self.nbit//2 + self.blind_bit - self.unknownbit) - 1)return (dp_,dq_)def encrypt(self,m):n,e = self.pubreturn pow(m,e,n)def decrypt(self,c):p,q,dp,dq,e,n = self.privmp = pow(c,dp,p)mq = pow(c,dq,q)m = crt([mp,mq],[p,q])assert pow(m,e,n) == creturn mclass SM4_CTR(CryptSM4):block_size = 16def _get_timers(self, iv, msgLen):blockSZ = self.block_sizeblocks = int((msgLen + blockSZ - 1) // blockSZ)timer = bytes_to_long(iv)timers = ivfor i in range(1, blocks):timer += 1timers += long_to_bytes(timer)return timers#先根据IV生成timers: count,count+1, count+2  将这些用crypt_ecb加密后与明文异或def encrypt_ctr(self, input_data,count = None):assert len(input_data) % self.block_size == 0if count == None:count = os.urandom(16)counters = self._get_timers(count,len(input_data))   #count, count+1, count+2blocks = xor(self.crypt_ecb(counters), input_data)ciphertext = bytes(blocks)return count + ciphertext[:len(input_data)]def decrypt_ctr(self, input_data):assert len(input_data) % self.block_size == 0pt = self.encrypt_ctr(input_data[self.block_size:], input_data[:self.block_size])return pt[self.block_size:]class D3_ENC:def __init__(self,key:bytes,authdate:bytes):self.crt_rsa = CRT_RSA_SYSTEM()self.block = SM4_CTR()self.block.set_key(key, SM4_ENCRYPT)self.authdate = bytes_to_long(authdate)def encrypt(self,msg):assert len(msg) % 16 == 0cipher = self.block.encrypt_ctr(msg)tag = self.get_tag(msg)return cipher,tagdef decrypt(self,cipher):assert len(cipher) % 16 == 0msg = self.block.decrypt_ctr(cipher)tag = self.get_tag(msg)return msg,tagdef get_tag(self,msg):auth_date = self.authdatemsg_block = [bytes_to_long(msg[i*16:(i+1)*16]) for i in range(len(msg)//16)]for mi in msg_block:auth_date = int(sha256(str(self.crt_rsa.encrypt(auth_date)).encode()).hexdigest()[:32],16) ^ mireturn int(sha256(str(self.crt_rsa.encrypt(auth_date)).encode()).hexdigest()[:32],16)class D3_SYS:def register(self):print('Welcome to D^3 CTF 2023!')username = input("[D^3] USERNAME:")if username in self.UsernameDict:print(f'[D^3] Sorry,the USERNAME {username} has been registered.')return elif len(username) >= 20:print('[D^3] Sorry,the USERNAME can\'t be longer than 20.')returnnonce = os.urandom(8).hex()token = get_token(username,nonce,int(time.time()))cipher_token,tag = self.d3block.encrypt(pad(token))self.UsernameDict[username] = tagprint('[D^3] ' + username + ', token is ' + cipher_token.hex() + '& nonce is ' + nonce)def login(self):print('Welcome to D^3 CTF 2023!')username = input("[D^3] USERNAME:")if username not in self.UsernameDict:   #用户名在注册字典中print('[D^3] Sorry,the username has never been registered.')return Falseveritag = self.UsernameDict[username]cipher_token = bytes.fromhex(input("[D^3] Token:"))try:msg,tag = self.d3block.decrypt(cipher_token)   #token可以正常解密except:print("[D^3] Something Wrong...quiting....")return Falseif tag != veritag :print('[D^3] Ouch! HACKER? Get Out! {tag} {veritag}')return Falsetry:token_dict = json.loads(msg.decode('latin-1').strip().encode('utf-8'))  #可以正常解析except:print('[D^3] Sorry,try again plz..')return FalseID = token_dict["id"]   #已注册的用户名if ID != username:print('[D^3] Change name?')return Falseelif abs(int(time.time()) - token_dict['time']) >= 1:  #时间少于1秒print('[D^3] oh...no...out....')return Falseelif token_dict['admin'] != True:print("[D^3] Logining.")return Falseelse:print("[D^3] Logining.")return Truedef time(self):print('[D^3] D^3\' clock shows '+str(int(time.time())))returndef get_dp_dq(self):return self.d3block.crt_rsa.get_priv_exp()def enc_flag(self):flag = FLAG + os.urandom(16)n,e = self.d3block.crt_rsa.pubenc_flag = pow(bytes_to_long(flag),e,n)return enc_flagdef handle(self):print(banner.decode())key = os.urandom(16)authdate = os.urandom(16)self.d3block = D3_ENC(key,authdate)print('[D^3] My initial Authdate is ' + authdate.hex())print('[D^3] My Auth pubkey is ' + str(self.d3block.crt_rsa.pub))self.UsernameDict = {}admin = None# signal.alarm(60) # in server.......while 1:print(MENU1.decode())option = input('option >')if option == 'R':self.register()elif option == 'L':admin = self.login()breakelif option == 'T':self.time()else:breakif admin != True:print("ByeBye! You are not admin.......")exit()print("Hello,Admin.Now, you have 2 chances to operate.")for __ in 'D^3 CTF'[:2]:print(MENU2.decode())option = input('option >')if option == 'F':cip = self.enc_flag()print('Encrypted Flag: ' + hex(cip))elif option == 'G':dp,dq = self.get_dp_dq()print(f'dp,dq:{[dp,dq]}')elif option == 'T':self.time()else:breakif __name__ == "__main__":d3sys = D3_SYS()d3sys.handle()


from pwn import *
from hashlib import sha256
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes,bytes_to_long #p = process(['python3', './server.py'])
p = remote('', 32141)def pad(msg):tmp = 16 - len(msg)%16return msg + bytes([tmp] * tmp)def res_enc(r):return pow(r,e,n)def get_tag(auth_date, msg):msg_block = [bytes_to_long(msg[i*16:(i+1)*16]) for i in range(len(msg)//16)]print('Authdate:', auth_date)print('msg_block', msg_block)for mi in msg_block[:4]:auth_date = int(sha256(str(res_enc(auth_date)).encode()).hexdigest()[:32],16) ^ miprint(auth_date)#return int(sha256(str(crt_rsa.encrypt(auth_date)).encode()).hexdigest()[:32],16)return long_to_bytes(auth_date)  #noce blockdef register(name):p.sendlineafter(b'option >', b'R')p.sendlineafter(b"[D^3] USERNAME:", name.encode())p.recvuntil(b'token is ')token = p.recvuntil(b'& nonce is ', drop=True)noce  = p.recvline().decode().strip()return bytes.fromhex(token.decode()),noce def login(name, token):p.sendlineafter(b'option >', b'L')p.sendlineafter(b"[D^3] USERNAME:", name.encode())p.sendlineafter(b"[D^3] Token:", token.hex().encode())def get_time():p.sendlineafter(b'option >', b'T')p.recvuntil(b'[D^3] D^3\' clock shows ')return int(p.recvline().decode().strip())def get_enc():p.sendlineafter(b'option >', b'F')return p.recvline()def get_dpq():p.sendlineafter(b'option >', b'G')return p.recvline()'''
iv + ecb(timer)^input
{'id': 'A12345612345678', 'admin': 0, 'nonce': '863fd6c657125e0e', 'time': 1682729415}
p.recvuntil(b'[D^3] My initial Authdate is ')
authdate = bytes_to_long(bytes.fromhex(p.recvline().decode().strip()))
p.recvuntil(b'[D^3] My Auth pubkey is ')
n,e = eval(p.recvline().decode())
username = 'A12345612345678'
tok,noce = register(username)
print('Noce:',noce)stime = get_time()
#noce = 48:
data  = '{"id": "'+username+'", "admin": 0, "nonce": "'+ noce +'", "time": '+str(stime)+'}'
data1 = pad(data.encode())
print('ServerData:', data1)
data  = '{"id": "'+username+'", "admin": 1, "nonce": "'+ noce +'", "time": '+str(stime)+'}'
data2 = pad(data.encode())
print('ServerData:', data2)tab1 = get_tag(authdate, data1) #取得真实和变更后的到nonce块对应的hash值,将变更后的hash值异或
tab2 = get_tag(authdate, data2)twos = xor(noce, tab1, tab2)data  = ('{"id": "'+username+'", "admin": 1, "nonce": "').encode() + twos + ('", "time": '+str(stime)+'}').encode()
data3 = pad(data)
print('ServerData:', data3)
tab3 = get_tag(authdate, data3)
print(tab1,tab3)tok2 = tok[:16] + xor(tok[16:], data1, data3)login(username, tok2)#getencflag
enc = get_enc()
dpq = get_dpq()
print(enc, dpq)


这题比较短,我喜欢,将flag按位加密,如果位为1输出x,m-x如果为0输出x和y ,其中x,y都是随机数,并给了g^x,g^y

FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read()flag_bytes = [ord(c) for c in FLAG]
flag_bits = ''.join([f'{num:08b}' for num in flag_bytes])p = random_prime(2^256)
G = GF(p, modulus="primitive")
g = G.gen()  #2
m = p-1print(f'p: {p}')
for bit in flag_bits:x = G.random_element()if bit == '1':y = m-xelse:y = G.random_element()print(f'{g^x}, {g^y}')'''
136107697176749185543209332858662868346120393376514992101253214901716362745, 4489243525362911779914961649702230836859635666195232403274786388182562879361
313387399053126414484766711139354034169709558997548368221163057994217005353, 4029565080773491679563658568390472992550553731340161637356414983568392824062
4287900589192154417478352219166638748006136888749131614780146977634009070841, 4954649930416350408097954464190826193086987784562686571699186431239839447950

这个解密很简单,拿两个相乘当为1的时候g^x*g^y = g^(x+y) = g^(x+m-x) = g^m 由于m=p-1所以g^(p-1)=1

v = open('output.txt').readlines()p = 6596997572802685744626960256235787019476434707654191935397530271983648431547#g^x*g^y = g^(x+m-x) = g^m = g^(p-1) = 1 mod p
flag = ''
for i in range(1, len(v)):a,b = eval(v[i])if a*b%p == 1:flag +='1'else:flag +='0'print(flag)
flag = bytes([int(flag[i:i+8],2) for i in range(0, len(flag),8)])

Noisy Bits


import randomPOLY = 0xC75
FLAG_BIN_LENGTH = 360def encode(cw):cw = (cw & 0xfff)c = cwfor i in range(1, 12+1):if cw & 1 != 0:cw = cw ^ POLYcw = cw >> 1return (cw << 12) | cflag = open('flag.txt', 'rb').read()binary_str = bin(int.from_bytes(flag))[2:].zfill(FLAG_BIN_LENGTH)blocks = [ ''.join([binary_str[12*i+j] for j in range(12)]) for i in range(FLAG_BIN_LENGTH // 12) ]
block_nos = [ int(s, 2) for s in blocks ]encoded = [ encode(cw) for cw in block_nos ]# flip some bits for fun
for i in range(len(encoded)):encoded[i] = encoded[i] ^ (1 << random.randint(0,22))encoded[i] = encoded[i] ^ (1 << random.randint(0,22))encoded[i] = encoded[i] ^ (1 << random.randint(0,22))encoded_bin = [ bin(e)[2:].zfill(23) for e in encoded ]print(' '.join(encoded_bin))


a1 = {}
for i in range(0x1000):a1[encode(i)]=ic = '01011100111010101110100 10111111010110100001100 00011010110011000110100 10000000111010101100110 10111011111000110110110 00001000110111100110000 10000010101001110010011 11001001000010101110001 10011100110010111010010 11100110111011101101010 01111111110001101001110 00000001011111001101100 10101101111000110110110 11011001100010000011101 10011100111011111010010 11001011100010101110010 11110001101000100110001 01111010100111110101100 00101001110001000000111 11101100000000001111111 11000010011010000000101 10101110001111100110000 10111111110011100000011 01101010101000001100010 01101011100000011000110 00101010010000101001101 11111011011010011110011 11100100100110001011110 10110111101011101010111 11010010000110100001010'c = [int(i,2) for i in c.split(' ')]m = []
for v in c:tmp = []for i in range(23):for j in range(23):for k in range(23):u = v^(1<<i)^(1<<j)^(1<<k)if u in a1:if a1[u] not in tmp:tmp.append(a1[u])m.append(tmp)#m = [[1364], [3396], [1077], [1094], [1974], [3632], [1683], [1401], [1526], [872], [838], [3694], [822], [3125], [1526], [370], [821], [3950], [775], [1119], [1029], [3952], [1827], [98], [1734], [1357], [1523], [1119], [1879], [3338]]for i in range(0,len(m),2):for v1 in m[i]:for v2 in m[i+1]:print(chr(v1>>4)+chr(((v1&0xf)<<4)|(v2>>8)) + chr(v2&0xff), end='')#UMDCTF{n0i5y_ch4nn3l5_ar3_n0t_@_pr0bleM_4_u}

Hidden Message


GO CATCH tHe bug parAS! AbRa LIKES His speED! GO catCH zubaT Or not! like paraS cutE zUBAT Is FUn! hes GREAT! GO CATch RoCk onix! onIx LOVes My new mATTE rocKS lol!


Reduce Thyself


import socket
import random
import threading
from _thread import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b, bytes_to_long as b2l, getPrime, isPrime, inverse
from math import gcd
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlifyHOST = ''  # Standard loopback interface address (localhost)
PORT = 60003        # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023)
FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip().encode()def decrypt(flag_ct, ct, d, n):pt = 'null'if isPrime(ct) and ct != flag_ct:pt = hexlify(l2b(pow(ct, d, n))).decode()return ptdef gen_params():while True:p,q = getPrime(1024), getPrime(1024)n = p*qe = 0x10001phi = (p-1)*(q-1)if gcd(phi, e) == 1:d = inverse(e, phi)breakreturn n,e,ddef threading(conn):n,e,d = gen_params()flag_ct = pow(b2l(FLAG), e, n)print(f'n: {n}\ne: {e}\nd: {d}')conn.sendall(f'n: {hex(n)}\ne: {hex(e)}\nflag_ct: {hex(flag_ct)}\n\n'.encode())while True:conn.sendall(b'Gimme ct (hex): ')try:ct = int(conn.recv(1024).strip().decode(), 16)except Exception as e:conn.sendall(b'invalid ct')breakpt = decrypt(flag_ct, ct, d, n)conn.sendall(f'result: {pt}\n\n'.encode())conn.close() if __name__ == "__main__":with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)s.bind((HOST, PORT))s.listen()while True:conn, addr = s.accept()print(f'new connection: {addr}')start_new_thread(threading, (conn, ))s.close()for i in range(500):if isPrime(c*pow(i+1, e, n)%n):print(i)
from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b, bytes_to_long as b2l, getPrime, isPrime, inversep = remote('0.cloud.chals.io', 33047)
context.log_level = 'debug'p.recvuntil(b"n: ")
n = int(p.recvline(),16)p.recvuntil(b"flag_ct: ")
flag_ct = int(p.recvline(),16)e = 0x10001
for i in range(1,2000):ct = flag_ct*pow(i,e,n)%nif isPrime(ct):print(i)p.sendlineafter(b'Gimme ct (hex): ', hex(ct)[2:].encode())p.recvuntil(b'result: ')m = int(p.recvline(),16)m //= i print(l2b(m))break



import socket
import random
import threading
from _thread import *
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b, bytes_to_long as b2l
from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlifyHOST = ''  # Standard loopback interface address (localhost)
PORT = 60000        # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023)
FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip()
MENU = "\nWhat would you like to do?\n\t(1) Encryption Query\n\t(2) Check Bit\n\t(3) Exit\n\nChoice: "
INITIAL = "Welcome to the best symmetric encryption scheme ever. I'll give you a flag if you can prove this scheme insecure under IND-CPA, but I know it's impossible!! >:)\n"BS = 16 # Block Size
MS = 30 # Maximum blocks per query
NUM_BITS = 128def encrypt(m):m = unhexlify(m)iv = Random.get_random_bytes(16)key = Random.get_random_bytes(16)cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)blocks = [m[i:i+BS] for i in range(0, len(m), BS)]ct = ivfor i in range(len(blocks)):ctr = l2b((b2l(iv)+i+1) % pow(2,BS*8))ctr = b'\x00'*(BS - len(ctr)) + ctr # byte padding if ctr < pow(2,BS*8 - 1)ct += cipher.encrypt(strxor(ctr, blocks[i]))assert len(ct) - len(m) == BSreturn hexlify(ct)def threading(conn):conn.sendall(INITIAL.encode())for bit in range(NUM_BITS):queries = 0b = random.randint(0,1)while queries < MAX_QUERIES:conn.sendall(MENU.encode())try:choice = conn.recv(1024).decode().strip()except ConnectionResetError as cre:return# ENCRYPTION QUERYif choice == '1':queries += 1conn.sendall(b'm0 (hex): ')m0 = conn.recv(1024).strip()conn.sendall(b'm1 (hex): ')m1 = conn.recv(1024).strip()if (len(m0) % 2 != 0) or ((len(m0) // 2) % BS != 0) or ((len(m0) // (2*BS)) > MS):conn.sendall(b'invalid m0\n')elif (len(m1) % 2 != 0) or ((len(m1) // 2) % BS != 0) or ((len(m1) // (2*BS)) > MS):conn.sendall(b'invalid m1\n')elif len(m0) != len(m1):conn.sendall(b'messages must be same length\n')else:if b == 0:ct = encrypt(m0)else:ct = encrypt(m1)conn.sendall(b'ct: ' + ct + b'\n')continue# CHECK BITelif choice == '2':conn.sendall(b'Bit (b) guess: ')b_guess = conn.recv(1024).strip().decode()if b_guess == str(b):conn.sendall(b'correct!\n')breakelse:conn.sendall(b'wrong\n')# EXITelif choice == '3':conn.sendall(b'bye homie\n')# INVALIDelse:conn.sendall(b'invalid menu choice\n')# close connection on exit, invalid choice, wrong bit guess, invalid encryption queryconn.close()returnif queries > MAX_QUERIES:conn.sendall(f'too many queries: {queries}\n'.encode())conn.close()return# Bits guessed correctlyconn.sendall(f'okay, okay, here is your flag: {FLAG}\n'.encode())conn.close()if __name__ == "__main__":with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)s.bind((HOST, PORT))s.listen()while True:conn, addr = s.accept()print(f'new connection: {addr}')start_new_thread(threading, (conn, ))s.close()



如果iv的尾两位为00,转入 0...01,10,11,00 恰 好与序列相同,那么生成的密文4段全都相同,但当iv是01时会是什么样呢,在11后会有进位,导致不仅尾两位变化,所以这里的输入扩展到5块,对应下表

IV\输入 01 10 11 00 01 10
00 01 10 11 - - -
01 - - 00 01 10 11
10 - 00 01 10 11 -
11 00 01 10 11 - -


from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b, bytes_to_long as b2lp = remote('0.cloud.chals.io', 24524)context.log_level = 'debug'def query():p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b'1')p.sendlineafter(b'm0 (hex): ', c1+c2+c3+c4+c1) #0p.sendlineafter(b'm1 (hex): ', c4*5)p.recvuntil(b'ct: ')ct = p.recvline().strip().decode()cs = [int(ct[i*32:(i+1)*32],16) for i in range(6)]if (cs[0]&3 == 0 and cs[1]==cs[2]) or (cs[0]&3 == 1 and cs[3]==cs[5]) or (cs[0]&3 == 2 and cs[2]==cs[3]) or (cs[0]&3 == 3 and cs[1]==cs[3]):return 0else:return 1def guess(b):p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b'2')p.sendlineafter(b'Bit (b) guess: ', str(b).encode())c1 = b'00000000000000000000000000000001'
c2 = b'00000000000000000000000000000002'
c3 = b'00000000000000000000000000000003'
c4 = b'00000000000000000000000000000000'for i in range(128):b = query()guess(b)p.recvline()


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