Tired of your Apple Watch nagging you to stand up? You’re not alone. Read on as we show you how to tell the little smart-watch-wonder to get off your back. Conversely, if you’re into getting bossed around by your watch, we’ll show you how to turn it back on.

厌倦了Apple Watch逼您站起来? 你不是一个人。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何告诉小巧的手表奇迹让您摆脱困境。 相反,如果您想在手表旁摆弄,我们将向您展示如何重新打开手表。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Apple had the very best of intentions when they included the “Time to stand!” reminder in the Apple Watch. There’s been plenty of recent research about the hazards of sitting all day (and if you’re in the mood to convince yourself you’re going to die young because you spend all day hunched over at a desk feel free to check out this depressing infographic from The Washington Post or this article from the Wall Street Journal).

当包含“站起来的时间!”时,Apple表现出了最好的意图。 Apple Watch中的提醒。 最近有大量关于整天坐着的危害的研究(如果您想说服自己会早逝,因为您整天都弯腰伏在办公桌上,可以随时查看此令人沮丧的信息。摘自《华盛顿邮报》或《 华尔街日报》的这篇文章)。

With the dangers of sitting all day and Apple’s goodwill in trying to stop us from doing it acknowledged, we can also acknowledge that the implementation of the feature in the Apple Watch can be a tad annoying. Further, we totally understand why you would want to shut it up for awhile (or forever) so it stops interrupting you when standing isn’t an option (or when you’ve barely been sitting after a long and active day).

考虑到整天坐着的危险以及苹果试图阻止我们这样做的善意,我们也可以承认,Apple Watch中的功能实现可能有点烦人。 此外,我们完全理解为什么您要暂时关闭它(或永久关闭),以便在无法站立时(或者经过漫长而忙碌的一天后几乎没有坐着)时,它会停止打扰您。

A reminder to get milk on the way home from work is one thing but constant nags all day to stand up might just be a bit too much for you. Speaking of the all-day element of the nagging, let’s take a quick look at how the reminder even works before we jump into disabling it.

提醒人们下班回家要喝牛奶是一回事,但是整天不停地na着站起来可能对您来说太过分了。 说到the的一整天,让我们快速了解一下提醒,甚至在禁用它之前如何工作。

One small thing worth noting before we proceed: even if you disable the standing nag the watch will still function as a fitness tracker that monitors your standing and sedentary behaviors so don’t worry about losing any of your personal metrics if you silence the time-to-stand reminder.


展位提醒如何工作? (How Does The Stand Reminder Even Work?)

One of the reasons the “Time to stand!” reminder irritates so many people is because the mechanism by which it works isn’t immediately clear. The way Apple programmed the reminder is very straight forward (albeit not very transparent to the end user). The premise is that sitting for more than an hour is bad for you. Fair enough. Research would certainly back that premise up. So based on that premise the Apple Watch will tell you to stand up and encourage you to move around for at least one minute every time the watch detects you’ve been sitting for the first 50 minutes of each hour.

“该站起来了!”的原因之一 提醒之所以激怒了很多人,是因为它的工作机制尚不清楚。 Apple对提醒进行编程的方式非常简单(尽管对最终用户不是很透明)。 前提是坐一个多小时对您不利。 很公平。 研究肯定会支持这一前提。 因此,基于此前提,Apple Watch会告诉您站起来,并鼓励您每次手表检测到您坐在每小时的前50分钟内至少走动一分钟。

Unfortunately the watch doesn’t take into account how much activity you’ve had that day (it doesn’t matter if you’ve been sitting for 12 hours or if you spent the whole morning hiking and riding your bike). Nor does it take into account movement (so if you’re driving your car for an hour it will chime and nag you to stand up even if you’re barreling down the highway in the driver’s seat).

不幸的是,手表没有考虑到您当天的活动量(无论您坐了12个小时还是整个早晨都在远足和骑自行车,这都没有关系)。 它也没有考虑到运动(因此,即使您在汽车上坐了一个小时,即使您在驾驶座上的高速公路上加油,它也会鸣叫并逼您站起来)。

In light of all that if you’re already a pretty active person who happens to sit for a spell every day doing work, gaming, or commuting, you may find it helpful to disable the reminder so you don’t find yourself yelling “I can’t stand! I’m in the (@#$ car!” every afternoon.

考虑到所有这些,如果您已经是一个非常活跃的人,正好每天在工作,游戏或通勤时坐着咒语,您可能会发现禁用提醒功能会很有帮助,这样您就不会发现自己大吼大叫“我受不了! 我每天下午都在(@#$车!!)中。

禁用看台提醒 (Disabling the Stand Reminder)

There are two ways you can disable the reminder. You can disable the reminder (both the stand reminder and other fitness goal reminders and notifications) for the day. Temporarily disabling them is a nice compromise when you know you’ll be spending long hours on a plane or at your desk but otherwise generally still enjoy getting the reminders. You can also, per the focus of this article, permanently disable it.

您可以通过两种方式禁用提醒。 您可以禁用当天的提醒(站立提醒和其他健身目标提醒和通知)。 当您知道要在飞机上或办公桌上花费很长时间时,暂时禁用它们是一个不错的折衷方案,但是通常其他情况下,它们仍然很喜欢获得提醒。 根据本文的重点,您还可以永久禁用它。

To do so you need to open up the My Watch app on the paired iPhone (there’s no way to make the adjustment from the Apple Watch itself) and scroll down until you see the entry for the “Activity” settings, as seen above.

为此,您需要在配对的iPhone上打开“我的手表”应用程序(无法从Apple Watch本身进行调整),然后向下滚动直到看到“活动”设置的条目,如上所示。

Inside the “Activity” menu you’ll find two relevant entries. The first is “Mute Reminders for One Day” which, if checked, will mute the reminders for the remainder of the current calendar day. The second is “Stand Reminders” which, if unchecked, will disable watch-based stand reminders until it is toggled back on in the future (if you desire to receive the reminders again).

在“活动”菜单中,您会找到两个相关条目。 第一个是“将一日静音提醒”,如果选中该选项,则会使当前日历日剩余时间的提醒静音。 第二个是“站立提醒”,如果未选中,它将禁用基于手表的站立提醒,直到将来将其重新打开(如果您希望再次接收提醒)。

Remember, as noted earlier in the article, disabling the “Stand Reminders” does not stop the Apple Watch from functioning as a fitness tracker and it will continue to record all your fitness activity, including standing and sedentary periods.

请记住,如本文前面所述,禁用“站立提醒”并不会阻止Apple Watch用作健身追踪器,它将继续记录您的所有健身活动,包括站立和久坐的时间。

Have a pressing tech question about Apple Watch notifications, reminders, or other features and functions? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do the best we can answer them.

对Apple Watch通知,提醒或其他功能有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽我们所能回答。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/235337/how-to-stop-your-apple-watch-from-nagging-you-to-stand/

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