
Supervised Mode is intended for organizations, but you can enable it on your own iPhone or iPad. Supervised Mode gets you a few extra features like hiding included apps, and always-on VPNs.

监督模式适用于组织,但您可以在自己的iPhone或iPad上启用它。 监督模式为您提供了一些额外的功能,例如隐藏随附的应用程序和永远在线的VPN 。

You’ll need a Mac to do this, and your device will be wiped during the setup process. Supervised Mode could be used to seriously lock down a child’s device like an organization would lock down an employee’s device, too.

您需要使用Mac才能执行此操作,并且在设置过程中会擦除您的设备。 监督模式可以用来严重锁定儿童设备,就像组织也可以锁定员工的设备一样。

您需要了解的监督知识 (What You Need to Know About Supervision)

If you’re in charge of a large organization’s devices, you’ll probably want to use Apple’s Device Enrollment Program to wirelessly enable supervision on your devices instead. We’ll be covering the manual method here, which anyone with a Mac can use to manually enable supervision on one or more iPhones or iPads they own.

如果您负责大型组织的设备,则可能需要使用Apple的设备注册计划来无线启用对设备的监管。 我们将在此处介绍手动方法,任何拥有Mac的人都可以使用它来手动启用对他们所拥有的一个或多个iPhone或iPad的监督。

The manual method uses Apple Configurator, which Apple only offers for Macs. Older versions of Apple Configurator were also offered for Windows, but aren’t anymore. There’s no way around this: You’ll need a Mac for this.

手动方法使用Apple Configurator,Apple仅为Mac提供。 还为Windows提供了较早版本的Apple Configurator,但现在不再提供。 无法解决此问题:为此需要Mac。

When you put a device into supervised mode, the data on it will be erased. You can still sign in with your iCloud account and restore an iCloud backup later–or create a manual backup with iTunes ahead of time and restore that backup afterwards–but you’ll have to set up your iPhone or iPad again.

将设备置于监督模式时,设备上的数据将被删除。 您仍然可以使用iCloud帐户登录并稍后还原iCloud备份-或提前使用iTunes创建手动备份并随后还原该备份-但您必须重新设置iPhone或iPad。

第一:禁用“查找我的iPhone”或“查找我的iPad” (First: Disable Find My iPhone or Find My iPad)

Before continuing, you’ll want to disable the Find My iPhone or Find My iPad feature on your device. This disables “Activation Lock,” which will otherwise prevent Apple Configurator from automatically setting up your device without your iCloud ID. Don’t worry–you can re-enable this after you supervise the iPhone or iPad again.

在继续之前,您需要禁用设备上的“查找我的iPhone”或“查找我的iPad”功能。 这将禁用“激活锁”,否则将阻止Apple Configurator自动设置没有iCloud ID的设备。 不用担心–您可以在再次监管iPhone或iPad后重新启用它。

To do this, open the “Settings” app on the device, tap “iCloud,” tap “Find My iPhone” or “Find My iPad,” and disable the “Find My iPhone” or “Find My iPad” option.

为此,请在设备上打开“设置”应用,点击“ iCloud”,点击“查找我的iPhone”或“查找我的iPad”,然后禁用“查找我的iPhone”或“查找我的iPad”选项。

如何将iPhone或iPad置于监督模式 (How to Put an iPhone or iPad into Supervised Mode)

To get started, you’ll need to open the Mac App Store and install the free “Apple Configurator 2” app from Apple.

首先,您需要打开Mac App Store并从Apple安装免费的“ Apple Configurator 2 ”应用程序。

You’ll be asked to connect an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or Apple TV device to your Mac. Use the standard USB cable you normally use to charge the phone or tablet to connect it to your Mac.

系统会要求您将iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch或Apple TV设备连接到Mac。 使用通常用于为手机或平板电脑充电的标准USB电缆将其连接到Mac。

On the iPhone or iPad, you’ll be asked whether you want to trust the connected Mac. Tap the “Trust” button.

在iPhone或iPad上,系统将询问您是否要信任连接的Mac。 点击“信任”按钮。

After a moment, you’ll see the connected device appear in the Apple Configurator window.

片刻之后,您会看到连接的设备出现在Apple Configurator窗口中。

Double-click your connected device in the window and you’ll see more information about it. Click the “Prepare” button on the toolbar to prepare the device for supervision.

在窗口中双击您已连接的设备,您将看到有关它的更多信息。 单击工具栏上的“准备”按钮以准备设备进行监控。

Select “Manual” configuration and click “Next” to continue with the manual supervision configuration.


If you have a mobile device management server, you can enroll your device in an MDM server from here. If you don’t–and you won’t if you’re just doing this on your own devices–select “Do not enroll in MDM” and click “Next” to continue.

如果您有移动设备管理服务器,则可以从此处将设备注册到MDM服务器中。 如果不这样做,并且仅在自己的设备上也不会这样做,请选择“不要注册MDM”,然后单击“下一步”继续。

Enable the “Supervise devices” option here.


By default, “Allow devices to pair with other computers” is also checked. This will allow your iPad or iPhone to pair with other computers–for example, to sync with iTunes on other computers. You can prevent your iPhone or iPad from pairing with computers other than your Mac by unchecking the “Allow devices to pair with other computers” option.

默认情况下,也会选中“允许设备与其他计算机配对”。 这将使您的iPad或iPhone与其他计算机配对,例如,与其他计算机上的iTunes同步。 通过取消选中“允许设备与其他计算机配对”选项,可以防止iPhone或iPad与Mac以外的其他计算机配对。

Click “Next” when you’re ready to continue.


You’ll need to enter an organization name here to continue. This organization name will appear on the device, indicating the “organization” the device is supervised by. Enter anything you like here and click “Next” to continue. You can also enter a phone number, email, and address for the organization, if you like–but you don’t have to.

您需要在此处输入组织名称才能继续。 该组织名称将出现在设备上,指示该设备受其监督的“组织”。 在此处输入您喜欢的任何内容,然后单击“下一步”继续。 如果愿意,您也可以输入组织的电话号码,电子邮件和地址,但是不必这样做。

You’ll now want to select “Generate a new supervision identity” unless you’ve done this before. Click “Next” and” the tool will generate a new “supervision identity” for your organization. If you’ve already created a supervision identity–perhaps you’re supervising more than one device–you can select “Choose an existing supervision identity.”

现在,除非您之前已完成此操作,否则您将选择“生成新的监管身份”。 单击“下一步”,“该工具将为您的组织生成一个新的”监督身份”。 如果您已经创建了监管标识(也许您要监管多个设备),则可以选择“选择现有监管标识”。

Each supervision identity has its own security certificate.  If you’ll just be working with your supervised device on your single Mac, you don’t need to worry about this–it’ll just work with your Mac. Other Macs won’t be able to manage your device unless you export the supervision identity to them.

每个监督身份都有其自己的安全证书。 如果您只需要在单个Mac上使用受监管的设备,则不必担心这一点–它可以在Mac上使用。 除非您将监管标识导出到其他Mac,否则其他Mac将无法管理您的设备。

You’ll now be able to choose which steps appear during the first-time setup assistant on your supervised device. This allows organizations to customize the setup process for their users. For example, an organization could define these settings in a configuration profile and then hide the associated screens from the first-time setup process.

现在,您可以选择在受监管设备的首次设置助手期间显示哪些步骤。 这使组织可以为其用户自定义设置过程。 例如,组织可以在配置配置文件中定义这些设置,然后在首次设置过程中隐藏关联的屏幕。

Assuming you just want to supervise your own device, you can just leave “Show all steps” enabled to not adjust the first-time setup process. Click the “Prepare” button and Apple Configurator will supervise your device.

假设您只想监督自己的设备,则可以仅启用“显示所有步骤”以不调整首次设置过程。 单击“准备”按钮,Apple Configurator将监督您的设备。

Warning: Apple Configurator will wipe your device after you click “Prepare”!

警告:单击“准备”后,Apple Configurator将擦除您的设备!

Apple Configurator will now go through the process of wiping your device, setting it up, and supervising it.

Apple Configurator现在将完成擦除设备,设置和监督设备的过程。

When it’s done, you can connect your device to your Mac with a USB cable and manage it from Apple Configurator, creating configuration profiles and applying them–even if they require a supervised device. This means you can now hide those incldued apps, enable an always-on VPN, and change other powerful settings.

完成后,您可以使用USB电缆将设备连接到Mac,并通过Apple Configurator对其进行管理,创建配置文件并应用它们-即使它们需要受监管的设备。 这意味着您现在可以隐藏那些包含的应用程序,启用始终在线的VPN并更改其他功能强大的设置。

If you’ve supervised a device with Apple Configurator and you want to remove that supervision, you can just reset the device to its factory default settings. This will remove the “supervision” on the device and it’ll be back to normal.

如果您使用Apple Configurator监督了某个设备,并且想要删除该监督,则只需将设备重置为其出厂默认设置即可。 这将删除设备上的“监督”,它将恢复正常。

To prevent users from removing supervision, you can use configuration profiles to lock down the iPhone or iPad and disable access to the options on the “Reset” screen in Settings.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252286/how-to-put-an-iphone-or-ipad-into-supervised-mode-to-unlock-powerful-management-features/



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